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JSON encoding and decoding function construction with support for configurable key conversion.


  • configuration of all key conversions
  • preservation of metadata fields (e.g., as in HAL) during conversion
  • additional Jackson modules for encoding / decoding various Java types

Includes convenience coders for wire (i.e., service to service) JSON and database JSON:

For wire JSON:

  • converts from kebab-case keywords to camelCase JSON and back again
  • includes serialisation of org.joda.time and java.time types

For database JSON:

  • converts from kebab-case keywords to snake_case JSON and back again
  • includes serialisation of org.joda.time and java.time types


Add the following to your project.clj file:

[b-social/jason "0.1.7"]



(require '[jason.core :refer [defcoders] :as jason])
(require '[camel-snake-kebab.core :refer [->snake_case_string

(defcoders standard)
(defcoders db
  :encode-key-fn (jason/->encode-key-fn ->snake_case_string)
  :decode-key-fn (jason/->decode-key-fn ->snake_case_keyword))

(->standard-json {:first-name "Jess"})
;; => "{\"first-name\": \"Jess\"}"

(->db-json {:first-name "Jess"})
;; => "{\"first_name\": \"Jess\"}"

(<-standard-json "{\"firstName\": \"Jess\"}")
;; => {"firstName" "Jess"}

(<-db-json "{\"first_name\": \"Jess\"}")
;; => {:first_name "Jess"}

See the Getting Started guide for more details.


Copyright © 2018 B-Social Ltd.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

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