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(add-playlist-tracks playlist-id track-ids & [options])

Add tracks to a user playlist

Add tracks to a user playlist
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(create name & [options])

Create playlist. options can contain :query-params with the following keys:

  • :description
  • :is_public (1 == public)
  • :is_collaborative (1 == collaborative)
  • :track_ids
  • :album_id (initial album to add to the playlist).
Create playlist.
`options` can contain `:query-params` with the following keys:
* :description
* :is_public (1 == public)
* :is_collaborative (1 == collaborative)
* :track_ids
* :album_id (initial album to add to the playlist).
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(delete-playlist playlist-id & [options])

Delete a user playlist

Delete a user playlist
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(delete-playlist-tracks playlist-id playlist-track-ids & [options])

Remove tracks from a playlist - note that playlist_track_ids are not the track_ids, they are ids that come from the playlist items and are shown in the playlist_track_id field. The playlist_track_id will identify a specific instance of a track within a playlist (even when the same track_id is repeated).

Remove tracks from a playlist - note that playlist_track_ids are not
the track_ids, they are ids that come from the playlist items and
are shown in the playlist_track_id field. The playlist_track_id will
identify a specific instance of a track within a playlist (even when
the same track_id is repeated).
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(featured-playlists listtype & [options])

Get featured playlists. listtype must be one of editor-picks or last-created options can contain :query-params with the following keys:

  • :genre_ids list of genre ids
Get featured playlists.
`listtype` must be one of `editor-picks` or `last-created`
`options` can contain `:query-params` with the following keys:
* :genre_ids list of genre ids
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(get playlist-id & [options])


(update-playlist playlist-id & [options])

Update a user playlist options can contain :query-params with the following keys:

  • :name
  • :description
  • :is_public (1 == public)
  • :is_collaborative (1 == collaborative)
  • :track_ids (tracks to replace the current tracks with)
Update a user playlist
`options` can contain `:query-params` with the following keys:
* :name
* :description
* :is_public (1 == public)
* :is_collaborative (1 == collaborative)
* :track_ids (tracks to replace the current tracks with)
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(user-playlists & [options])

Get playlists for user. options can contain :query-params with the following keys:

  • :username
  • :user_id
  • :order
Get playlists for user.
`options` can contain `:query-params` with the following keys:
 * :username
 * :user_id
 * :order
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