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What is Aqua?

Aqua is a Clojurescript library that allows you to seamlessly animate DOM elements on-scroll.

Why should you use it?

  • Granular span - From trivial to complex animations
  • Universal - For inline elements and external SVGs objects
  • Extra Light - Only a handful of internal functions and one API entry point
  • No dependencies - Yes, only interop
  • Web & Mobile - The code is simple enough to work on all platforms

As you must be excited about rolling your own awesome animations, I am going to show you how easy it is to get started. Here we go!


Require Aqua

In Deps

aqua {:mvn/version "0.1.4"}


aqua {:git/url ""
      :sha "last commit"}

In Namespace

(ns your.namespace
  [aqua.core :as aqua]))

Subscribe your animations

The registration of animations is very straight forward. Call the subscribe function, and pass any number of maps with your on-scroll effects data.

   {:container-id "element"
    :inline {:ids ["element"]}
    [{:from 0
      :to :no-stop
      (fn [offset m]
        (let [element (-> m :inline :ids (get "element"))]
          (set! (-> element .-style .-transform)
                (str "rotate(-" (/ offset 100 js/Math.PI) "rad)"))))}]})

Here, we assume that we have a div element, styled to look like a square, that rotates as we scroll. The HTML code might look like this:

      {:style {:width "200px"
               :height "200px"
               :background "green"}}]


What follows is an explanation of all the available map keys:

  • :container-id - The reference element of your animation

  • :inline - To specify that the elements we are targeting are expressively defined in the HTML code

  • :ids - A sequence of all ids whose elements are needed for the animation

  • :classes - A sequence of all classes whose elements are needed for the animation

  • :external - To indicate that we are using for example and svg sourced via the object HTML tag

  • :object-id - The id of the object element that imports the svg

  • :ids - A sequence of all SVG elements ids needed for the animation

  • :classes - A sequence of all SVG elements classes needed for the animation

  • :initiate - A function that is run only once to allow any pre-effect element manipulation

  • :animations - A sequence of animations that are attached to the on-scroll event to perform all side effects

  • :from - To specify when the event should start - in px and based on :container-id

  • :to - To specify when the event should stop - in px and based on :container-id

  • :animate - A function that provides the offset and all resolved DOM elements

More words on the functionality

The container element whose id is passed to the :container-id key, directly affects the offset value provided in the :animate anonymous function. In brief, as the element enteres the viewport from the bottom of the screen, the offset will have positive values such as 10, 100, 1000, and so on. Clearly, when the element is hidden further down the page, the offset will have negative values.

The :inline and :external keys allow the gathering of all DOM elements needed to be animated. In practice, the id and class names provided will be replaced with the elements whose style properties can be updated. Keep in mind that to apply some changes to all the elements of one class, a loop is needed as per example.

   {:container-id "container"
    :inline {:classes ["element"]}
    [{:from 0
      :to :no-stop
      (fn [offset m]
        (let [elements (-> m :inline :classes (get "element"))
              offset (/ offset 3)]
          (doseq [element elements]
              (set! (-> element .-style .-background)
                    (str "rgb("
                         (mod offset 255) ","
                         (mod offset 255) ","
                         (mod offset 255)")"))
              (set! (-> element .-style .-transform)
                    (str "rotate(-" (/ offset 20 js/Math.PI) "rad)"))))))}]})

      {:style {:height "auto"
               :display "flex"
               :flex-wrap "wrap"}}
      (for [x (range 27)]
        ^{:key x}
         {:style {:width "50px"
                  :height "50px"
                  :margin "1em"
                  :background "green"}}])]


An additional example with an external SVG file is provided below.

   {:container-id "element"
    :external {:object-id "element"
               :ids ["pin-path" "oval"]}
    [{:from 0
      :to :no-stop
      (fn [offset m]
        (let [pin (-> m :external :ids (get "pin-path"))
              oval (-> m :external :ids (get "oval"))]
          (doseq [el [pin oval]]
            (set! (-> el .-style .-transform)
                  (str "rotate(-" (/ offset 20 js/Math.PI) "rad)")))))}]})

      {:id "element"
       :data "/svg"}]


As you can notice, you can target single elements within the SVG code

Moving to the animations, the :from and :to keys can have any numeric value plus two helpers being :no-stop for the :to key and :initial for the :from key. They indicate that the effect is not restricted to hard coded values.

The :initiate key is particularly useful when you want to draw a path on scroll, as the strokeDasharray and strokeDashoffset need to be properly set. If you don't know in advanced what the length of the path is, you can dynamically set the element style like the following example:

   {:container-id "element"
    :external {:object-id "element"
               :ids ["path"]}
    (fn [offset m]
      (let [path (-> m :external :ids (get "path"))]
        (set! (-> path .-style .-strokeDasharray) (.getTotalLength path))
        (set! (-> path .-style .-strokeDashoffset) (.getTotalLength path))))
    [{:from 100
      :to 500
      (fn [offset m]
        (let [path (-> m :external :ids (get "path"))
              length (.getTotalLength path)
              ;; to get an offset value between 0 and 1 based on our start and end points
              offset (/ (- offset 100) (- 500 100))]
          (set! (-> path .-style .-strokeDashoffset) (- (.getTotalLength path) (* length offset)))))}]})

In this instance, the offset value is transformed to fall between 0 and 1 so that it can be directly multiplied by the path length to obtain the new strokeDashoffset property. Note that 100 and 500 represent the points where the effect should start and end, respectively (in pixels).


Final thoughts

It is important to keep in mind that this library does not tell the developer how to achieve a specific effect. In contrast, it provides useful shortcuts to let one focus solely on the animations implementation details.

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