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Various sequence aligners by means of low level hackery...

Various sequence aligners by means of low level hackery...
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(align s1
       {:keys [kind submat gap match mmatch decode keep-scmat]
        :or {kind :global gap -2 decode true keep-scmat false}})

Align s1 and s2 (strings) in the manner defined by kind:

:global - Standard NW global alignment :ends-gap-free - global aln without gaps on ends (prefix/suffix aln) :local - Standard SW alignment

submat is a substitution map (matrix) giving a score for a character pair. This namespace provides nt4submat which encodes a 'standard' ATGCxATGC substitution matrix.

match is a score for the case when characters match (they are =) mmatch is a penalty score for the case when characters do not match

submat and match/mmmatch are mutually exclusive

gap is a penalty score for indels (characters match a gap)

keep-scmat is a boolean for whether to return the scoring matrix (true) or not (false)

Returns the traceback path of best alignment as a vector of triples: [dir score [i j]], where dir is the direction to get this point of path (:d -> diagonal, :u -> up, :l -> left), score is the score at this point, and [i j] is the index pair for s1 and s2 of this point (i for s1, j for s2) 0-based.

If decode is true (default), tb is returned as the pair of aligned strings (with gaps if needed)

If keep-scmat is true, returns a vector [tb scmat] otherwise returns just tb, tb the traceback.

Align s1 and s2 (strings) in the manner defined by kind:

:global - Standard NW global alignment
:ends-gap-free - global aln without gaps on ends (prefix/suffix aln)
:local - Standard SW alignment

submat is a substitution map (matrix) giving a score for a character
pair. This namespace provides nt4submat which encodes a 'standard'
ATGCxATGC substitution matrix.

match is a score for the case when characters match (they are =)
mmatch is a penalty score for the case when characters do not match

submat and match/mmmatch are mutually exclusive

gap is a penalty score for indels (characters match a gap)

keep-scmat is a boolean for whether to return the scoring
matrix (true) or not (false)

Returns the traceback path of best alignment as a vector of
triples: [dir score [i j]], where dir is the direction to get this
point of path (:d -> diagonal, :u -> up, :l -> left), score is the
score at this point, and [i j] is the index pair for s1 and s2 of
this point (i for s1, j for s2) 0-based.

If decode is true (default), tb is returned as the pair of aligned
strings (with gaps if needed)

If keep-scmat is true, returns a vector [tb scmat] otherwise returns
just tb, tb the traceback.
raw docstring


(decode-trace-back s1 s2 tbk)


(deep-aget hint array idx)
(deep-aget hint array idx & idxs)


(deep-aset hint array & idxsv)


(do-col scmat col e & body)


(do-row scmat row e & body)


(hirsch-align sx
              {:keys [kind submat gap match mmatch with-score? score-only?]
               :or {kind :global gap -2 with-score? true}})


(hirsch-align-recur sx sy & {:keys [kind submat gap match mmatch]})


(lcsubseq s1 s2)


(lcsubstg s1 s2)


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