(write-u32 this u32)
(write-u8 this u8)
(write-i32 this i32)
(write-f64 this f64)
(write-i8 this i8)
(write this buffer)
(write-u16 this u16)
(write-i16 this i16)
(write-i64 this i64)
(read-u16 this)
(read-u8 this)
(read-bytes this n)
(read-i16 this)
(read this n)
(read-u32 this)
(read-f64 this)
(read-f32 this)
(read-i32 this)
(read-i64 this)
(read-i8 this)
(inc-offset! this new-offset)
(resize-on-demand! this n)
(stream->uint8array this)
Objects that can be serialized as MessagePack types
Objects that can be serialized as MessagePack types
(pack-stream this stream)
cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries
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