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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This change log follows the conventions of



0.7.0 - 2019-06-20


  • Upgrade Clojure to 1.10.0.
  • Upgrade clj-http to 3.7.0.
  • Drop dependency on digest library.
  • Other minor dependency updates.

0.6.6 - 2019-06-14


  • Open authentication (type) dispatch to multimethod #28

0.6.5 - 2018-11-5


  • Fix client token lease renewal a034b3

0.6.4 - 2018-10-29


  • Fix client token lease renewal even when no secret leases ca731d

0.6.3 - 2018-10-16


  • Support Wrap Token authentication. #25


  • Fix client token renewal code path to update internal state. #26
  • Use digest instead of transitive apache lib for hashing. 362f1ab

0.6.2 - 2018-08-09


  • Wrap-token authentication mechanism.
  • Environment configuration for wrapped tokens via VAULT_WRAP_TOKEN.
  • AppRole client configuration via VAULT_ROLE_ID and VAULT_SECRET_ID.


  • Upgrade Clojure to 1.9
  • Hash role-id when logging app-role authentication status.

0.6.0 - 2018-04-23


  • Support AppRole authentication method. #21
  • Support Kubernetes JWT authentication method. #24
  • The read-secret method supports a :force-read flag which will ignore valid leases and always re-read the path. #22


  • Upgrade to CircleCI 2.0. #23
  • The read-secret method now returns the response body on 200 status codes to plumb through important information. 204 writes still return true. #17 #18

0.5.1 - 2017-09-26


  • HTTP client supports LDAP authentication using the :ldap type. #14 #16

0.5.0 - 2017-07-07


  • API errors thrown by the HTTP client have :type :vault.client.http/api-error in their ex-data.
  • The HTTP client supports an additional :http-opts property which will be merged into the clj-http requests to the Vault server. This provides a way to set custom timeouts, TLS settings, and more. #10
  • The read-secret method supports a :not-found option which will be returned if set and a secret path is not present. Otherwise, clients consistently throw exceptions. #7

0.4.1 - 2017-05-10


  • The HTTP Vault client component accepts a :revoke-on-stop? option to control the outstanding lease revocation.


  • Outstanding leases are no longer revoked on client stop by default.
  • The default lease check period and renewal window changed to one and five minutes, respectively. This allows for better lease utilization, as the previous twenty minute window was too large for short-lived leases.

0.4.0 - 2017-01-06


Most of the code in the library has been refactored and rewritten with the goal of providing a more fully-featured client for the Vault API. The HTTP client is now a proper system component which manages a background thread to track, renew, and rotate leased secrets. This enables the usage of dynamic secret backends like AWS, PostgreSQL, and more!

Additionally, the mock client implementation has been enhanced to implement most of the API methods and provides a URL-based constructor to load mock secret data in at runtime. This makes testing code without a Vault instance much simpler.


  • Added amperity/envoy to define the environment variables used by the environment-based client constructor.
  • The HTTPClient record implements the Lifecycle protocol from the component library to manage an internal lease maintenance thread.
  • Added the vault.core/new-client multimethod which constructs a client based on the given URI scheme. This makes environment-driven construction simpler.
  • Added the vault.env/config-client constructor which builds a client based on the VAULT_ADDR config and authenticates it based on the available credentials. Currently supports VAULT_TOKEN and VAULT_APP_ID/VAULT_USER_ID.
  • The vault client revokes outstanding leases when stopped.


  • vault.cache namespace renamed to, significant functionality added for dealing with lease information.
  • vault.client namespace renamed to vault.core, with the single Client protocol split into a number of more focused protocols.
  • Client implementations moved into dedicated namespaces vault.client.mock and vault.client.http.
  • Downgraded clj-http to the stable 2.3.0 version to simplify dependency management.
  • Deprecated the vault.env/init-app-client constructor.

0.3.4 - 2016-11-16


  • Add create-token! API support in the Client protocol. Tokens can be returned as wrapped responses.
  • Add unwrap! API support in the Client protocol.

0.3.3 - 2016-11-04


  • vault.env/init-app-client uses VAULT_ADDR as the primary configuration variable, falling back to VAULT_URL for compatibility.


  • HTTP 307 redirects from clustered Vault instances will be followed up to two times in order to connect to the correct master node.

0.3.2 - 2016-10-26


  • Add delete-secret! API support in the Client protocol.
  • memory-client returns a mock in-memory client implementation for testing.
  • Numerous unit tests to cover environment and caching logic.

0.3.1 - 2016-10-25


  • The normal HTTP client supports internal lease caching directly via the vault.cache namespace.


  • Tokens used for direct authentication are trimmed as a precation to prevent odd header-based HTTP errors.

0.3.0 - 2016-10-18

With this version, the project has been forked to the Amperity organization.


  • authenticate! now supports the userpass auth backend.
  • Add write support in the client via the write-secret! protocol method.
  • Environment configuration resolution via the vault.env/load! function. This takes a map of env vars with some potential secret values as Vault paths. Listed variables of the form vault:<path> are resolved as secret values.

0.2.0 - 2016-03-25


  • authenticate! takes an auth-type keyword and a map of credentials now instead of only supporting the :app-id auth type.


  • Added direct token authentication with type :token and credentials of the token string.
  • Added support for listing secrets with the client protocol.

0.1.0 - 2015-10-27


  • Initial library implementation.

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