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For a list of breaking changes, check here.

Babashka fs: file system utility library for Clojure

v0.5.23 (2024-12-04)

  • #135: preserve protocol when calling fs/path on multiple arguments (@mk)

v0.5.22 (2024-08-05)

  • #130 Unclear from fs/glob docs that it supports a :max-depth option (@teodorlu)
  • #132: add read-link to resolve symbolic link, without target of link needing to exist

v0.5.21 (2024-05-17)

  • #125 Allow unzip to take a
  • #122: fs/copy-tree: fix copying read-only directories with children (@sohalt)
  • #127: Inconsistent documentation for the :posix-file-permissions options (@teodorlu)

v0.5.20 (2023-12-21)

  • #119: fs/delete-tree: add :force flag to delete read-only directories/files. Set the flag to true in fs/with-temp-dir (@jlesquembre)
  • #102: add gzip and gunzip functions
  • #113: fs/glob: enable :hidden (when not already set) when pattern starts with dot (@eval).
  • #117: fix fs/match and fs/glob not finding files in root-folder (@eval).

v0.4.19 (2023-05-24)

  • #97: add owner function to retrieve owner of a file or directory (@emilaasa)

v0.4.18 (2023-05-11)

  • #48: support input-stream in fs/copy
  • #91: add 1-arity to xdg-*-home to get subfolder of base directory (@eval)
  • #94: updates to which: add :paths opt, allow absolute paths for program (@lread)

v0.3.17 (2023-02-28)

  • #67: add :root and :path-fn options to fs/zip

v0.2.16 (2023-02-08)

  • #89: change default in walk-file-tree from throwing to continue-ing, which works better for glob, match. You can still throw by providing your own visit-file-failed function.


  • #85: add helpers to generate common XDG paths (@eval)

v0.2.14 (2023-01-16)

  • #81: do not process directories in strip-ext and split-ext
  • Correct documentation for match/glob functions return value @thenonameguy
  • Add unixify: returns path as string with Unix-style file separators (/) on Windows systems.

v0.2.12 (2022-11-16)


  • #65: Explicitly support :win-exts option on which function (@lread)
  • clj-kondo#1782: exists? should never throw on illegal input path.
  • Remove ^:const to not cache OS-specific constants, so AOT-ed code can be re-used in multiple OS-es.


  • Add cwd


  • Support glob patterns on Windows with forward slashes

  • #51: Update which function to more closely mimic unix which:

    • do not identify directories as matches
    • if the argument is a relative path (more than just a file/command name), then don't search path entries


  • Add windows? predicate


  • Compatibility improvements for convert URI to Path directly without going through URL
  • Add create-temp-file
  • Add initial version of zip
  • Add read-attributes* without conversion into map
  • Run create-dirs for the dest directory in copy-tree to ensure it exists (@duzunov)
  • Document list-dir glob-or-accept argument (@holyjak)


  • Add with-temp-dir macro #37 (@hugoduncan)
  • Add fs/home and fs/expand-home #12 #13 (@Kineolyan)
  • Improve which on Windows: take into account .com, .exe, .bat., .cmd when searching for program


  • Allow raw pattern to be passed to fs/match #32
  • unzip: entry in dir can come before dir in zip entries #35


  • Add strip-ext and change split-ext and strip-ext to return full paths #29 (@corasaurus-hex)
  • Add unzip


  • Allow dir as dest in move #25


  • delete-tree must not crash when tree doesn't exist (making it idempotent)
  • Add modified-since
  • Allow dir as dest in copy #24


  • Create target dir in copy-tree


  • Add create-link and split-paths (@eamonnsullivan)
  • Add split-ext and extension (@kiramclean)
  • Add regular-file?(@tekacs)
  • Globbing is always recursive but should not be #18
  • Fix globbing on Windows
  • Fix Windows tests


Initial release.

Breaking changes

None yet.

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Michiel Borkent, Gert Goet, Teodor Heggelund, Lee Read, Szabó Krisztián, ikappaki, Sohalt, José Luis Lafuente & Bob
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