(lein project)
(lein project args)
Performs a docker run
on image, mounting this project's source directory inside the container, and then runs leiningen inside the container with the supplied args. lein must already be installed on the container.
Optional Project config: In your project.clj or ~/.lein/profiles.clj, add the following to your :docker map
docker run
Performs a `docker run` on image, mounting this project's source directory inside the container, and then runs leiningen inside the container with the supplied args. lein must already be installed on the container. Optional Project config: In your project.clj or ~/.lein/profiles.clj, add the following to your :docker map - :sudo true if docker requires sudo to `docker run` - :ports {} a map, passed to -p for port mapping - :m2-dest "/home/username/.m2/", will -v mount ~/.m2/ to :m2-dest, dramatically speeds up lein deps
(replace-snapshot vs)
Replace a SNAPSHOT in version string with current date-time
Replace a SNAPSHOT in version string with current date-time
(sh-trampoline sh)
Abuse trampoline functionality to run arbitrary shell, rather than project-specific code.
Abuse trampoline functionality to run arbitrary shell, rather than project-specific code.
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