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Processing results

Processing results
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(countable? value)

true when the value looks countable

true when the value looks countable
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default option values

default option values
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(diff & args)

command-line/REPL utility that takes problem configuration and inference output and produces differences between the input and the truth

command-line/REPL utility that takes problem configuration
and inference output and produces differences between
the input and the truth
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reads results from stdin and returns a lazy sequence of distances from the truth

reads results from stdin and returns a lazy sequence
of distances from the truth
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(distance-seq smry-seq
              {:keys [skip step only exclude]
               :or {skip 0 step 1 only nil exclude #{}}
               :as options})

reads results from stdin and returns a lazy sequence of distances, skipping first skip' predict lines and then producing a sequence entry eachstep' predict lines

reads results from stdin and returns a lazy sequence
of distances, skipping first `skip' predict lines and
then producing a sequence entry each `step' predict lines
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(error-msg errors)


(fq-seq predicts)

accepts a sequence of predicts and produces a sequence of frequencies

accepts a sequence of predicts
and produces a sequence of frequencies
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reads results from stdin and writes the frequency table for every integer-valued predict

reads results from stdin and writes the frequency table
for every integer-valued predict
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reads truth from stdin and returns a structure suitable for diff-seq

reads truth from stdin and returns
a structure suitable for diff-seq
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(included? only exclude label)

true when the label should be included

true when the label should be included
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(KL p-freqs q-freqs)

computes Kullback-Leibler divergence for value frequencies.

computes Kullback-Leibler divergence for value frequencies.
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(KS sa sb)

computes Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance for two samples

computes Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance for two samples
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(L2 p-freqs q-freqs)

computes L2 distance for value frequencies.

computes L2 distance for value frequencies.
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reads results from stdin and writes the mean and standard deviation for each predict

reads results from stdin and writes the mean and
standard deviation for each predict
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(ms-seq predicts)

accepts a sequence of predicts and produces a sequence of mean and sd for each label

accepts a sequence of predicts
and produces a sequence of mean and sd for each label
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parses output line and returns [label value height]

parses output line and returns [label value height]
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(parsed-line-seq lines)
(parsed-line-seq lines format)

parses line sequence

parses line sequence
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(read-summaries smry-seq
                {:keys [skip step only exclude]
                 :or {skip 0 step 1 only nil exclude #{}}
                 :as options})

reads summaries from standard input

reads summaries from standard input
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(redir [& {:keys [in out] :as args}] & body)

Input/output redirection macro, useful for running inference and processing results from the REPL. The syntax is:

(redir [:in "input-file-name" :out "output-file-name"] actions ...)

Either :in or :out (or both) can be omitted. if the output file name begins with '+', '+' is removed and the output is appended to the file.

Input/output redirection macro,
useful for running inference and processing results
from the REPL. The syntax is:

  (redir [:in "input-file-name" :out "output-file-name"]
    actions ...)

Either :in or :out (or both) can be omitted.
if the output file name begins with '+', '+' is removed
and the output is appended to the file.
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(search-sorted grid values)

returns a sequence of indices such that if values' are inserted at the indices intogrid', grid' remains sorted; assumes that bothgrid' and `values' are sorted

returns a sequence of indices such that if `values' are
inserted at the indices into `grid', `grid' remains sorted;
assumes that both `grid' and `values' are sorted
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(sm-seq predicts)

accets a sequence of predicts and produces sample sequence

accets a sequence of predicts and produces sample sequence
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(sums-to-meansd sums)

accepts total sums for labels and computes mean and sd for each label

accepts total sums for labels
and computes mean and sd for each label
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(totals smry-seq & {:keys [only exclude] :or {only nil exclude #{}}})

reads results from stdin and returns totals filtered by smry-seq

reads results from stdin and returns totals filtered by smry-seq
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(unmap options)

transforms keyword arguments from map to sequence

transforms keyword arguments from map to sequence
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(usage summary)


(weights-to-freqs weights)

computes frequences from weights for each label

computes frequences from weights for each label
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