(with-eval-in & body)
Given a pod and an expr, evaluates the body in the pod and returns the result to the caller. The body may be a template containing the ~ (unquote) and ~@ (unquote-splicing) reader macros. These will be evaluated in the calling scope and substituted in the template like the ` (syntax-quote) reader macro. Note: Unlike syntax-quote, no name resolution is done on the template forms. Note2: The macro returned value will be nil unless it is printable/readable. For instance, returning File objects will not work as they are not printable and readable by Clojure.
Given a pod and an expr, evaluates the body in the pod and returns the result to the caller. The body may be a template containing the ~ (unquote) and ~@ (unquote-splicing) reader macros. These will be evaluated in the calling scope and substituted in the template like the ` (syntax-quote) reader macro. Note: Unlike syntax-quote, no name resolution is done on the template forms. Note2: The macro returned value will be nil unless it is printable/readable. For instance, returning File objects will not work as they are not printable and readable by Clojure.
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