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A very faithful BibTeX parser.

  • Preserves comments, order, formatting, string interpolations
  • Mostly idempotent at its core
    • Whitespace outside values is always standardized
  • Implements various levels of cleaning up / standardization beyond whitespace

Use as jar

  1. Go to releases and download the top (latest) bartleby-x.y.z-standalone.jar
  2. Ensure you have java installed (java -version should print out your version)
  3. In your shell, run java -jar bartleby-*.jar --help, which will print out a help message describing all command line functionality.
  • For example, java -jar bartleby-*.jar cat my.bib their.bib will read each of my.bib and their.bib and print the formatted BibTeX to stdout in that order.

Compile and install as binary

lein bin
cp $(find target -type f -perm +111) /usr/local/bin/bart


Reformat a single .bib file, in-place:

bart cat <research.bib | sponge research.bib

Delete .bib file entries not used in LaTeX document:

bart select {paper.aux,research.bib} | sponge research.bib


  • bibexport
    • Cleverly uses the BibTeX compiler and a special export.bst style file to render BibTeX natively.
    • But it is not very faithful:
      • Unrecognized fields (those outside the standard 22 + 7 special names hard-coded into export.bst) are deleted
      • Comments are deleted
      • All fields are ordered alphabetically
      • All entries are ordered by first appearance in the document / .aux file
    • And the output format is not customizable (unless you modify the export.bst file):
      • All case-insensitive keywords (pubtype and field keys) are lowercased
      • All fields keys are indented with two spaces, and the field values are all aligned at column 19
      • Lines are wrapped at 78 characters


  • Interesting blog post on writing parsers in Clojure with monads at, with code at
    • His answer to whether "whether I could write better clojure programs by using monads"? "The short answer is that the disadvantages outweight the advantages."
  • "Kern is a library of parser combinators for Clojure"
    • 130 stars on GitHub.
    • It doesn't appear to be compatible with ClojureScript.
  • "The Parsatron is a functional parser library"
    • 173 stars on GitHub.
    • Ported to ClojureScript.
    • doc/guide

I've also compiled my own guide / reference / notes for the parsatron library.



Run the following to exclude dev/test from cloverage's report:

lein cloverage --ns-exclude-regex user

Release instructions

Cutting and deploying a new version

Update the version manually in project.clj and, commit those changes, and push.

Then add a tag and push:

tag=v$(lein pprint :version | tr -d \")
git tag $tag
git push --tags

Finally, deploy to Clojars:

# export GPG_TTY=$(tty) # uncomment if gpg fails with "Inappropriate ioctl"
lein deploy
  • TODO: customize :release-tasks and use lein release :major / :minor / :patch

Adding binaries to GitHub releases

This uses github-release (go get, which expects the environment variables GITHUB_USER and GITHUB_TOKEN to be set.

Build the normal jar and uber(standalone)jar:

lein uberjar

Create a GitHub "release":

# set tag if you lost it from earlier:
#tag=$(git tag --sort=committerdate | tail -1)
# or:
#tag=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)
github-release release -r bartleby -t $tag

Upload the built files:

ver=$(lein pprint :version | tr -d \")
github-release upload -r bartleby -t $tag -f target/bartleby-$ver.jar -n bartleby-$ver.jar
github-release upload -r bartleby -t $tag -f target/bartleby-$ver-standalone.jar -n bartleby-$ver-standalone.jar

(You can check the current tags / releases available on GitHub at any time with: github-release info -r bartleby)

Generating and publishing documentation

Create a fresh clone from the gh-pages branch:

rev=$(git rev-parse --short master)
git clone -b gh-pages $repo

Now, back in this repo on the master branch, generate the documentation directly into that clone:

lein update-in :codox assoc :output-path \"$repo\" -- codox

Then go to that repo's directory, commit the changes with a message pointing to the current commit on master, and push:

cd $repo
git add .
git commit -m "Sync documentation with master @ $rev"
git push


Copyright © 2016-2017 Christopher Brown. MIT Licensed.

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