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Clojars Project

A super simple routing library, written in ClojureScript.


This comes later.


Using avenue is pretty simple.

Add the following to your project.clj

[avenue "X.X.X"] where X.X.X is the current version.

Then, require it in a namespace:

(ns my-ns.core
  (:require [avenue.core :as avenue]))

Now you need to set up avenue. First, let's add some routes and set our config:

(ns ui.routes
  (:require [avenue.core :as avenue]))

;; set where we want to mount our pages
(avenue/set-mount-point! "my_mount_point_id")

(avenue/add-route :kitty
  :match #"/"
  :ctor kitty/index-ctor)

(avenue/add-route :doggy
  :match #"/woof"
  :ctor doggy/index-ctor)

Note: If you do not set-mount-point!, then react_mount will be used as a fallback.

Now, we can call / render our routes!

;; go to a route via a URL
(avenue/go! "")

;; reload at a URL
(avenue/reload! "")

;; check if a URL matches a current route
(avenue/matches-current-route? "")

;; get the current route (this returns a route map)

Caveats / Gotchas

Reload your routes when your app starts or when Figwheel reloads. This can cause components to not update when their code has changed.

(defn ^:export reload! []

;; wehre my-routes is:
(ns my-routes
  (:require [avenue.core :as avenue]))

(avenue/add-route :kitty
  :match #"/"
  :ctor kitty/index-ctor)

(avenue/add-route :doggy
  :match #"/woof"
  :ctor doggy/index-ctor)

Emojis in commits?

🌱 → new feature

🍂 → cleanup of some sort

🍁 → fixed a bug or error


Copyright © 2014 Chris Etheridge

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