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(context-array _)
(context-array kb a)
(context-array kb a & rest)

Create array of Resource.

Code was adapted from kr-sesame: sesame-context-array.

DEPRECATED: Use rdf4j.utils/context-array instead.

Create array of Resource. 

Code was adapted from kr-sesame: sesame-context-array.

DEPRECATED: Use `rdf4j.utils/context-array` instead.
sourceraw docstring


(count-items result)

Counts statements in SPARQL result.

Counts statements in SPARQL result.
sourceraw docstring


(delete-context data-dir)

Delete temporary directory with content and close Lucene index. If data-dir is given directry than delete it.

That method should be called manually somewhere at the end of code.

Delete temporary directory with content and close Lucene index.
If `data-dir` is given directry than delete it.

That method should be called manually somewhere at the end of code.
sourceraw docstring



Backward compatibility.

Replaced by rdf4j.repository.sail/make-sail-repository.

Backward compatibility.

Replaced by `rdf4j.repository.sail/make-sail-repository`.
sourceraw docstring


(make-repository & [store])

Create repository for given store. By default it is MemoryStore.

Replaced by rdf4j.repository.sail/make-sail-repository.

Create repository for given store. By default it is MemoryStore.

Replaced by `rdf4j.repository.sail/make-sail-repository`.
sourceraw docstring


(make-repository-with-lucene & [store parameters])

Similar to make-repository but adds support for Lucene index. NB: See delete-context.

Replaced by rdf4j.repository.sail/make-sail-repository.

Similar to make-repository but adds support for Lucene index. 
NB: See delete-context.

Replaced by `rdf4j.repository.sail/make-sail-repository`.
sourceraw docstring


(make-sail-datadir sail alternative-fn & args)

Gets or creates data directory.

If sail has set dataDir than just returns it. If sail contains no dataDir than creates it by (apply alternative-fn args), set as dataDir and returns.

Gets or creates data directory.

If sail has set dataDir than just returns it. If sail contains no dataDir than creates it by `(apply alternative-fn args)`, set as dataDir and returns.
sourceraw docstring




(with-open-repository initseq & body)

initseq => [seq-var :memory] | [seq-var (HTTPRepository. server-url repository-id)]

Pesents opened connetion to RDF repository through CONNECTION-VARIABLE. Not transaction aware.

Where initseq is (CONNECTION-VARIABLE REPOSITORY). For example (cnx :memory) If REPOSITORY has value ':memory' then memory repository is created.

initseq => [seq-var :memory] | [seq-var (HTTPRepository. server-url repository-id)] 

Pesents opened connetion to RDF repository through CONNECTION-VARIABLE. Not transaction aware.

Where initseq is (CONNECTION-VARIABLE REPOSITORY). For example (cnx :memory)
If REPOSITORY has value ':memory' then memory repository is created.  
sourceraw docstring


(with-open-repository* initseq & body)

Transaction aware version of with-open-repository.

NB: The transactinon is finished by (.commit) so all changes will affect the repository.

It is requivalent of:

(with-open-repository [cnx sail-repo] (try (.begin cnx) ~@body (catch Exception e (.rollback connection) (throw e)) (finally .commit cnx)))

Transaction aware version of with-open-repository.

NB: The transactinon is finished by `(.commit)` so all changes will
affect the repository.

It is requivalent of:

   (with-open-repository [cnx sail-repo]
        (.begin cnx)
        (catch Exception e
                 (.rollback connection)
                 (throw e))
     (finally .commit cnx)))
sourceraw docstring

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