DEPRECATED - while there are some useful tidbits here, it is recommended that you solve circular dependencies with co-dependencies, as shown by bootsrap-cover :-
$ lein new modular foo bootstrap-cover
Here are some patterns that you may find useful in your development.
You have a bunch of REST resources, each of which might need to form hyperlinks to one or more of the others. There may even be a mutual dependency. Which handler do you create first?
Use a promise to access a handler map, containing entries for each
handler keyed with keywords. The promise must be delivered prior to
calling dereferencing it in a call to path-for
. This is ensured by the
function, which delivers the promise prior to returning
the result, so the promise cannot escape the handler construction phase.
Here is an example which demonstrates the technique. It uses a pair of Liberator resources to create a REST API, which need to create hyperlinks to each other.
In the code below we assume that the bidi routes are available in the
request, under the :request
key. Every application is different, and its
up to the bidi user to ensure that request handlers have access to the
overall route structure.
Notice how both resources use the path-for
function to form paths to
the other resource.
The make-handlers
function creates a promise to a map containing each
handler, referenced by a known keyword, which can be used to look up the
handler, and thereby form the path to it.
(defresource contacts [database handlers]
:allowed-methods #{:post}
:post! (fn [{{body :body} :request}]
{:id (create-contact! database body)})
:handle-created (fn [{{routes :routes} :request id :id}]
(assert (realized? handlers))
{:headers {"Location" (path-for routes (:contact @handlers) :id id)}})))
(defresource contact [handlers]
:allowed-methods #{:delete :put}
:available-media-types #{"application/json"}
:handle-ok (fn [{{{id :id} :route-params routes :routes} :request}]
(assert (realized? handlers))
(html [:div [:h2 "Contact: " id]
[:a {:href (path-for routes (:contacts @handlers))} "Index"]])))
(defn make-handlers [database]
(let [p (promise)]
;; Deliver the promise so it doesn't escape this function.
@(deliver p {:contacts (contacts database p)
:contact (contact p)})))
(defn make-routes [handlers]
["/" [["contacts" (:contacts handlers)]
[["contact/" :id] (:contact handlers)]
;; Create the route structure like this :-
(-> database make-handlers make-routes)
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