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The running version of boot app.

The running version of boot app.
sourceraw docstring


Command line options for boot itself.

Command line options for boot itself.
sourceraw docstring


The script's name (when run as script).

The script's name (when run as script).
sourceraw docstring


The running version of boot core.

The running version of boot core.
sourceraw docstring


Count of warnings during build.

Count of warnings during build.
sourceraw docstring


(add-asset fileset dir & {:keys [mergers include exclude meta] :as opts})

Add the contents of the dir to the fileset's assets.

Option :include and :exclude, a #{} of regex expressions, control which paths are added; a path is only added if it matches an :include regex and does not match any :exclude regexes.

If the operation produces duplicate entries, they will be merged using the rules specified by the :mergers option. A merge rule is a [regex fn] pair, where fn takes three parameters:

  • an InputStream for the previous entry,
  • an InputStream of the new entry,
  • and an OutputStream that will replace the entry.

You will typically use default mergers as in:

[[ #"data_readers.clj$" into-merger ] [ #"META-INF/services/.*" concat-merger ] [ #".*" first-wins-merger ]]

The merge rule regular expressions are tested in order, and the fn from the first match is applied.

The :meta option can be used to provide a map of metadata which will be merged into each TmpFile added to the fileset.

Add the contents of the dir to the fileset's assets.

Option :include and :exclude, a #{} of regex expressions, control
which paths are added; a path is only added if it matches an :include
regex and does not match any :exclude regexes.

If the operation produces duplicate entries, they will be merged using
the rules specified by the :mergers option. A merge rule is a
[regex fn] pair, where fn takes three parameters:

- an InputStream for the previous entry,
- an InputStream of the new entry,
- and an OutputStream that will replace the entry.

You will typically use default mergers as in:

  [[ #"data_readers.clj$"    into-merger       ]
   [ #"META-INF/services/.*" concat-merger     ]
   [ #".*"                   first-wins-merger ]]

The merge rule regular expressions are tested in order, and the fn
from the first match is applied.

The :meta option can be used to provide a map of metadata which will be
merged into each TmpFile added to the fileset.
sourceraw docstring


(add-cached-asset fileset
                  {:keys [mergers include exclude meta] :as opts})

Like add-asset, but takes a cache-key (string) and cache-fn instead of a directory. If the cache-key is not found in Boot's fileset cache then the cache-fn is invoked with a single argument -- a directory in which to write the files that Boot should add to the cache -- and the contents of this directory are then added to the cache. In either case the cached files are then added to the fileset.

The opts options are the same as those documented for boot.core/add-asset.

Like add-asset, but takes a cache-key (string) and cache-fn instead of
a directory. If the cache-key is not found in Boot's fileset cache then the
cache-fn is invoked with a single argument -- a directory in which to write
the files that Boot should add to the cache -- and the contents of this
directory are then added to the cache. In either case the cached files are
then added to the fileset.

The opts options are the same as those documented for boot.core/add-asset.
sourceraw docstring


(add-cached-resource fileset
                     {:keys [mergers include exclude meta] :as opts})

Like add-resource, but takes a cache-key (string) and cache-fn instead of a directory. If the cache-key is not found in Boot's fileset cache then the cache-fn is invoked with a single argument -- a directory in which to write the files that Boot should add to the cache -- and the contents of this directory are then added to the cache. In either case the cached files are then added to the fileset.

The opts options are the same as those documented for boot.core/add-resource.

Like add-resource, but takes a cache-key (string) and cache-fn instead of
a directory. If the cache-key is not found in Boot's fileset cache then the
cache-fn is invoked with a single argument -- a directory in which to write
the files that Boot should add to the cache -- and the contents of this
directory are then added to the cache. In either case the cached files are
then added to the fileset.

The opts options are the same as those documented for boot.core/add-resource.
sourceraw docstring


(add-cached-source fileset
                   {:keys [mergers include exclude meta] :as opts})

Like add-source, but takes a cache-key (string) and cache-fn instead of a directory. If the cache-key is not found in Boot's fileset cache then the cache-fn is invoked with a single argument -- a directory in which to write the files that Boot should add to the cache -- and the contents of this directory are then added to the cache. In either case the cached files are then added to the fileset.

The opts options are the same as those documented for boot.core/add-source.

Like add-source, but takes a cache-key (string) and cache-fn instead of
a directory. If the cache-key is not found in Boot's fileset cache then the
cache-fn is invoked with a single argument -- a directory in which to write
the files that Boot should add to the cache -- and the contents of this
directory are then added to the cache. In either case the cached files are
then added to the fileset.

The opts options are the same as those documented for boot.core/add-source.
sourceraw docstring


(add-meta fileset meta-map)

Adds metadata about the files in the filesystem to their corresponding TmpFile objects in the fileset. The meta-map is expected to be a map with string paths as keys and maps of metadata as values. These metadata maps will be merged into the TmpFile objects associated with the paths.

Adds metadata about the files in the filesystem to their corresponding
TmpFile objects in the fileset. The meta-map is expected to be a map with
string paths as keys and maps of metadata as values. These metadata maps
will be merged into the TmpFile objects associated with the paths.
sourceraw docstring


(add-resource fileset dir & {:keys [mergers include exclude meta] :as opts})

Add the contents of the dir to the fileset's resources.

Option :include and :exclude, a #{} of regex expressions, control which paths are added; a path is only added if it matches an :include regex and does not match any :exclude regexes.

If the operation produces duplicate entries, they will be merged using the rules specified by the :mergers option. A merge rule is a [regex fn] pair, where fn takes three parameters:

  • an InputStream for the previous entry,
  • an InputStream of the new entry,
  • and an OutputStream that will replace the entry.

You will typically use default mergers as in:

[[ #"data_readers.clj$" into-merger ] [ #"META-INF/services/.*" concat-merger ] [ #".*" first-wins-merger ]]

The merge rule regular expressions are tested in order, and the fn from the first match is applied.

The :meta option can be used to provide a map of metadata which will be merged into each TmpFile added to the fileset.

Add the contents of the dir to the fileset's resources.

Option :include and :exclude, a #{} of regex expressions, control
which paths are added; a path is only added if it matches an :include
regex and does not match any :exclude regexes.

If the operation produces duplicate entries, they will be merged using
the rules specified by the :mergers option. A merge rule is a
[regex fn] pair, where fn takes three parameters:

- an InputStream for the previous entry,
- an InputStream of the new entry,
- and an OutputStream that will replace the entry.

You will typically use default mergers as in:

  [[ #"data_readers.clj$"    into-merger       ]
   [ #"META-INF/services/.*" concat-merger     ]
   [ #".*"                   first-wins-merger ]]

The merge rule regular expressions are tested in order, and the fn
from the first match is applied.

The :meta option can be used to provide a map of metadata which will be
merged into each TmpFile added to the fileset.
sourceraw docstring


(add-source fileset dir & {:keys [mergers include exclude meta] :as opts})

Add the contents of the dir to the fileset's sources.

Option :include and :exclude, a #{} of regex expressions, control which paths are added; a path is only added if it matches an :include regex and does not match any :exclude regexes.

If the operation produces duplicate entries, they will be merged using the rules specified by the :mergers option. A merge rule is a [regex fn] pair, where fn takes three parameters:

  • an InputStream for the previous entry,
  • an InputStream of the new entry,
  • and an OutputStream that will replace the entry.

You will typically use default mergers as in:

[[ #"data_readers.clj$" into-merger ] [ #"META-INF/services/.*" concat-merger ] [ #".*" first-wins-merger ]]

The merge rule regular expressions are tested in order, and the fn from the first match is applied.

The :meta option can be used to provide a map of metadata which will be merged into each TmpFile added to the fileset.

Add the contents of the dir to the fileset's sources.

Option :include and :exclude, a #{} of regex expressions, control
which paths are added; a path is only added if it matches an :include
regex and does not match any :exclude regexes.

If the operation produces duplicate entries, they will be merged using
the rules specified by the :mergers option. A merge rule is a
[regex fn] pair, where fn takes three parameters:

- an InputStream for the previous entry,
- an InputStream of the new entry,
- and an OutputStream that will replace the entry.

You will typically use default mergers as in:

  [[ #"data_readers.clj$"    into-merger       ]
   [ #"META-INF/services/.*" concat-merger     ]
   [ #".*"                   first-wins-merger ]]

The merge rule regular expressions are tested in order, and the fn
from the first match is applied.

The :meta option can be used to provide a map of metadata which will be
merged into each TmpFile added to the fileset.
sourceraw docstring


(boot & argv)

The REPL equivalent to the command line 'boot'. If all arguments are strings then they are treated as if they were given on the command line. Otherwise they are assumed to evaluate to task middleware.

The REPL equivalent to the command line 'boot'. If all arguments are
strings then they are treated as if they were given on the command line.
Otherwise they are assumed to evaluate to task middleware.
sourceraw docstring


Set of regexes source file paths must not match.

Set of regexes source file paths must not match.
sourceraw docstring


(by-ext exts files & [negate?])

This function takes two arguments: exts and files, where exts is a seq of file extension strings like [".clj" ".cljs"] and files is a seq of file objects. Returns a seq of the files in files which have file extensions listed in exts.

This function takes two arguments: `exts` and `files`, where `exts` is a seq
of file extension strings like `[".clj" ".cljs"]` and `files` is a seq of
file objects. Returns a seq of the files in `files` which have file extensions
listed in `exts`.
sourceraw docstring


(by-meta preds files & [negate?])

This function takes two arguments: preds and files, where preds is a seq of predicates to be applied to the file metadata and files is a seq of file objects obtained from the fileset with the help of boot.core/ls or any other way. Returns a seq of files in files which match all of the predicates in preds. negate? inverts the result.

This function will not unwrap the File objects from TmpFiles.

This function takes two arguments: `preds` and `files`, where `preds` is a
seq of predicates to be applied to the file metadata and `files` is a seq of
file objects obtained from the fileset with the help of `boot.core/ls` or any
other way. Returns a seq of files in `files` which match all of the
predicates in `preds`. `negate?` inverts the result.

This function will not unwrap the `File` objects from `TmpFiles`.
sourceraw docstring


(by-name names files & [negate?])

This function takes two arguments: names and files, where names is a seq of file name strings like ["foo.clj" "bar.xml"] and files is a seq of file objects. Returns a seq of the files in files which have file names listed in names.

This function takes two arguments: `names` and `files`, where `names` is
a seq of file name strings like `["foo.clj" "bar.xml"]` and `files` is
a seq of file objects. Returns a seq of the files in `files` which have file
names listed in `names`.
sourceraw docstring


(by-path paths files & [negate?])

This function takes two arguments: paths and files, where paths is a seq of path strings like ["a/b/c/foo.clj" "bar.xml"] and files is a seq of file objects. Returns a seq of the files in files which have file paths listed in paths.

This function takes two arguments: `paths` and `files`, where `paths` is
a seq of path strings like `["a/b/c/foo.clj" "bar.xml"]` and `files` is
a seq of file objects. Returns a seq of the files in `files` which have file
paths listed in `paths`.
sourceraw docstring


(by-re res files & [negate?])

This function takes two arguments: res and files, where res is a seq of regex patterns like [#"clj$" #"cljs$"] and files is a seq of file objects. Returns a seq of the files in files whose paths match one of the regex patterns in res.

This function takes two arguments: `res` and `files`, where `res` is a seq
of regex patterns like `[#"clj$" #"cljs$"]` and `files` is a seq of
file objects. Returns a seq of the files in `files` whose paths match one of
the regex patterns in `res`.
sourceraw docstring


(cache-dir! key & {:keys [global]})

Returns a directory which is managed by boot but whose contents will not be deleted after the build is complete. The :global option specifies that the directory is shared by all projects. The default behavior returns different directories for the same key when run in different projects.

Returns a directory which is managed by boot but whose contents will not be
deleted after the build is complete. The :global option specifies that the
directory is shared by all projects. The default behavior returns different
directories for the same key when run in different projects.
sourceraw docstring


(cleanup & body)

Evaluate body after tasks have been run. This macro is meant to be called from inside a task definition, and is provided as a means to shutdown or clean up persistent resources created by the task (eg. threads, files, etc.)

Evaluate body after tasks have been run. This macro is meant to be called
from inside a task definition, and is provided as a means to shutdown or
clean up persistent resources created by the task (eg. threads, files, etc.)
sourceraw docstring


(commit! fileset)

Make the underlying temp directories correspond to the immutable fileset tree structure.

Make the underlying temp directories correspond to the immutable fileset
tree structure.
sourceraw docstring


(configure-repositories! f)

Get or set the repository configuration callback function. The function will be applied to all repositories added to the boot env, it should return the repository map with any additional configuration (like credentials, for example).

Get or set the repository configuration callback function. The function
will be applied to all repositories added to the boot env, it should return
the repository map with any additional configuration (like credentials, for
sourceraw docstring


(cp fileset src-file dest-tmpfile)

Given a fileset and a dest-tmpfile from that fileset, overwrites the dest tmpfile with the contents of the src-file.

Given a fileset and a dest-tmpfile from that fileset, overwrites the dest
tmpfile with the contents of the src-file.
sourceraw docstring


(deftask sym & forms)

Define a boot task.

Define a boot task.
sourceraw docstring


(disable-task! & tasks)

Disables the given tasks by replacing them with the identity task.


(disable-task! repl jar)
Disables the given tasks by replacing them with the identity task.


    (disable-task! repl jar)
sourceraw docstring


(empty-dir! & dirs)

For each directory in dirs, recursively deletes all files and subdirectories. The directories in dirs themselves are not deleted.

For each directory in dirs, recursively deletes all files and subdirectories.
The directories in dirs themselves are not deleted.
sourceraw docstring


(file-filter mkpred)

A file filtering function factory. FIXME: more documenting here.

A file filtering function factory. FIXME: more documenting here.
sourceraw docstring


(fileset-added before after & props)

Returns a new fileset containing only files that were added.

Returns a new fileset containing only files that were added.
sourceraw docstring


(fileset-changed before after & props)

Returns a new fileset containing only files that were changed.

Returns a new fileset containing only files that were changed.
sourceraw docstring


(fileset-diff before after & props)

Returns a new fileset containing files that were added or modified. Removed files are not considered. The optional props arguments can be any of :time, :hash, or both, specifying whether to consider changes to last modified time or content md5 hash of the files (the default is both).

Returns a new fileset containing files that were added or modified. Removed
files are not considered. The optional props arguments can be any of :time,
:hash, or both, specifying whether to consider changes to last modified time
or content md5 hash of the files (the default is both).
sourceraw docstring


(fileset-namespaces fileset)

Returns a set of symbols: the namespaces defined in this fileset.

Returns a set of symbols: the namespaces defined in this fileset.
sourceraw docstring


(fileset-reduce fileset get-files & reducers)

Given a fileset, a function get-files that selects files from the fileset, and a number of reducing functions, composes the reductions. The result of the previous reduction and the result of get-files applied to it are passed through to the next reducing function.

Given a fileset, a function get-files that selects files from the fileset,
and a number of reducing functions, composes the reductions. The result of
the previous reduction and the result of get-files applied to it are passed
through to the next reducing function.
sourceraw docstring


(fileset-removed before after & props)

Returns a new fileset containing only files that were removed.

Returns a new fileset containing only files that were removed.
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(get-env & [k not-found])

Returns the value associated with the key k in the boot environment, or not-found if the environment doesn't contain key k and not-found was given. Calling this function with no arguments returns the environment map.

Returns the value associated with the key `k` in the boot environment, or
`not-found` if the environment doesn't contain key `k` and `not-found` was
given. Calling this function with no arguments returns the environment map.
sourceraw docstring


(get-sys-env k)
(get-sys-env k not-found)

Returns the value associated with the system property k, the environment variable k, or not-found if neither of those are set. If not-found is the keyword :required, an exception will be thrown when there is no value for either the system property or environment variable k.

Returns the value associated with the system property k, the environment
variable k, or not-found if neither of those are set. If not-found is the
keyword :required, an exception will be thrown when there is no value for
either the system property or environment variable k.
sourceraw docstring


(git-files & {:keys [untracked]})

Returns a list of files roughly equivalent to what you'd get with the git command line git ls-files. The :untracked option includes untracked files.

Returns a list of files roughly equivalent to what you'd get with the git
command line `git ls-files`. The :untracked option includes untracked files.
sourceraw docstring


(gpg-decrypt path-or-file & {:keys [as]})

Uses gpg(1) to decrypt a file and returns its contents as a string. The :as :edn option can be passed to read the contents as an EDN form.

Uses gpg(1) to decrypt a file and returns its contents as a string. The
:as :edn option can be passed to read the contents as an EDN form.
sourceraw docstring



Initialize the boot environment. This is normally run once by boot at startup. There should be no need to call this function directly.

Initialize the boot environment. This is normally run once by boot at
startup. There should be no need to call this function directly.
sourceraw docstring


(input-dirs fileset)

Get a list of directories containing files with input roles.

Get a list of directories containing files with input roles.
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(input-files fileset)

Get a set of TmpFile objects corresponding to files with input role.

Get a set of TmpFile objects corresponding to files with input role.
sourceraw docstring


(input-fileset fileset)

FIXME: document

FIXME: document
sourceraw docstring


(json-generate x & [opt-map])

Same as cheshire.core/generate-string.

Same as cheshire.core/generate-string.
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(json-parse x & [key-fn])

Same as cheshire.core/parse-string.

Same as cheshire.core/parse-string.
sourceraw docstring


Last source file watcher update time.

Last source file watcher update time.
sourceraw docstring


(launch-nrepl & {:keys [pod] :as opts})

Launches an nREPL server in a pod. See the repl task for options.

Launches an nREPL server in a pod. See the repl task for options.
sourceraw docstring



Refresh data-readers with readers from newly acquired dependencies.

Refresh *data-readers* with readers from newly acquired dependencies.
sourceraw docstring


(ls fileset)

Get a set of TmpFile objects for all files in the fileset.

Get a set of TmpFile objects for all files in the fileset.
sourceraw docstring


(merge-env! & kvs)

Merges the new values into the current values for the given keys in the env map. Uses a merging strategy that is appropriate for the given key (eg. uses clojure.core/into for keys whose values are collections and simply replaces Keys whose values aren't collections).

Merges the new values into the current values for the given keys in the env
map. Uses a merging strategy that is appropriate for the given key (eg. uses
clojure.core/into for keys whose values are collections and simply replaces
Keys whose values aren't collections).
sourceraw docstring


(mv fileset from-path to-path)

Given a fileset and two paths in the fileset, from-path and to-path, moves the tmpfile at from-path to to-path, returning a new fileset.

Given a fileset and two paths in the fileset, from-path and to-path, moves
the tmpfile at from-path to to-path, returning a new fileset.
sourceraw docstring


(mv-asset fileset tmpfiles)

Given a collection of tmpfiles, moves them in the fileset such that they become asset files.

Given a collection of tmpfiles, moves them in the fileset such that they
become asset files.
sourceraw docstring


(mv-resource fileset tmpfiles)

Given a collection of tmpfiles, moves them in the fileset such that they become resource files.

Given a collection of tmpfiles, moves them in the fileset such that they
become resource files.
sourceraw docstring


(mv-source fileset tmpfiles)

Given a collection of tmpfiles, moves them in the fileset such that they become source files.

Given a collection of tmpfiles, moves them in the fileset such that they
become source files.
sourceraw docstring


Latest build occured at time.

Latest build occured at time.
sourceraw docstring




(not-by-ext exts files)

This function is the same as by-ext but negated.

This function is the same as `by-ext` but negated.
sourceraw docstring


(not-by-meta preds files)

Negated version of by-meta.

This function will not unwrap the File objects from TmpFiles.

Negated version of `by-meta`.

This function will not unwrap the `File` objects from `TmpFiles`.
sourceraw docstring


(not-by-name names files)

This function is the same as by-name but negated.

This function is the same as `by-name` but negated.
sourceraw docstring


(not-by-path paths files)

This function is the same as by-path but negated.

This function is the same as `by-path` but negated.
sourceraw docstring


(not-by-re res files)

This function is the same as by-re but negated.

This function is the same as `by-re` but negated.
sourceraw docstring


(output-dirs fileset)


(output-files fileset)

Get a set of TmpFile objects corresponding to files with output role.

Get a set of TmpFile objects corresponding to files with output role.
sourceraw docstring


(output-fileset fileset)

FIXME: document

FIXME: document
sourceraw docstring


(patch! dest srcs & {:keys [ignore state link]})

Given a dest and a sequence of srcs, all of which satisfying the IToPath protocol, updates dest such that it contains the union of the contents of srcs and returns an immutable value reflecting the final state of dest. The String,, java.nio.file.Path, and java.nio.file.FileSystem types satisfy IToPath.

Paths in dest that are not in any of the srcs will be removed; paths in any of the srcs that are not in dest or have different contents than the path in dest will be copied (or hardlinked, see :link option below).

The :ignore option specifies a set of regex patterns for paths that will be ignored.

The :state option specifies the initial state of dest (usually set to the value returned by a previous call to this function). When provided, this option makes the patching operation more efficient by eliminating the need to scan dest to establish its current state.

The :link option specifies whether to create hardlinks instead of copying files from srcs to dest.

Given a dest and a sequence of srcs, all of which satisfying the IToPath
protocol, updates dest such that it contains the union of the contents of
srcs and returns an immutable value reflecting the final state of dest. The
String,, java.nio.file.Path, and java.nio.file.FileSystem types
satisfy IToPath.

Paths in dest that are not in any of the srcs will be removed; paths in any
of the srcs that are not in dest or have different contents than the path
in dest will be copied (or hardlinked, see :link option below).

The :ignore option specifies a set of regex patterns for paths that will be

The :state option specifies the initial state of dest (usually set to the
value returned by a previous call to this function). When provided, this
option makes the patching operation more efficient by eliminating the need
to scan dest to establish its current state.

The :link option specifies whether to create hardlinks instead of copying
files from srcs to dest.
sourceraw docstring


Event handler called when the env atom is modified. This handler is for performing side-effects associated with maintaining the application state in the env atom. For example, when :src-paths is modified the handler adds the new directories to the classpath.

Event handler called when the env atom is modified. This handler is for
performing side-effects associated with maintaining the application state in
the env atom. For example, when `:src-paths` is modified the handler adds
the new directories to the classpath.
sourceraw docstring


This multimethod is used to modify how new values are merged into the boot atom when set-env! is called. This function's result will become the new value associated with the given key in the env atom.

This multimethod is used to modify how new values are merged into the boot
atom when `set-env!` is called. This function's result will become the new
value associated with the given `key` in the env atom.
sourceraw docstring



Manually trigger build watch.

Manually trigger build watch.
sourceraw docstring


(replace-task! & replacements)

Given a number of binding form and function pairs, this macro alters the root bindings of task vars, replacing their values with the given functions.


(replace-task! [r repl] (fn [& xs] (apply r :port 12345 xs)) [j jar] (fn [& xs] (apply j :manifest {"howdy" "world"} xs)))

Given a number of binding form and function pairs, this macro alters the
root bindings of task vars, replacing their values with the given functions.


  [r repl] (fn [& xs] (apply r :port 12345 xs))
  [j jar]  (fn [& xs] (apply j :manifest {"howdy" "world"} xs)))
sourceraw docstring



Resets mutable build state to default values. This includes such things as warning counters etc., state that is relevant to a single build cycle. This function should be called before each build iteration.

Resets mutable build state to default values. This includes such things as
warning counters etc., state that is relevant to a single build cycle. This
function should be called before each build iteration.
sourceraw docstring


(reset-fileset & [fileset])

Updates the user directories in the fileset with the latest project files, returning a new immutable fileset. When called with no args returns a new fileset containing only the latest project files.

Updates the user directories in the fileset with the latest project files,
returning a new immutable fileset. When called with no args returns a new
fileset containing only the latest project files.
sourceraw docstring


(rm fileset files)

Removes files from the fileset tree, returning a new fileset object. This does not affect the underlying filesystem in any way.

Removes files from the fileset tree, returning a new fileset object. This
does not affect the underlying filesystem in any way.
sourceraw docstring


(set-env! & kvs)

Update the boot environment atom this with the given key-value pairs given in kvs. See also post-env! and pre-env!. The values in the env map must be both printable by the Clojure printer and readable by its reader. If the value for a key is a function, that function will be applied to the current value of that key and the result will become the new value (similar to how clojure.core/update-in works.

Update the boot environment atom `this` with the given key-value pairs given
in `kvs`. See also `post-env!` and `pre-env!`. The values in the env map must
be both printable by the Clojure printer and readable by its reader. If the
value for a key is a function, that function will be applied to the current
value of that key and the result will become the new value (similar to how
clojure.core/update-in works.
sourceraw docstring


(set-sys-env! & kvs)

For each key value pair in kvs the system property corresponding to the key is set. Keys and values must be strings, but the value can be nil or false to remove the system property.

For each key value pair in kvs the system property corresponding to the key
is set. Keys and values must be strings, but the value can be nil or false
to remove the system property.
sourceraw docstring


(sync! dest & srcs)

Given a dest directory and one or more srcs directories, overlays srcs on dest, removing files in dest that are not in srcs. Uses file modification timestamps to decide which version of files to emit to dest. Uses hardlinks instead of copying file contents. File modification times are preserved.

Given a dest directory and one or more srcs directories, overlays srcs on
dest, removing files in dest that are not in srcs. Uses file modification
timestamps to decide which version of files to emit to dest. Uses hardlinks
instead of copying file contents. File modification times are preserved.
sourceraw docstring


(task-options! & task-option-pairs)

Given a number of task/map-of-curried-arguments pairs, replaces the root bindings of the tasks with their curried values. For example:

  repl {:port     12345}
  jar  {:manifest {:howdy "world"}})

You can update options, too, by providing a function instead of an option map. This function will be passed the current option map and its result will be used as the new one. For example:

  repl #(update-in % [:port] (fnil inc 1234))
  jar  #(assoc-in % [:manifest "ILike"] "Turtles"))
Given a number of task/map-of-curried-arguments pairs, replaces the root
bindings of the tasks with their curried values. For example:

      repl {:port     12345}
      jar  {:manifest {:howdy "world"}})

You can update options, too, by providing a function instead of an option
map. This function will be passed the current option map and its result will
be used as the new one. For example:

      repl #(update-in % [:port] (fnil inc 1234))
      jar  #(assoc-in % [:manifest "ILike"] "Turtles"))
sourceraw docstring


(temp-dir! & args__566__auto__)

#'boot.core/temp-dir! was deprecated, please use #'boot.core/tmp-dir! instead

#'boot.core/temp-dir! was deprecated, please use #'boot.core/tmp-dir! instead
sourceraw docstring


(template form)

The syntax-quote (aka quasiquote) reader macro as a normal macro. Provides the unquote ~ and unquote-splicing ~@ metacharacters for templating forms without performing symbol resolution.

The syntax-quote (aka quasiquote) reader macro as a normal macro. Provides
the unquote ~ and unquote-splicing ~@ metacharacters for templating forms
without performing symbol resolution.
sourceraw docstring


(tmp-dir tmpfile)

Returns the temporary directory containing the tmpfile.

Returns the temporary directory containing the tmpfile.
sourceraw docstring



Creates a boot-managed temporary directory, returning a

Creates a boot-managed temporary directory, returning a
sourceraw docstring


(tmp-file tmpfile)

Returns the object for the tmpfile.

Returns the object for the tmpfile.
sourceraw docstring


(tmp-get fileset path & [not-found])

Given a fileset and a path, returns the associated TmpFile record. If the not-found argument is specified and the TmpFile is not in the fileset then not-found is returned, otherwise nil.

Given a fileset and a path, returns the associated TmpFile record. If the
not-found argument is specified and the TmpFile is not in the fileset then
not-found is returned, otherwise nil.
sourceraw docstring


(tmp-path tmpfile)

Returns the tmpfile's path relative to the fileset root.

Returns the tmpfile's path relative to the fileset root.
sourceraw docstring


(tmp-time tmpfile)

Returns the last modified timestamp for the tmpfile.

Returns the last modified timestamp for the tmpfile.
sourceraw docstring


(tmpdir & args__566__auto__)

#'boot.core/tmpdir was deprecated, please use #'boot.core/tmp-dir instead

#'boot.core/tmpdir was deprecated, please use #'boot.core/tmp-dir instead
sourceraw docstring


(tmpfile & args__566__auto__)

#'boot.core/tmpfile was deprecated, please use #'boot.core/tmp-file instead

#'boot.core/tmpfile was deprecated, please use #'boot.core/tmp-file instead
sourceraw docstring


(tmpget & args__566__auto__)

#'boot.core/tmpget was deprecated, please use #'boot.core/tmp-get instead

#'boot.core/tmpget was deprecated, please use #'boot.core/tmp-get instead
sourceraw docstring


(tmppath & args__566__auto__)

#'boot.core/tmppath was deprecated, please use #'boot.core/tmp-path instead

#'boot.core/tmppath was deprecated, please use #'boot.core/tmp-path instead
sourceraw docstring


(tmptime & args__566__auto__)

#'boot.core/tmptime was deprecated, please use #'boot.core/tmp-time instead

#'boot.core/tmptime was deprecated, please use #'boot.core/tmp-time instead
sourceraw docstring


(touch f)

Same as the Unix touch(1) program.

Same as the Unix touch(1) program.
sourceraw docstring


(user-dirs fileset)

Get a list of directories containing files that originated in the project's source, resource, or asset paths.

Get a list of directories containing files that originated in the project's
source, resource, or asset paths.
sourceraw docstring


(user-files fileset)

Get a set of TmpFile objects corresponding to files that originated in the project's source, resource, or asset paths.

Get a set of TmpFile objects corresponding to files that originated in
the project's source, resource, or asset paths.
sourceraw docstring


(watch-dirs callback dirs & {:keys [debounce]})

Watches dirs for changes and calls callback with set of changed files when file(s) in these directories are modified. Returns a thunk which will stop the watcher.

The watcher uses the somewhat quirky native filesystem event APIs. A debounce option is provided (in ms, default 10) which can be used to tune the watcher sensitivity.

Watches dirs for changes and calls callback with set of changed files
when file(s) in these directories are modified. Returns a thunk which
will stop the watcher.

The watcher uses the somewhat quirky native filesystem event APIs. A
debounce option is provided (in ms, default 10) which can be used to
tune the watcher sensitivity.
sourceraw docstring


(with-pass-thru bind & body)

Given a binding and body expressions, constructs a task handler. The body expressions are evaluated for side effects with the current fileset bound to binding. The current fileset is then passed to the next handler and the result is then returned up the handler stack.

Given a binding and body expressions, constructs a task handler. The body
expressions are evaluated for side effects with the current fileset bound
to binding. The current fileset is then passed to the next handler and the
result is then returned up the handler stack.
sourceraw docstring


(with-post-wrap bind & body)

Given a binding and body expressions, constructs a task handler. The next handler is called with the current fileset, and the result is bound to binding. The body expressions are then evaluated for side effects and the bound fileset is returned up the handler stack. Roughly equivalent to:

(fn [next-handler]
  (fn [fileset]
    (let [binding (next-handler fileset)]
      (do ... ...)

where ... are the given body expressions.

Given a binding and body expressions, constructs a task handler. The next
handler is called with the current fileset, and the result is bound to
binding. The body expressions are then evaluated for side effects and the
bound fileset is returned up the handler stack. Roughly equivalent to:

    (fn [next-handler]
      (fn [fileset]
        (let [binding (next-handler fileset)]
          (do ... ...)

where ... are the given body expressions.
sourceraw docstring


(with-pre-wrap bind & body)

Given a binding and body expressions, constructs a task handler. The body expressions are evaluated with the current fileset bound to binding, and the result is passed to the next handler in the pipeline. The fileset obtained from the next handler is then returned up the handler stack. The body must evaluate to a fileset object. Roughly equivalent to:

(fn [next-handler]
  (fn [binding]
    (next-handler (do ... ...))))

where ... are the given body expressions.

Given a binding and body expressions, constructs a task handler. The body
expressions are evaluated with the current fileset bound to binding, and the
result is passed to the next handler in the pipeline. The fileset obtained
from the next handler is then returned up the handler stack. The body must
evaluate to a fileset object. Roughly equivalent to:

    (fn [next-handler]
      (fn [binding]
        (next-handler (do ... ...))))

where ... are the given body expressions.
sourceraw docstring


(yaml-generate x)

Same as clj-yaml.core/generate-string.

Same as clj-yaml.core/generate-string.
sourceraw docstring


(yaml-parse x)

Same as clj-yaml.core/parse-string.

Same as clj-yaml.core/parse-string.
sourceraw docstring

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