Small Clojure Interpreter
I want a limited dialect of Clojure for a single-purpose, scripted application. Sci will fit nicely.
— @tiagoluchini
(require '[sci.core :as sci])
(sci/eval-string "(inc 1)") => ;; 2
(sci/eval-string "(inc x)" {:namespaces {'user {'x 2}}}) ;;=> 3
Try SCI in your browser at NextJournal.
For usage with GraalVM native-image
check here.
You want to evaluate code from user input, or use Clojure for a DSL inside your
project, but eval
isn't safe or simply doesn't work.
This library works with:
, and JavaScriptSci is used in:
Are you using SCI in your company or projects? Let us know here.
Experimental. Breaking changes are expected to happen at this phase. They will be documented in the
Use as a dependency:
See the generated codox documentation.
The main API function is sci.core/eval-string
which takes a string to evaluate
and an optional options map.
In sci
, defn
does not mutate the outside world, only the evaluation
context inside a call to sci/eval-string
By default SCI only enables access to most of the Clojure core functions. More
functions can be enabled by using :namespaces
and :classes
. Normally you
would use SCI's version of println
but here, for the purposes of
demonstration, we use use Clojure's version of println
user=> (require '[sci.core :as sci])
user=> (sci/eval-string "(println \"hello\")" {:namespaces {'clojure.core {'println println}}})
It is also possible to provide namespaces which can be required inside a SCI program:
user=> (def opts {:namespaces {' {'println println}}})
user=> (sci/eval-string "(require '[ :as lib]) (lib/println \"hello\")" opts)
You can provide a list of allowed symbols. Using other symbols causes an exception:
user=> (sci/eval-string "(inc 1)" {:allow '[inc]})
user=> (sci/eval-string "(dec 1)" {:allow '[inc]})
ExceptionInfo dec is not allowed! [at line 1, column 2] clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4739)
Providing a list of disallowed symbols has the opposite effect:
user=> (sci/eval-string "(inc 1)" {:deny '[inc]})
ExceptionInfo inc is not allowed! [at line 1, column 2] clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4739)
Providing a macro as a binding can be done by providing a normal function that:
on the metadata set to true
and &env
:user=> (def do-twice ^:sci/macro (fn [_&form _&env x] (list 'do x x)))
user=> (sci/eval-string "(do-twice (f))" {:bindings {'do-twice do-twice 'f #(println "hello")}})
Alternatively you can refer to the macro from the Clojure environment via the var (this only works in a JVM environment):
user=> (defmacro do-twice [x] (list 'do x x))
user=> (sci/eval-string "(do-twice (f))" {:namespaces {'user {'do-twice #'do-twice 'f #(println "hello")}}})
To remain safe and sandboxed, SCI programs do not have access to Clojure vars, unless you explicitly provide that access. SCI has its own var type, distinguished from Clojure vars.
In a SCI program these vars are created with def
and defn
just like in
normal Clojure:
(def x 1)
(defn foo [] x)
(foo) ;;=> 1
(def x 2)
(foo) ;;=> 2
Dynamic vars with thread-local bindings are also supported:
(def ^:dynamic *x* 1)
(binding [*x* 10] x) ;;=> 10
(binding [*x* 10] (set! x 12) x) ;;=> 12
x ;;=> 1
Creating SCI vars from Clojure can be done using sci/new-var
(def x (sci/new-var 'x 10))
(sci/eval-string "(inc x)" {:namespaces {'user {'x x}}}) ;;=> 11
To create a dynamic SCI var you can set metadata or use sci/new-dynamic-var
(def x1 (sci/new-var 'x 10 {:dynamic true}))
(sci/eval-string "(binding [*x* 12] (inc *x*))" {:namespaces {'user {'*x* x1}}}) ;;=> 13
(def x2 (sci/new-dynamic-var 'x 10))
(sci/eval-string "(binding [*x* 12] (inc *x*))" {:namespaces {'user {'*x* x2}}}) ;;=> 13
SCI vars can be bound from Clojure using sci/binding
(def x (sci/new-dynamic-var 'x 10))
(sci/binding [x 11] (sci/eval-string "(inc *x*)" {:namespaces {'user {'*x* x2}}})) ;;=> 11
The dynamic vars *in*
, *out*
, *err*
SCI a sci program correspond to the
dynamic sci vars sci/in
, sci/out
and sci/err
in the API. These
vars can be rebound as well:
(def sw (
(sci/binding [sci/out sw] (sci/eval-string "(println \"hello\")")) ;;=> nil
(str sw) ;;=> "hello\n"
A shorthand for rebinding sci/out
is sci/with-out-str
(sci/with-out-str (sci/eval-string "(println \"hello\")")) ;;=> "hello\n"
To copy the public vars of a Clojure namespace and to reify the Clojure vars into
corresponding SCI vars, you can use ns-publics
in Clojure and the following API functions:
: creates an object that identifies a SCI namespace and carries the metadata of a SCI namespacessci/copy-var
: macro that copies a Clojure var to a SCI namespace (created through sci/create-ns
). Automatically converts dynamic vars and macros. Captures docstrings and arglists.E.g. given the following Clojure namespace:
(ns foobar)
(defmacro do-twice [x] (list 'do x x))
(defn times-two [x]
(* x 2))
you can re-create that namespace in a SCI context like this:
(require 'foobar)
(def fns (sci/create-ns 'foobar-ns nil))
(def foobar-ns {'do-twice (sci/copy-var foobar/do-twice fns)
'times-two (sci/copy-var foobar/times-two fns)})
(def ctx (sci/init {:namespaces {'foobar foobar-ns}}))
(sci/binding [sci/out *out*]
(sci/eval-string* ctx "(foobar/do-twice (prn :x))"))
(sci/eval-string* ctx "(foobar/times-two 2)")
To copy an entire namespace without enumerating all vars explicitly with
you can use the following approach using ns-publics
and sci/new-var
(reduce (fn [ns-map [var-name var]]
(let [m (meta var)
no-doc (:no-doc m)
doc (:doc m)
arglists (:arglists m)]
(if no-doc ns-map
(assoc ns-map var-name
(sci/new-var (symbol var-name) @var
(cond-> {:ns fns
:name (:name m)}
(:macro m) (assoc :macro true)
doc (assoc :doc doc)
arglists (assoc :arglists arglists)))))))
(ns-publics 'foobar))
To enable printing to stdout
and reading from stdin
you can SCI-bind
and sci/in
to *out*
and *in*
(sci/binding [sci/out *out*
sci/in *in*]
(sci/eval-string "(print \"Type your name!\n> \")")
(sci/eval-string "(flush)")
(let [name (sci/eval-string "(read-line)")]
(sci/eval-string "(printf \"Hello %s!\" name)
{:bindings {'name name}})))
Type your name!
> Michiel
Hello Michiel!
When adding a Clojure function to SCI that interacts with *out*
(or *in*
or *err*
), you
can hook it up to SCI's context. For example, a Clojure function that writes to *out*
can be Clojure bound to SCI's out
user=> (defn foo [] (println "yello!"))
user=> ;; without binding *out* to sci's out, the Clojure function will use its default *out*:
user=> (sci/eval-string "(with-out-str (foo))" {:namespaces {'user {'foo foo}}})
;; Let's hook foo up to SCI's context:
user=> (defn wrapped-foo [] (binding [*out* @sci/out] (foo)))
user=> (sci/eval-string "(with-out-str (foo))" {:bindings {'foo wrapped-foo}})
To always enable printing in your SCI environment you can set sci/out
to *out*
(sci/alter-var-root sci/out (constantly *out*))
Similar to Clojure vs. CLJS, the difference wit SCI on Clojure vs. SCI on CLJS
is that in the latter you should use sci/print-newline
and sci/print-fn
control printing to stdout:
cljs.user=> (def output (atom ""))
cljs.user=> (sci/binding [sci/print-newline true sci/print-fn (fn [s] (swap! output str s))] (sci/eval-string "(print :hello) (println :bye)"))
cljs.user=> @output
This is supported since SCI 0.2.7 (currently unreleased but available as git dep).
To always enable printing in your SCI environment you can set sci/print-fn
to *print-fn*
(sci/alter-var-root sci/print-fn (constantly *print-fn*))
Creating threads with future
and pmap
is disabled by default, but can be
enabled by requiring sci.addons.future
and applying the sci.addons.future/install
to the sci options:
[sci.core :as sci]
[sci.addons.future :as future]))
(sci/eval-string "@(future (inc x))"
(-> {:namespaces {'user {'x 1}}}
;;=> 2
For conveying thread-local SCI bindings to an external future
[sci.core :as sci]
[sci.addons.future :as future]))
(def x (sci/new-dynamic-var 'x 10))
@(sci/binding [x 11]
(sci/eval-string "@(future (inc x))"
(-> {:namespaces {'user {'x x}}}
;;=> 12
Adding support for classes is done via the :classes
(sci/eval-string "(java.util.UUID/randomUUID)"
{:classes {'java.util.UUID java.util.UUID}})
;;=> #uuid "312ba519-37e2-4109-b164-97fb140b57b0"
To make this work with GraalVM
you will also need to add an entry to your
for this class. Also see reflection.json
By default, SCI only lets you interop with classes explicitly provided in the
config. When a method call returns an instance of a class that is not
in :classes
you won't be able to to interop on that. You can disable this
safety measure with {:classes {:allow :all}}
In JS hosts, to allow interop with anything, use the following config:
{:classes {'js goog/global :allow :all}}
Sci uses a context (internally implemented using an atom) to keep track of state
changes like newly defined namespaces and vars. The contents of the context
should be considered implementation detail. Every call to eval-string
a fresh context. To preserve state over multiple evaluations, you can create a
context using the same options as those for sci/eval-string
(def opts {:namespaces {' {'x 1}}})
(def sci-ctx (sci/init opts))
The SCI context can then be re-used over successive invocations of
(sci/eval-string* sci-ctx "") ;;=> 1
(sci/eval-string* sci-ctx "(ns (def x 2) x") ;;=> 2
(sci/eval-string* sci-ctx "") ;;=> 2
In a multi-user environment it can be useful to give each user their own
context. This can already be achieved with eval-string
, but for performance
reasons it may be desirable to initialize a shared context once. This shared
context can then be forked for each user so that changes in one user's context
aren't visible to other users:
(def forked (sci/fork sci-ctx))
(sci/eval-string* forked "(def forked 1)")
(sci/eval-string* forked "forked") ;;=> 1
(sci/eval-string* sci-ctx "forked") ;;=> Could not resolved symbol: forked
SCI supports loading code via a hook that is invoked by SCI's implementation of
. The job of this function is to find and return the source code for
the requested namespace. This passed-in function will be called with a single
argument that is a hashmap with a key :namespace
. The value for this key will
be the symbol of the requested namespace.
This function should return a map with keys :file
(containing the filename to
be used in error messages) and :source
(containing the source code text). SCI
will evaluate that source code to satisfy the call to require
. Alternatively
the function can return nil
which will result in SCI throwing an exception
that the namespace could not be found.
The load hook is passed as part of the SCI options via the :load-fn
(defn load-fn [{:keys [namespace]}]
(when (= namespace 'foo)
{:file "foo.clj"
:source "(ns foo) (def val :foo)"}))
(sci/eval-string "(require '[foo :as fu]) fu/val" {:load-fn load-fn})
;;=> :foo
Note that internally specified namespaces (either the default namespaces that
SCI provides itself or those provides via the :namespaces
key) will be
considered first and if found there, :load-fn
will not be called, unless
or :reload-all
are used:
"(require '[foo :as fu])
{:load-fn load-fn
:namespaces {'foo {'val (sci/new-var 'val :internal)}}})
;;=> :internal
"(require '[foo :as fu] :reload)
{:load-fn load-fn
:namespaces {'foo {'val (sci/new-var 'val :internal)}}})
;;=> :foo
Another option for loading code is to provide an implementation of
. An example is presented here.
(:require [sci.core :as sci]
[ :as io]))
(spit "example1.clj" "(defn foo [] :foo)")
(spit "example2.clj" "(load-file \"example1.clj\")")
(let [env (atom {})
opts {:env env}
load-file (fn [file]
(let [file (io/file file)
source (slurp file)]
{sci/ns @sci/ns
sci/file (.getAbsolutePath file)}
(sci/eval-string source opts))))
opts (assoc-in opts [:namespaces 'clojure.core 'load-file] load-file)]
(sci/eval-string "(load-file \"example2.clj\") (foo)" opts))
;;=> :foo
Implementing a REPL can be done using the following functions:
: returns reader for parsing source code, either from a string or io/reader
: returns next form from readersci/eval-form
: evaluates form returned by parse-next
.See examples for examples for both Clojure and ClojureScript. Run instructions are included at the bottom of each example.
To include an nREPL server in your sci-based project, you can use babashka.nrepl.
For general information about Clojure and GraalVM, check out clj-graal-docs and graalvm-clojure.
To build native images with GraalVM it is recommended to use clojure 1.10.3
To use SCI as a native shared library from e.g. C, C++, Rust, read this tutorial.
Currently SCI doesn't support deftype
and definterface
Forms evaluated by SCI can produce lazy sequences. In Clojure, dynamic vars and laziness can be a tricky combination and the same goes for dynamic SCI vars.
Consider the following example:
(let [sw (
result (sci/binding [sci/out sw] (sci/eval-string "(map print (range 10))"))]
(println "Output:" (str sw))
(println "Result:" result))
If the returned lazy seq was realized within the sci/binding
scope, the output
would be:
Output: 0123456789
Result: (nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)
But because the result is only printed outside of sci/binding
the result is:
Execution error (ClassCastException) at (io.cljc:44).
class sci.impl.vars.SciUnbound cannot be cast to class (sci.impl.vars.SciUnbound is in unnamed module of loader clojure.lang.DynamicClassLoader @4c2af006; is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
This happens because by the time the lazy-seq is realized, the binding scope for
is no longer established, and as a result the lazy-seq can no longer
be realized (due to the delayed calls to println
, a side-effecting call
dependends on the value of sci/out
, set by sci/binding
If the result is intented to be serialized as a string, then one could simply serialize while the binding is still in place:
(let [sw (]
(sci/binding [sci/out sw]
(let [result (sci/eval-string "(map print (range 10))")]
(println "Result:" result)
(println "Output:" (str sw)))))
Note that we moved (println "Result:" result)
before (println "Output:" (str sw))
, since the first call takes care of realization.
Required: lein
, the clojure
CLI and GraalVM.
To succesfully run the GraalVM tests, you will have to compile the binary first
with script/compile
To run all tests:
For running individual tests, see the scripts in script/test
Use clojure -M:bench
to benchmark the various phases of sci on the JVM:
$ clojure -M:bench --complete --sexpr "(let [x 1 y 2] (+ x y))" --quick
BENCHMARKING EXPRESSION: (let [x 1 y 2] (+ x y))
-> (let [x 1 y 2] (+ x y))
Evaluation count : 605268 in 6 samples of 100878 calls.
Execution time mean : 1,105801 µs
Execution time std-deviation : 209,640200 ns
Execution time lower quantile : 934,602619 ns ( 2,5%)
Execution time upper quantile : 1,459172 µs (97,5%)
Overhead used : 8,140922 ns
Found 1 outliers in 6 samples (16,6667 %)
low-severe 1 (16,6667 %)
Variance from outliers : 48,1886 % Variance is moderately inflated by outliers
Evaluation count : 82248 in 6 samples of 13708 calls.
Execution time mean : 8,562699 µs
Execution time std-deviation : 1,289355 µs
Execution time lower quantile : 7,557778 µs ( 2,5%)
Execution time upper quantile : 10,039290 µs (97,5%)
Overhead used : 8,140922 ns
-> 3
Evaluation count : 1607688 in 6 samples of 267948 calls.
Execution time mean : 433,635072 ns
Execution time std-deviation : 67,003007 ns
Execution time lower quantile : 378,876890 ns ( 2,5%)
Execution time upper quantile : 512,818448 ns (97,5%)
Overhead used : 8,140922 ns
Use --parse
, --evaluate
and/or --analyze
to bench individual phases
will bench all of them). Leaving out --quick
will run
instead of criterium/quick-bench
To benchmark an expression within GraalVM native-image
, run script/compile
and then run:
$ time ./sci "(loop [val 0 cnt 1000000] (if (pos? cnt) (recur (inc val) (dec cnt)) val))"
./sci 0.92s user 0.08s system 99% cpu 1.003 total
Copyright © 2019-2021 Michiel Borkent
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0. This project contains code from Clojure and ClojureScript which are also licensed under the EPL 1.0. See LICENSE.
Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Michiel Borkent, Lee Read, sogaiu, Nate Jones, Tienson Qin, Crispin Wellington, Tommi Reiman, Maurício Szabo, Kamil Toman, Kim Kinnear, Jeroen van Dijk, Peter Monks, Sam Ritchie, Rahuλ Dé & JCEdit on GitHub
cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries
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