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This middleware is adapted from clj-http, whose license is amenable to this sort of copy/pastery

This middleware is adapted from clj-http, whose license is amenable to this sort of
raw docstring


(handle-redirects client req rsp)

Middleware that follows redirects in the response. A slingshot exception is thrown if too many redirects occur. Options:

:follow-redirects - default:true, whether to follow redirects :max-redirects - default:20, maximum number of redirects to follow :force-redirects - default:false, force redirecting methods to GET requests

In the response: :redirects-count - number of redirects :trace-redirects - vector of sites the request was redirected from

Middleware that follows redirects in the response. A slingshot exception is
thrown if too many redirects occur. Options:

:follow-redirects - default:true, whether to follow redirects
:max-redirects - default:20, maximum number of redirects to follow
:force-redirects - default:false, force redirecting methods to GET requests

In the response:
:redirects-count - number of redirects
:trace-redirects - vector of sites the request was redirected from
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-accept {:keys [accept] :as req})

Middleware converting the :accept key in a request to application/<type>

Middleware converting the :accept key in a request to application/<type>
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-accept-encoding {:keys [accept-encoding] :as req})

Middleware converting the :accept-encoding option to an acceptable Accept-Encoding header in the request.

Middleware converting the :accept-encoding option to an acceptable
Accept-Encoding header in the request.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-basic-auth req)

Middleware converting the :basic-auth option into an Authorization header.

Middleware converting the :basic-auth option into an Authorization header.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-content-type {:keys [content-type character-encoding] :as req})

Middleware converting a :content-type <keyword> option to the formal application/<name> format and adding it as a header.

Middleware converting a `:content-type <keyword>` option to the formal
application/<name> format and adding it as a header.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-cookies {:keys [cookie-store cookie-spec cookies]
               :or {cookie-spec default-cookie-spec cookies (quote ())}
               :as req})

Middleware that set 'Cookie' header based on the content of cookies passed with the request or from cookies storage (when provided). Source for 'Cookie' header content by priorities:

  • 'Cookie' header (already set)
  • non-empty :cookies
  • non-nil :cookie-store

Each cookie should be represented as a map:

|:---|:--- | name | name of this cookie | value | value of this cookie | domain | specifies allowed hosts to receive the cookie (including subdomains) | path | indicates a URL path that must exist in the requested URL in order to send the 'Cookie' header | http-only? | when set to true, cookie can only be accessed by HTTP. Optional, defaults to false | secure? | when set to true, cookie can only be transmitted over an encrypted connection. Optional, defaults to false | max-age | set maximum age of this cookie in seconds. Options, defaults to io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.Cookie/UNDEFINED_MAX_AGE.

Middleware that set 'Cookie' header based on the content of cookies passed
with the request or from cookies storage (when provided). Source for 'Cookie'
header content by priorities:

* 'Cookie' header (already set)
* non-empty `:cookies`
* non-nil `:cookie-store`

Each cookie should be represented as a map:

| `name` | name of this cookie
| `value` | value of this cookie
| `domain` | specifies allowed hosts to receive the cookie (including subdomains)
| `path` | indicates a URL path that must exist in the requested URL in order to send the 'Cookie' header
| `http-only?` | when set to `true`, cookie can only be accessed by HTTP. Optional, defaults to `false`
| `secure?` | when set to `true`, cookie can only be transmitted over an encrypted connection. Optional, defaults to `false`
| `max-age` | set maximum age of this cookie in seconds. Options, defaults to `io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.Cookie/UNDEFINED_MAX_AGE`.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-exceptions client)

Middleware that throws response as an ExceptionInfo if the response has unsuccessful status code. :throw-exceptions set to false in the request disables this middleware.

Middleware that throws response as an ExceptionInfo if the response has
unsuccessful status code. :throw-exceptions set to false in the request
disables this middleware.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-form-params {:keys [form-params content-type request-method]
                   :or {content-type :x-www-form-urlencoded}
                   :as req})

Middleware wrapping the submission or form parameters.

Middleware wrapping the submission or form parameters.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-method req)

Middleware converting the :method option into the :request-method option

Middleware converting the :method option into the :request-method option
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-nested-params {:keys [content-type flatten-nested-keys] :as req})

Middleware wrapping nested parameters for query strings.

Middleware wrapping nested parameters for query strings.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-oauth req)

Middleware converting the :oauth-token option into an Authorization header.

Middleware converting the :oauth-token option into an Authorization header.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-query-params {:keys [query-params content-type multi-param-style]
                    :or {content-type :x-www-form-urlencoded
                         multi-param-style :default}
                    :as req})

Middleware converting the :query-params option to a querystring on the request.

Middleware converting the :query-params option to a querystring on
the request.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-request client)

Returns a batteries-included HTTP request function corresponding to the given core client. See default-middleware for the middleware wrappers that are used by default

Returns a batteries-included HTTP request function corresponding to the given
core client. See default-middleware for the middleware wrappers that are used
by default
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-request-debug req)


(wrap-request-timing client)

Middleware that times the request, putting the total time (in milliseconds) of the request into the :request-time key in the response.

Middleware that times the request, putting the total time (in milliseconds)
of the request into the :request-time key in the response.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-url req)

Middleware wrapping request URL parsing.

Middleware wrapping request URL parsing.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-user-info req)

Middleware converting the :user-info option into a :basic-auth option

Middleware converting the :user-info option into a :basic-auth option
sourceraw docstring

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