Bract is a functional application initialization and de-initilizaion framework based around the idea of context and inducers, explained in the sections below. Bract follows a dynamic, configurable approach with provided defaults and hooks so that you can override and customize any aspect of the app-runtime lifecycle.
A context is a map that represents the state of application initialization or de-initialization at any given point of time. An initial context is rolled through several inducers (see section below) to complete the process.
The context may have well known keys from various Bract modules and application.
An inducer is a function having the following characteristics:
(fn [context])
or more (fn [context & more])
Below is a hello-world inducer function that returns the context map unchanged:
(defn hello-world-inducer
(println "Hello World!")
An inducer performs a specific unit of work during the initialization or
de-initialization of a Bract application. Inducers are usually executed in a
sequence, and often nested sub-sequences. That is, an initial context map is
rolled through a sequence of inducers to arrive at the final value. To avoid
executing the remaining inducers in a chain, you may return (reduced context)
from an inducer.
Inducers work with well known context and config keys, which are explained in the sections below. You may override or update the default values of the context keys in your application. Similarly, you may override the default values of the config keys as you see fit in your application.
Based on the entry point of the application (e.g. main, script execution, DEV mode, unit testing etc.) the inducer chains may be dynamic and different in order to suit various purposes.
The context keys defined by bract.core are listed below. Note that these may be referred to and used by other modules too.
- FQFN: Fully qualified function name (string or symbol)
- FNable: Function or FQFN
- FNable-0: Zero arity function or FQFN
Context key | Value type | Description |
:bract.core/verbose? | boolean | controls verbosity, value could be true or false |
:bract.core/context-file | string | EDN filename containing context map |
:bract.core/config-files | vector of string | vector of (or comma separated) config file names |
:bract.core/exit? | boolean | whether break out of all inducer levels |
:bract.core/cli-args | vector of string | collection of CLI arguments |
:bract.core/config | app config map | application configuraton map |
:bract.core/inducers | vector of FQFNs | vector of inducer functions or their fully qualified names |
:bract.core/deinit | vector of (fn []) | functions [(fn []) ..] to de-initialize the app |
:bract.core/launch? | boolean | whether invoke launcher function, true or false |
:bract.core/launchers | vector of FQFNs | fully qualified launcher function names |
:bract.core/stopper | function (fn []) | function (fn []) to stop the started application |
:bract.core/health-check | vector of (fn []) | health check functions [(fn []) ..] |
:bract.core/runtime-info | vector of (fn []) | runtime-info functions [(fn []) ..] |
:bract.core/alive-tstamp | derefable (fn []) | derefable (fn []) : alive timestamp in milliseconds |
:bract.core/app-exit-code | integer | application exit code (int) |
:bract.core/*shutdown-flag | volatile of boolean | volatile: shutdown begun? |
:bract.core/shutdown-hooks | vector of Thread s | added shutdown hook threads |
The config keys defined by bract.core are listed below. Note that these may be referred to and used by other modules too.
Config key | Value type | Description |
"bract.core.inducers" | vector of FQFNs | vector of fully qualified inducer fn names |
"bract.core.exports" | vector of string | vector of config keys to export as system properties |
"bract.core.drain.timeout" | Keypin duration | workload drain timeout duration, e.g. [10000 :millis] |
In this quickstart example, we will setup a "Greeting" demo application that simply prints "Hello, world!" using a configured greeting word ("Hello"). Let us create this application using the bract.core module.
The instructions below are for Leiningen users.
lein new app greeting
cd greeting
Now, you need to make some changes to the project.clj
lists org.clojure/clojure
as the only dependency. Add bract/bract.core
to it.:profiles
entry to reflect the application entry point as follows: :profiles {:dev {:main ^:skip-aot
:repl-options {:init-ns}}
:uberjar {:aot [bract.core.main]
:main ^:skip-aot bract.core.main}}
Create a file resources/bract-context.edn
with following content:
{:bract.core/inducers [(bract.core.inducer/run-context-inducers :app/main-inducers)
(bract.core.inducer/run-context-inducers :app/dev-inducers)]
:app/main-inducers [(clojure.core/assoc :bract.core/launch? true)]
:app/dev-inducers []
:bract.core/launchers [greeting.core/main]
;; configuration
:greeting-word "Namaste"
Open the file src/greeting/core.clj
and edit as follows:
(ns greeting.core)
(defn main [context]
(let [gw (:greeting-word context)]
(printf "%s, world!\n" gw))
Notice that the (:gen-class)
directive is removed from the ns
block, and the -main
function is removed too.
Because this namespace is no more the application entry point, though Bract calls greeting.core/main
as a launcher.
At this point you can run the application using lein run
or APP_VERBOSE=true lein run
command. The latter enables
a verbose output of what Bract is doing under the hood.
Let us try to setup unit testing for this app. For DEV mode, create a file test/
with the
following content:
{;; inherit everything from bract-context.edn
"parent.filenames" "bract-context.edn"
;; override entries for DEV mode
:app/main-inducers []
:app/dev-inducers [!]
Edit the test file test/greeting/core_test.clj
as follows:
(ns greeting.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[greeting.core :refer :all]
[ :as dev]
(deftest a-test
(is (= "Namaste, world!\n"
(with-out-str (main dev/app-context)))))
You can run the test with lein do clean, test
or APP_VERBOSE=true lein do clean, test
Run lein repl
to start a REPL:
(help) ; show REPL help text
(start) ; launch the application
;; is now bound to initialized context
lein do clean, uberjar
java -jar target/uberjar/greeting-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
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