Development and test support.
Development and test support.
This namespace is solely for DEV mode initialization, typically suited for running tests from the command-line. To use this, simply 'require' it in the 'ns' macro of the namespace that expects DEV mode initialization:
(ns myapp
A more elaborate (contrived) example is below:
[ :as f]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
In the snippets above the ns block ensures the initialized DEV environment by referring to
This namespace is solely for DEV mode initialization, typically suited for running tests from the command-line. To use this, simply 'require' it in the 'ns' macro of the namespace that expects DEV mode initialization: ```clojure (ns myapp (:require ``` A more elaborate (contrived) example is below: ```clojure (ns (:require [ :as f] [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]] ``` In the snippets above the ns block ensures the initialized DEV environment by referring to ``.
No vars found in this namespace.
Verbose echo utility functions.
Verbose echo utility functions.
The inducer functions exposed by bract.core
The inducer functions exposed by `bract.core` module.
Context and configuration keys used by bract.core and related functions.
Context and configuration keys used by bract.core and related functions.
Provided entry-point for Bract CLI applications.
Provided entry-point for Bract CLI applications.
Standalone utility functions.
Standalone utility functions.
Discover runtime stats.
Discover runtime stats.
Load this namespace only for Sun JVM.
Load this namespace only for Sun JVM.
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