* available since Chrome 36
(darken-screen enabled)
Darkens or undarkens the screen.
|enabled| - True to darken screen; false to undarken screen.
Darkens or undarkens the screen. |enabled| - True to darken screen; false to undarken screen.
(enable-chrome-vox-mouse-events enabled)
Enables or disables mouse events in ChromeVox.
|enabled| - True if ChromeVox should receive mouse events.
Enables or disables mouse events in ChromeVox. |enabled| - True if ChromeVox should receive mouse events.
(enable-point-scan enabled)
Enables or disables point scanning in Switch Access.
|enabled| - True for start point scanning, false for end point scanning.
Enables or disables point scanning in Switch Access. |enabled| - True for start point scanning, false for end point scanning.
(forward-key-events-to-switch-access should-forward)
When enabled, forwards key events to the Switch Access extension
|should-forward| - ?
When enabled, forwards key events to the Switch Access extension |should-forward| - ?
(forward-key-events-to-switch-access* config should-forward)
Called to request battery status from Chrome OS system.
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [battery-description] where:
|battery-description| - ?
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Called to request battery status from Chrome OS system. This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is [battery-description] where: |battery-description| - ? In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
(get-display-name-for-locale locale-code-to-translate display-locale-code)
Called to translate localeCodeToTranslate into human-readable string in the locale specified by displayLocaleCode
|locale-code-to-translate| - ? |display-locale-code| - ?
Called to translate localeCodeToTranslate into human-readable string in the locale specified by displayLocaleCode |locale-code-to-translate| - ? |display-locale-code| - ?
(get-display-name-for-locale* config
(handle-scrollable-bounds-for-point-found rect)
Called by the Accessibility Common extension when onScrollableBoundsForPointRequested has found a scrolling container. |rect| will be the bounds of the nearest scrollable ancestor of the node at the point requested using onScrollableBoundsForPointRequested.
|rect| - ?
Called by the Accessibility Common extension when onScrollableBoundsForPointRequested has found a scrolling container. |rect| will be the bounds of the nearest scrollable ancestor of the node at the point requested using onScrollableBoundsForPointRequested. |rect| - ?
(handle-scrollable-bounds-for-point-found* config rect)
(move-magnifier-to-rect rect)
Called by the Accessibility Common extension to move |rect| within the magnifier viewport (e.g. when focus has changed). If |rect| is already completely within the viewport, magnifier doesn't move. If any edge of |rect| is outside the viewport (e.g. if rect is larger than or extends partially beyond the viewport), magnifier will center the overflowing dimensions of the viewport on center of |rect| (e.g. center viewport vertically if |rect| extends beyond bottom of screen).
|rect| - Rect to ensure visible in the magnified viewport.
Called by the Accessibility Common extension to move |rect| within the magnifier viewport (e.g. when focus has changed). If |rect| is already completely within the viewport, magnifier doesn't move. If any edge of |rect| is outside the viewport (e.g. if rect is larger than or extends partially beyond the viewport), magnifier will center the overflowing dimensions of the viewport on center of |rect| (e.g. center viewport vertically if |rect| extends beyond bottom of screen). |rect| - Rect to ensure visible in the magnified viewport.
(on-custom-spoken-feedback-toggled* config channel & args)
(on-scrollable-bounds-for-point-requested* config channel & args)
(on-select-to-speak-state-change-requested* config channel & args)
(open-settings-subpage subpage)
Opens a specified settings subpage. To open a page with url chrome://settings/manageAccessibility/tts, pass in the substring 'manageAccessibility/tts'.
|subpage| - ?
Opens a specified settings subpage. To open a page with url chrome://settings/manageAccessibility/tts, pass in the substring 'manageAccessibility/tts'. |subpage| - ?
(perform-accelerator-action accelerator-action)
Performs an accelerator action.
|accelerator-action| - ?
Performs an accelerator action. |accelerator-action| - ?
(send-synthetic-key-event key-event)
Sends a fabricated key event.
|key-event| - The event to send.
Sends a fabricated key event. |key-event| - The event to send.
(send-synthetic-mouse-event mouse-event)
Sends a fabricated mouse event.
|mouse-event| - The event to send.
Sends a fabricated mouse event. |mouse-event| - The event to send.
(set-focus-rings focus-rings)
Sets the given accessibility focus rings for this extension.
|focus-rings| - Array of focus rings to draw.
Sets the given accessibility focus rings for this extension. |focus-rings| - Array of focus rings to draw.
(set-highlights rects color)
Sets the bounds of the accessibility highlight.
|rects| - Array of rectangles to draw the highlight around. |color| - CSS-style hex color string beginning with # like #FF9982 or #EEE.
Sets the bounds of the accessibility highlight. |rects| - Array of rectangles to draw the highlight around. |color| - CSS-style hex color string beginning with # like #FF9982 or #EEE.
(set-keyboard-listener enabled capture)
Sets the calling extension as a listener of all keyboard events optionally allowing the calling extension to capture/swallow the key event via DOM apis. Returns false via callback when unable to set the listener.
|enabled| - True if the caller wants to listen to key events; false to stop listening to events. Note that there is only ever one extension listening to key events. |capture| - True if key events should be swallowed natively and not propagated if preventDefault() gets called by the extension's background page.
Sets the calling extension as a listener of all keyboard events optionally allowing the calling extension to capture/swallow the key event via DOM apis. Returns false via callback when unable to set the listener. |enabled| - True if the caller wants to listen to key events; false to stop listening to events. Note that there is only ever one extension listening to key events. |capture| - True if key events should be swallowed natively and not propagated if preventDefault() gets called by the extension's background page.
(set-native-accessibility-enabled enabled)
Enables or disables native accessibility support. Once disabled, it is up to the calling extension to provide accessibility for web contents.
|enabled| - True if native accessibility support should be enabled.
Enables or disables native accessibility support. Once disabled, it is up to the calling extension to provide accessibility for web contents. |enabled| - True if native accessibility support should be enabled.
(set-native-chrome-vox-arc-support-for-current-app enabled)
Sets current ARC app to use native ARC support.
|enabled| - True for ChromeVox (native), false for TalkBack.
Sets current ARC app to use native ARC support. |enabled| - True for ChromeVox (native), false for TalkBack.
(set-native-chrome-vox-arc-support-for-current-app* config enabled)
(set-select-to-speak-state state)
Called by the Select-to-Speak extension when Select-to-Speak has changed states, between selecting with the mouse, speaking, and inactive.
|state| - ?
Called by the Select-to-Speak extension when Select-to-Speak has changed states, between selecting with the mouse, speaking, and inactive. |state| - ?
(set-virtual-keyboard-visible is-visible)
Shows or hides the virtual keyboard.
|is-visible| - ?
Shows or hides the virtual keyboard. |is-visible| - ?
(tap-all-events chan)
Taps all valid non-deprecated events in chromex.app.accessibility-private namespace.
Taps all valid non-deprecated events in chromex.app.accessibility-private namespace.
(tap-on-accessibility-gesture-events channel & args)
Fired when an accessibility gesture is detected by the touch exploration controller.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-accessibility-gesture [gesture x y]] where:
|gesture| - ? |x| - ? |y| - ?
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when an accessibility gesture is detected by the touch exploration controller. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-accessibility-gesture [gesture x y]] where: |gesture| - ? |x| - ? |y| - ? Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-announce-for-accessibility-events channel & args)
Fired when an internal component within accessibility wants to force speech output for an accessibility extension. Do not use without approval from accessibility owners.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-announce-for-accessibility [announce-text]] where:
|announce-text| - Text to be announced.
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when an internal component within accessibility wants to force speech output for an accessibility extension. Do not use without approval from accessibility owners. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-announce-for-accessibility [announce-text]] where: |announce-text| - Text to be announced. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-custom-spoken-feedback-toggled-events channel & args)
Fired when a custom spoken feedback on the active window gets enabled or disabled. Called from ARC++ accessibility.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-custom-spoken-feedback-toggled [enabled]] where:
|enabled| - True if the active window implements custom spoken feedback features.
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when a custom spoken feedback on the active window gets enabled or disabled. Called from ARC++ accessibility. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-custom-spoken-feedback-toggled [enabled]] where: |enabled| - True if the active window implements custom spoken feedback features. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-introduce-chrome-vox-events channel & args)
Fired whenever ChromeVox should output introduction.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-introduce-chrome-vox []].
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired whenever ChromeVox should output introduction. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-introduce-chrome-vox []]. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-scrollable-bounds-for-point-requested-events channel & args)
Fired when an internal component within accessibility wants to find the nearest scrolling container at a given screen coordinate. Used in Automatic Clicks.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-scrollable-bounds-for-point-requested [x y]] where:
|x| - X screen coordinate of the point. |y| - Y screen coordinate of the point.
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when an internal component within accessibility wants to find the nearest scrolling container at a given screen coordinate. Used in Automatic Clicks. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-scrollable-bounds-for-point-requested [x y]] where: |x| - X screen coordinate of the point. |y| - Y screen coordinate of the point. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-select-to-speak-state-change-requested-events channel & args)
Fired when Chrome OS wants to change the Select-to-Speak state, between selecting with the mouse, speaking, and inactive.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-select-to-speak-state-change-requested []].
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when Chrome OS wants to change the Select-to-Speak state, between selecting with the mouse, speaking, and inactive. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-select-to-speak-state-change-requested []]. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-switch-access-command-events channel & args)
Fired when Chrome OS has received a key event corresponding to a Switch Access command.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-switch-access-command [command]] where:
|command| - ?
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when Chrome OS has received a key event corresponding to a Switch Access command. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-switch-access-command [command]] where: |command| - ? Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-two-finger-touch-start-events channel & args)
Fired when we first detect two fingers are held down, which can be used to toggle spoken feedback on some touch-only devices.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-two-finger-touch-start []].
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when we first detect two fingers are held down, which can be used to toggle spoken feedback on some touch-only devices. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-two-finger-touch-start []]. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-two-finger-touch-stop-events channel & args)
Fired when the user is no longer holding down two fingers (including releasing one, holding down three, or moving them).
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-two-finger-touch-stop []].
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when the user is no longer holding down two fingers (including releasing one, holding down three, or moving them). Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-two-finger-touch-stop []]. Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Toggles dictation between active and inactive states.
Toggles dictation between active and inactive states.
(update-switch-access-bubble bubble show)
(update-switch-access-bubble bubble show anchor)
(update-switch-access-bubble bubble show anchor actions)
Shows the Switch Access menu next to the specified rectangle and with the given actions
|bubble| - Which bubble to show/hide |show| - True if the bubble should be shown, false otherwise |anchor| - A rectangle indicating the bounds of the object the menu should be displayed next to. |actions| - The actions to be shown in the menu.
Shows the Switch Access menu next to the specified rectangle and with the given actions |bubble| - Which bubble to show/hide |show| - True if the bubble should be shown, false otherwise |anchor| - A rectangle indicating the bounds of the object the menu should be displayed next to. |actions| - The actions to be shown in the menu.
(update-switch-access-bubble* config bubble show anchor actions)
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