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0.6.1 (2020-03-13)

  • Fix compatibility with ClojureScript 1.10.741 and up (#127)

0.6.0 (2018-06-30)

  • Update dependencies
  • jsloader/load replaced with safeLoad (#122)
  • hide popup scrollbar if not needed (#123)


0.5.2 (2017-08-17)

  • Fix for using with latest Closure library (which next ClojureScript uses)


0.5.1 (5.2.2017)

  • Munge reserved JS names in boot-reload client namespace (Fixes #113)


0.5.0 (3.1.2017)

  • Close HttpKit server used for Reload WebSocket connection when task is closed (#107)
  • Uses localhost as fallback WebSocket host, but also shows the warning if the host can't be properly detected (.e.g when serving from file: URI). (#92, #98)
  • Checks if window methods exists before trying to access them, to prevent problems with React-native and other environments where they don't exist (#110)
  • Changed mechanism used by Boot-reload to inject Cljs code to the build.
    • This probably doesn't change anything, but there is small change this could fix some rare, hard to reproduce errors about Boot-reload Cljs file not being found.
  • Use .cljs.edn path for Boot-reload client namespace name
  • Read client options from :boot-reload property in .cljs.edn to allow different values for different builds


0.4.13 (18.10.2016)


0.4.12 (20.7.2016)

  • Fix CLJS logo issues with CLJS 1.9.76 and below (#87)


0.4.11 (27.6.2016)

  • Fix CLJS logo reloading issues with CLJS 1.9.76 and up (#84)


0.4.10 (25.6.2016)

  • Use absolute paths when reloading files (#83)


0.4.9 (22.6.2016)

  • Added :only-by-re option to control which files should trigger reload (#70)
  • Fix reload-css/img through changed-href? (#80)


0.4.8 (25.5.2016)

  • Fixed Boot 2.6 compatibility
  • Added ws-port option (#73) to set WS port for the client


0.4.7 (3.4.2016)

  • Fixed URIs in Windows (#71)


0.4.6 (24.3.2016)

  • Default to current host if ws-host is not set (#62)
  • Add new cljs-asset-path option to prepend a path before URL (#65)


0.4.5 (31.1.2016)


  • Fixed use with React Native (#58)
  • Added disable-hud option (#55)
  • Load changed JS files in strict order (#53)
    • This might make reload a bit slower, but will guarantee that files are evaluated in dependency order

0.4.4 (11.1.2015)


  • Fixed build

0.4.3 (10.1.2015)


  • Broken release
  • Added asset-host option. It can be used to manually set where the changed files are reloaded. (#51, #54)
  • Increased HUD z-index.

0.4.2 (8.11.2015)


  • Do not try reloading the main shim file #46
  • Fixed asset-path for non-root uses #43

0.4.1 (11.10.2015)


  • Cap maximum HUD height
  • Guard against cases where HUD container is removed from DOM

0.4.0 (4.10.2015)


  • Added HUD
    • Requires: [adzerk/boot-cljs ""]
    • Reads warning and exception information set by Boot-cljs and displays the warnings and exceptions in the browser.
    • Added open-file option which can be set to run a command when a warning or exception is clicked in browser. This should support e.g. Vim and Emacs.
  • Added secure option which can be used to tell client to connect using wss protocol.

0.3.2 (28.8.2015)

  • Add ws-host option. Can be used to set the address to which the client connects to.
  • Add ids option. Can be used to enable reload for only specific Cljs builds.
  • Fix #23

0.3.1 (14.6.2015)

  • Added :asset-path option

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Juho Teperi & Martin Klepsch
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