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Lifted applicative form of *

Lifted applicative form of *
sourceraw docstring




Lifted applicative form of +

Lifted applicative form of +
sourceraw docstring


(->a & exprs)

Compose a series of expressions left-to-right.

Compose a series of expressions left-to-right.
sourceraw docstring


Lifted applicative form of -

Lifted applicative form of -
sourceraw docstring


Guard using <=

Guard using <=
sourceraw docstring


Guard using <

Guard using <
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Guard using =

Guard using =
sourceraw docstring


Guard using >=

Guard using >=
sourceraw docstring


Guard using >

Guard using >
sourceraw docstring




(always-nil? x)




(anda expr)
(anda expr1 expr2)
(anda expr1 expr2 & more-exprs)

Constructs a function that returns either the first falsey result from applying each expressions to the same argument or the last truthy result if all results where truthy.

Constructs a function that returns either the first
falsey result from applying each expressions to the same
argument or the last truthy result if all results where
sourceraw docstring


(assoca key expr)
(assoca key expr & more-key-expr-pairs)


(betweena limit-a limit-b expr)
(betweena limit-a limit-b default-value expr)

Constrain a numeric value between two limits. Both the upper and lower limits are inclusive. If no default-value is provided, use the first limit.

Constrain a numeric value between two limits. 
Both the upper and lower limits are inclusive.
If no default-value is provided, use the first
sourceraw docstring


(conda expr)
(conda pred-expr expr)
(conda pred-expr expr & more-pred-expr-pairs)

Test a value with a seriese of applicative expressions. When an expression matches apply the corresponding applicative expression to the original value. Example: (conda neg? 0 odd? inc pos? (*a 2) 0)

Test a value with a seriese of applicative expressions.
When an expression matches apply the corresponding applicative
expression to the original value.
(conda neg? 0
       odd? inc
       pos? (*a 2)
sourceraw docstring


(conj-some coll v)








(constant? x)


(constantly x)


(defaulta default-value expr)

Apply expr, return default-value if expr returns false or nil

Apply expr, return default-value if expr returns false or nil
sourceraw docstring


Lifted applicative form of /

Lifted applicative form of /
sourceraw docstring


Filter the results of an applicative expression with an applicative expression. All nils or empty collections will be pruned from the result.

Filter the results of an applicative expression with an
applicative expression.
All nils or empty collections will be pruned from the result.
sourceraw docstring


Filter the results of an applicative expression with an applicative expression, and returns a vector. All nils or empty collections will be pruned from the result.

Filter the results of an applicative expression with an
applicative expression, and returns a vector.
All nils or empty collections will be pruned from the result.
sourceraw docstring


(geta k)

Lookup a key in an associative collection

Lookup a key in an associative collection
sourceraw docstring


(guard pred)
(guard pred expr)

Given a unary predicate function, returns a function which returns it's argument if it satisfies the predicate

Given a unary predicate function, returns a function which
returns it's argument if it satisfies the predicate
sourceraw docstring


(guardn pred)
(guardn pred constant)
(guardn pred expr1 expr2 & more-exprs)

Constructs a guard function using predicate of two or more arguments. [pred constant]: A guard of the predicate curried with a constant. [pred expr1 expr2 ...]: A guard of the predicate lifted with the expression arugments.

Constructs a guard function using predicate of two or more arguments.
[pred constant]: A guard of the predicate curried with a constant.
[pred expr1 expr2 ...]: A guard of the predicate lifted with the expression arugments.
sourceraw docstring



(lift* x)
(lift* x arg-exprs-coll)


Map an applicative expression over the results of another expression. All nils or empty collections will be pruned from the result.

Map an applicative expression over the results of another expression.
All nils or empty collections will be pruned from the result.
sourceraw docstring


Map an applicative expression over the results of another expression, and return the results in a vector. All nils or empty collections will be pruned from the result.

Map an applicative expression over the results of another expression,
and return the results in a vector.
All nils or empty collections will be pruned from the result.
sourceraw docstring


(nota expr)

Construct a function that returns the boolean complement of the expression.

Construct a function that returns the boolean complement
of the expression.
sourceraw docstring


(ora expr)
(ora expr1 & exprs)

Constructs a function that returns either the first truthy result from applying each expressions to the same argument or nil if no truthy results where returned.

Constructs a function that returns either the first
truthy result from applying each expressions to the same
argument or nil if no truthy results where returned.
sourceraw docstring


Remove the results of an applicative expression with an applicative expression. All nils or empty collections will be pruned from the result.

Remove the results of an applicative expression with an
applicative expression.
All nils or empty collections will be pruned from the result.
sourceraw docstring


Remove the results of an applicative expression with an applicative expression, and returns a vector. All nils or empty collections will be pruned from the result.

Remove the results of an applicative expression with an
applicative expression, and returns a vector.
All nils or empty collections will be pruned from the result.
sourceraw docstring


(selecta & keys)

Returns a map containing only the specified keys

Returns a map containing only the specified keys
sourceraw docstring


(some->a & exprs)

Compose a series of expressions from left to right that will abort when one expression returns nil

Compose a series of expressions from left to right that
will abort when one expression returns nil
sourceraw docstring


(something? x)

Returns true when 'x is not nil or an empty collection

Returns true when 'x is not nil or an empty collection
sourceraw docstring


(transformation-builder conjoiner)


Transforms an applicative expression into a function. Expressions may consist of functions, primitive values, and collections of functions and primitive values

Transforms an applicative expression into a function.
Expressions may consist of functions, primitive values, and
collections of functions and primitive values
sourceraw docstring


Transforms an applicative expression into a function. Expressions may consist of functions, primitive values, and collections of functions and primitive values

Transforms an applicative expression into a function.
Expressions may consist of functions, primitive values, and
collections of functions and primitive values
sourceraw docstring


(when-nota pred-expr expr)

When pred-expr does not return a truthy value for the argument then apply expr to the argument.

(when-nota pos? (*a -1))

When pred-expr does not return a truthy value for
the argument then apply expr to the argument.

(when-nota pos? (*a -1))
sourceraw docstring


(whena pred-expr expr)

When pred-expr returns truthy value for the argument then apply expr to the argument.

When pred-expr returns truthy value for the argument
then apply expr to the argument.
sourceraw docstring


(with-transformer transformer-fn & body)


(withouta & keys)

Dissociate a group of keys from an associative collecion

Dissociate a group of keys from an associative collecion
sourceraw docstring

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