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Amazon AWS functions.

Amazon AWS functions.
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(accessors clazz getters?)

Returns a vector of getters or setters for the class.

Returns a vector of getters or setters for the class.
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(amazon-client* clazz credentials configuration)


(best-constructor clazz)

Prefer no-arg ctor if one exists, else the first found.

Prefer no-arg ctor if one exists, else the first found.
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(candidate-client clazz args)


(coerce-value value type)

Coerces the supplied stringvalue to the required type as defined by the AWS method signature. String or keyword conversion to Enum types (e.g. via valueOf()) is supported.

Coerces the supplied stringvalue to the required type as
defined by the AWS method signature. String or keyword
conversion to Enum types (e.g. via valueOf()) is supported.
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(defclientconfig config)

Specify the default Client configuration to use on subsequent requests.

Specify the default Client configuration to use on
subsequent requests.
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(defcredential cred)
(defcredential access-key secret-key & [endpoint])

Specify the AWS access key, secret key and optional endpoint to use on subsequent requests.

Specify the AWS access key, secret key and optional
endpoint to use on subsequent requests.
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(encryption-client* encryption credentials configuration)


(ex->map e)

Converts a com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException to a Clojure map with keys: :error-code :error-type :status-code :request-id :service-name :message :stack-trace

Converts a com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException to a
Clojure map with keys:
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(get-credentials credentials)


(get-fields obj)

Returns a map of all non-null values returned by invoking all public getters on the specified object.

Returns a map of all non-null values returned by
invoking all public getters on the specified object.
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Defines the contract for converting Java types to Clojure data. All return values from AWS service calls are marshalled. As such, the AWS service-specific namespaces will frequently need to implement this protocol in order to provide convenient data representations. See also the register-coercions function for coercing Clojure data to Java types.

Defines the contract for converting Java types to Clojure
data. All return values from AWS service calls are
marshalled. As such, the AWS service-specific namespaces
will frequently need to implement this protocol in order
to provide convenient data representations. See also the
register-coercions function for coercing Clojure data to
Java types.


(marshall obj)
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(intern-function client ns fname methods)

Interns into ns, the symbol mapped to a Clojure function derived from the java.lang.reflect.Method(s). Overloaded methods will yield a variadic Clojure function.

Interns into ns, the symbol mapped to a Clojure function
derived from the java.lang.reflect.Method(s). Overloaded
methods will yield a variadic Clojure function.
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(keys->cred access-key secret-key & [endpoint])


(kw->str k)


(parse-args cred args)

Legacy support means credentials may or may not be passed as the first argument.

Legacy support means credentials may or may not be passed
as the first argument.
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(possible-methods methods args)


(register-coercions & {:as coercion})

Accepts key/value pairs of class/function, which defines how data will be converted to the appropriate type required by the AWS Amazon*Client Java method.

Accepts key/value pairs of class/function, which defines
how data will be converted to the appropriate type
required by the AWS Amazon*Client Java method.
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(set-client client ns)

Intern into the specified namespace all public methods from the Amazon*Client class as Clojure functions.

Intern into the specified namespace all public methods
from the Amazon*Client class as Clojure functions.
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(set-date-format! df)

Sets the java.text.SimpleDateFormat pattern to use for transparent coercion of Strings passed as arguments where java.util.Dates are required by the AWS api.

Sets the java.text.SimpleDateFormat pattern to use
for transparent coercion of Strings passed as
arguments where java.util.Dates are required by the
AWS api.
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(set-fields pojo args)

Returns the populated AWS *Request bean with 'args' as the values. args is a map with keywords as keys and any type values. Complex values will be recursively resolved to the corresponding method calls on the object graph.

Returns the populated AWS *Request bean with 'args' as
the values. args is a map with keywords as keys and any
type values. Complex values will be recursively resolved
to the corresponding method calls on the object graph.
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(set-root-unwrapping! b)

Enables JSON-like root unwrapping of singly keyed top level maps. {:root {:key 'foo' :name 'bar'}} would become {:key 'foo' :name 'bar'}

Enables JSON-like root unwrapping of singly keyed
top level maps.
  {:root {:key 'foo' :name 'bar'}}
would become
  {:key 'foo' :name 'bar'}
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(stack->string ex)

Converts a Java stacktrace to String representation.

Converts a Java stacktrace to String representation.
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(to-date date)


(to-enum type value)

Case-insensitive resolution of Enum types by String.

Case-insensitive resolution of Enum types by String.
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(to-file file)


(to-java-coll col)

Need this only because S3 methods actually try to mutate (e.g. sort) collections passed to them.

Need this only because S3 methods actually try to
mutate (e.g. sort) collections passed to them.
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(transfer-manager* credential client-config crypto)


(with-client-config config & body)

Per invocation binding of client-config for ad-hoc service calls using alternate client configuration.

Per invocation binding of client-config for ad-hoc
service calls using alternate client configuration.
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(with-credential cred & body)

Per invocation binding of credentials for ad-hoc service calls using alternate user/password combos (and endpoints).

Per invocation binding of credentials for ad-hoc
service calls using alternate user/password combos
(and endpoints).
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