* available since Chrome 30
(add-word-to-dictionary word)
Adds a single word to be stored in the dictionary.
|word| - A new word to add to the dictionary.
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [].
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Adds a single word to be stored in the dictionary. |word| - A new word to add to the dictionary. This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is []. In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Fetches a list of all the words currently in the dictionary.
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [words] where:
|words| - List of dictionary words.
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Fetches a list of all the words currently in the dictionary. This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is [words] where: |words| - List of dictionary words. In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Gets the composition bounds
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [bounds-list] where:
|bounds-list| - List of bounds information.
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Gets the composition bounds This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is [bounds-list] where: |bounds-list| - List of bounds information. In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Gets the current input method.
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [input-method-id] where:
|input-method-id| - Current input method.
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Gets the current input method. This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is [input-method-id] where: |input-method-id| - Current input method. In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Gets whether the encrypt sync is enabled.
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [enabled] where:
|enabled| - The result of whether enabled.
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Gets whether the encrypt sync is enabled. This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is [enabled] where: |enabled| - The result of whether enabled. In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Gets configurations for input methods.
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [config] where:
|config| - The input method config object.
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Gets configurations for input methods. This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is [config] where: |config| - The input method config object. In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Gets all whitelisted input methods.
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [input-methods] where:
|input-methods| - Whitelisted input method objects.
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Gets all whitelisted input methods. This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is [input-methods] where: |input-methods| - Whitelisted input method objects. In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
(get-setting engine-id key)
Gets the current value of a setting for a particular input method
|engine-id| - The ID of the engine (e.g. 'zh-t-i0-pinyin', 'xkb:us::eng') |key| - The setting to get
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [setting] where:
|setting| - The value for the requested setting, or null if there's no value
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Gets the current value of a setting for a particular input method |engine-id| - The ID of the engine (e.g. 'zh-t-i0-pinyin', 'xkb:us::eng') |key| - The setting to get This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is [setting] where: |setting| - The value for the requested setting, or null if there's no value In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
(get-surrounding-text before-length after-length)
Gets the surrounding text of the current selection
|before-length| - The number of characters before the current selection. |after-length| - The number of characters after the current selection.
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [surrounding-info] where:
|surrounding-info| - The surrouding text info.
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Gets the surrounding text of the current selection |before-length| - The number of characters before the current selection. |after-length| - The number of characters after the current selection. This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is [surrounding-info] where: |surrounding-info| - The surrouding text info. In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
(notify-ime-menu-item-activated engine-id name)
Fires the input.ime.onMenuItemActivated event.
|engine-id| - ID of the engine to use. |name| - Name of the MenuItem which was activated
Fires the input.ime.onMenuItemActivated event. |engine-id| - ID of the engine to use. |name| - Name of the MenuItem which was activated
(open-options-page input-method-id)
Opens the options page for the input method extension. If the input method does not have options, this function will do nothing.
|input-method-id| - ID of the input method to open options for.
Opens the options page for the input method extension. If the input method does not have options, this function will do nothing. |input-method-id| - ID of the input method to open options for.
(set-composition-range parameters)
Set the composition range. If this extension does not own the active IME, this fails.
|parameters| - ?
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [success] where:
|success| - ?
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Set the composition range. If this extension does not own the active IME, this fails. |parameters| - ? This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is [success] where: |success| - ? In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
(set-current-input-method input-method-id)
Sets the current input method.
|input-method-id| - The input method ID to be set as current input method.
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [].
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Sets the current input method. |input-method-id| - The input method ID to be set as current input method. This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is []. In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
(set-setting engine-id key value)
Sets the value of a setting for a particular input method
|engine-id| - The ID of the engine (e.g. 'zh-t-i0-pinyin', 'xkb:us::eng') |key| - The setting to set |value| - The new value of the setting
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [].
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Sets the value of a setting for a particular input method |engine-id| - The ID of the engine (e.g. 'zh-t-i0-pinyin', 'xkb:us::eng') |key| - The setting to set |value| - The new value of the setting This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is []. In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
(set-xkb-layout xkb-name)
Sets the XKB layout for the given input method.
|xkb-name| - The XKB layout name.
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [].
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Sets the XKB layout for the given input method. |xkb-name| - The XKB layout name. This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is []. In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Shows the input view window. If the input view window is already shown, this function will do nothing.
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [].
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Shows the input view window. If the input view window is already shown, this function will do nothing. This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is []. In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
(tap-all-events chan)
Taps all valid non-deprecated events in chromex.ext.input-method-private namespace.
Taps all valid non-deprecated events in chromex.ext.input-method-private namespace.
(tap-on-changed-events channel & args)
Fired when the input method is changed.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-changed [new-input-method-id]] where:
|new-input-method-id| - New input method which is being used.
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when the input method is changed. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-changed [new-input-method-id]] where: |new-input-method-id| - New input method which is being used. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-composition-bounds-changed-events channel & args)
Fired when the composition bounds or cursor bounds are changed.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-composition-bounds-changed [first-bounds bounds-list]] where:
|first-bounds| - The bounds information for the first character in composition. |bounds-list| - List of bounds information.
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when the composition bounds or cursor bounds are changed. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-composition-bounds-changed [first-bounds bounds-list]] where: |first-bounds| - The bounds information for the first character in composition. |bounds-list| - List of bounds information. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-dictionary-changed-events channel & args)
Fired when words are added or removed from the custom spelling dictionary.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-dictionary-changed [added removed]] where:
|added| - List of added words. |removed| - List of removed words.
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when words are added or removed from the custom spelling dictionary. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-dictionary-changed [added removed]] where: |added| - List of added words. |removed| - List of removed words. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-dictionary-loaded-events channel & args)
Fired when the custom spelling dictionary is loaded.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-dictionary-loaded []].
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when the custom spelling dictionary is loaded. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-dictionary-loaded []]. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-focus-events channel & args)
This event is sent when focus enters a text box. It is sent to all extensions that are listening to this event, and enabled by the user.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-focus [context]] where:
|context| - Describes the text field that has acquired focus.
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
This event is sent when focus enters a text box. It is sent to all extensions that are listening to this event, and enabled by the user. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-focus [context]] where: |context| - Describes the text field that has acquired focus. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-ime-menu-activation-changed-events channel & args)
Fired when the IME menu is activated or deactivated.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-ime-menu-activation-changed [activation]] where:
|activation| - Whether the IME menu is currently active.
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when the IME menu is activated or deactivated. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-ime-menu-activation-changed [activation]] where: |activation| - Whether the IME menu is currently active. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-ime-menu-items-changed-events channel & args)
Fired when the input.ime.setMenuItems or input.ime.updateMenuItems API is called.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-ime-menu-items-changed [engine-id items]] where:
|engine-id| - ID of the engine to use |items| - MenuItems to add or update.
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when the input.ime.setMenuItems or input.ime.updateMenuItems API is called. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-ime-menu-items-changed [engine-id items]] where: |engine-id| - ID of the engine to use |items| - MenuItems to add or update. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-ime-menu-list-changed-events channel & args)
Fired when the input method or the list of active input method IDs is changed.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-ime-menu-list-changed []].
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when the input method or the list of active input method IDs is changed. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-ime-menu-list-changed []]. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-screen-projection-changed-events channel & args)
This event is sent when the screen is being mirrored or the desktop is being cast.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-screen-projection-changed [is-projected]] where:
|is-projected| - Whether the screen is projected.
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
This event is sent when the screen is being mirrored or the desktop is being cast. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-screen-projection-changed [is-projected]] where: |is-projected| - Whether the screen is projected. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-settings-changed-events channel & args)
This event is sent when the settings for any input method changed. It is sent to all extensions that are listening to this event, and enabled by the user.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-settings-changed [engine-id key value]] where:
|engine-id| - ID of the engine that changed |key| - The setting that changed |value| - The new value of the setting
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
This event is sent when the settings for any input method changed. It is sent to all extensions that are listening to this event, and enabled by the user. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-settings-changed [engine-id key value]] where: |engine-id| - ID of the engine that changed |key| - The setting that changed |value| - The new value of the setting Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
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