(add-links process links)
(add-to-linker process)
(add-to-linker process linker)
(alive? process)
(create &
{:keys [name thread start stop-timeout message-queue linker links
return-promise stop-promise state-getter receive-promise-queue
:or {type :default
message-queue (clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY)
receive-promise-queue (clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY)
links #{}
stop-timeout 500
start (fn [process args stop-promise] nil)}})
(get-links process)
(get-thread process)
(have-dead-links process)
(kill process)
(message to message#)
(message from to message)
If no FROM message, attempt to lookup your process in default linker-storage by your thread. If it's not there, from is nil.
If no FROM message, attempt to lookup your process in default linker-storage by your thread. If it's not there, from is nil.
(message-internal process message)
(process? arg)
(queue-empty? process)
(queue-flush process)
(queue-pop process)
(queue-size process)
(queue-top process)
(receive [variable process] BODY)
(receive [variable process] TRUE-BODY FALSE-BODY)
VARIABLE is variable, which will hold message(or promise, see below). If FALSE-BODY is given, execute TRUE-BODY only if message was received now, otherwise execute FALSE-BODY. If FALSE-BODY is not given, variable will hold promise, that will hold message, when it will be received. Use deref.
VARIABLE is variable, which will hold message(or promise, see below). If FALSE-BODY is given, execute TRUE-BODY only if message was received now, otherwise execute FALSE-BODY. If FALSE-BODY is not given, variable will hold promise, that will hold message, when it will be received. Use deref.
(restart process reason args)
(restart-link process reason args)
(result-of process)
(self & {:keys [storage] :or {storage gen.linker-storage/*linker*}})
(set-links process links)
(stacktrace-of process & [max-length])
(start process args)
(start-link process args)
(state-of process)
(stop process reason)
(to-string process)
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