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Exploratory graphics and visualization system. 咲いて (in bloom). Built on top of Hanami Vega/Vega-Lite library

saite logo

Saite is a Clojure(Script) mini "client/server" application for exploratory creation of interactive visualizations based in Vega-Lite (VGL) and/or Vega (VG) specifications. These specifications are declarative and completely specified by data (JSON maps). VGL compiles into the lower level grammar of VG which in turn compiles to a runtime format utilizting lower level runtime environments such as D3, HTML5 Canvas, and WebGL.

Typical work flow starts by requiring aerial.saite.core and running the start function which takes a port. This port is for the websocket messaging. Browsing to this port on localhost will open the viewer.

Visualizations are formed from parameterized templates (see Hanami) which are recursively transformed into legal VGL or VG specifications. In Saite, creating and transforming these templates is done on the server side in typical REPL style development. Generally, transformed templates (with their data or data source) are sent to one or more sessions (brower viewers) for rendering.

Saite also functions as an example application built with Hanami. As such it has all the capability of Hanami's template system and recursive transformation of parameterized templates.

Saite also uses of the tab system provided by Hanami for automatic tab construction and updates, plus the application specific tab capabilities of that system. Further, Saite makes use of Hanami's visualization messaging system, in particular, the user-msg multimethod with implementations for the :app-init user msg as well as the :data msg for streaming data plots/charts.

In addition, Saite also makes use of default-header-fn provided by Hanami. This creates a simple page header giving the 'session name' for a session as well as an input area to change the name of the session. Updating is based on session name - all sessions with the same name will get the updates from the server.


To install, add the following to your project :dependencies:

[aerial.saite "0.1.0"]


  • Hanami's parameterized templates with recursive transformations
  • Simple tab page structure
    • Uses Hanami's built in tabbing system
    • Each tab can have arbitrary number of independent visulaizations
    • Tab layout is configurable - row/col and number of elements/(row/col)
    • Tabs can have names that make sense to you
  • Initial tab for converting VGL to Clj and VGL to VG and rendered as Clj
    • useful for creating starting point specs that you turn into templates
    • useful for merging VGL with VG only capabilities
    • Visualization templates have a default tab, with name "Expl"
    • Any number of additional tabs can be created and used
  • Multiple named based sessions
    • Each session can be given a name (the default is 'Exploring')
    • An input area is available to change the name
    • All sessions with the same name get updates for that name
    • Sessions with different names are independent
  • Data streaming
    • realtime charts
    • can work for multiple tabs/charts simultaneously
    • NOTE not operational in version 0.1.0


(ns exploring1.examples
  (:require [aerial.saite.core :as as]
            [aerial.hanami.common :as hc]
            [aerial.hanami.templates :as ht]
            [aerial.hanami.core :as hmi]

(as/start 3000)

Browse to localhost:3000 and you will see an initial session page:

Saite pic 1

The [<->] tab will be current and it holds the resources for converting JSON VGL to Clj. The left area is where you can type (or more typically paste) a JSON VGL specification. The dark arrow button converts to Clj and renders in the right area. The light arrow first compiles to VG and then converts to Clj. The open button clears both panels.

For example, the following shows an example overlay+detail VGL specification, translated to VG and rendered as Clojure.

Saite pic 1.1

The following will create an example plot in the default tab

(->> (hc/xform ht/point-chart
       :UDATA "data/cars.json"
       :X "Horsepower" :Y "Miles_per_Gallon" :COLOR "Origin")

Saite pic 1.2

User meta data is used to communicate information about such things as which tab to use, the tab's options, whether the template is VegaLite or Vega, et. al. This meta data is contained in a map associated with substitution key :USERDATA for VGL/VG specification key :usermeta (see Hanami for details on substitution keys and templates and transformations). The :usermeta key is recognized by VGL/VG and explicitly ignored by their processing. All your templates (or explicit specifications) need to supply :usermeta as a key with either explicit values, or more typically (and usefully) a value of :USERDATA which the recursive transformation will then transform to a value. For example, here is what the ht/point-chart template looks like:

(def point-chart
  {:usermeta :USERDATA
   :title  :TITLE
   :height :HEIGHT
   :width :WIDTH
   :background :BACKGROUND
   :selection :SELECTION
   :data data-options
   :transform :TRANSFORM
   :mark {:type "circle", :size :MSIZE}
   :encoding :ENCODING})

Saite sets a variety of defaults for :USERDATA as follows:

{:tab {:id :TID, :label :TLBL, :opts :TOPTS},
 :opts :OPTS,
 :vid :VID,
 :msgop :MSGOP,
 :session-name :SESSION-NAME}

{:export {:png true, :svg false},
 :renderer "canvas",
 :mode "vega-lite"}

:SESSION-NAME "Exploring"
:TID :expl1
:TLBL #(-> :TID % name cljstr/capitalize)
:TOPTS {:order :row, :eltsper 2, :size "auto"}

:MSGOP :tabs

The TLBL value is an example of a substitution key which is a function. Such functions are passed the current substitution map as an argument during recursive transformation. So, in this case, the current tab will get a label that is the capitalized string of the :TID value. The :TOPTS provides a way of describing the layout of independent visualizations. Visualizations that are independent are those that are separate VGL/VG renderings. So, they constitute different/independent VGL/VG specifications.

All of these values can be changed, either via an explicit call to hc/add-defaults or implicitly per visualization by supplying them to the hc/xform function. For example, in the following, we specify a new tab :dists. The tab label will automatically be set to "Dists" (you could override this with an explicit :TLBL k/v):

 [(hc/xform ht/layer-chart
    :TID :dists
    :TITLE "A Real (obvserved) distribution with incorrect sample mean"
    :LAYER [(hc/xform ht/bar-layer :XTITLE "Count" :YTITLE "Probability")
            (hc/xform ht/xrule-layer :AGG "mean")]
    :DATA (mapv (fn[[x y]] {:x x :y y :m 5.7}) obsdist))

  (hc/xform ht/layer-chart
    :TID :dists
    :TITLE "The same distribution with correct weighted mean"
    :LAYER [(hc/xform ht/bar-layer :XTITLE "Count" :YTITLE "Probability")
            (hc/xform ht/xrule-layer :X "m")]
    :DATA (mapv (fn[[x y]] {:x x :y y :m 5.7}) obsdist))]

Saite pic 1.2

Exploring this a bit further let's look at four independent plots and charts. The actual visualizations are not particularly related - this is just to show the grid layout aspect (which is actually a direct Hanami capability).

First, taking the defaults indicated above, the folowing lays out a row ordered 2X2 grid, where the first two charts are the first row, and the bar charts are the second row.

 (mapv #(apply hc/xform %)
         :UDATA "data/cars.json"
         :X "Horsepower" :Y "Miles_per_Gallon" :COLOR "Origin"]
        (let [data (->> (range 0.005 0.999 0.001)
                        (mapv (fn[p] {:x p, :y (- (m/log2 p)) :col "SI"})))]
           :TITLE "Self Information (unexpectedness)"
           :LAYER [(hc/xform ht/xrule-layer :AGG "mean")
                   (hc/xform ht/line-layer
                     :XTITLE "Probability of event" :YTITLE "-log(p)")]
           :DATA data])
         :UDATA "data/seattle-weather.csv" :TOOLTIP RMV
         :X "date" :XTYPE "ordinal" :XUNIT "month"
         :Y "precipitation" :YAGG "mean"]
         :UDATA "data/seattle-weather.csv"
         :LAYER [(hc/xform ht/bar-layer
                   :TOOLTIP RMV
                   :X "date" :XTYPE "ordinal" :XUNIT "month"
                   :Y "precipitation" :YAGG "mean"
                   :SELECTION {:brush {:type "interval", :encodings ["x"]}}
                   :OPACITY {:condition {:selection "brush", :value 1}, :value 0.7})
                 (hc/xform ht/yrule-layer
                   :TRANSFORM [{:filter {:selection "brush"}}]
                   :Y "precipitation" :AGG "mean" :YRL-COLOR "firebrick")]]])

Saite pic 1.3

If we add :TOPTS {:order :col :size "none"} after the first :UDATA, the result will be:

Saite pic 1.4

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