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Change Log



  • fast-assoc-in - uses fast-assoc and val-at directly
  • fast-updatge-in - same as fast-assoc-in.
  • definline - like definline but supports multiple arities


  • Complete rewrite
  • Run with JMH
  • Results measure throughput and % improvement


  • Bug in assoc-in where values are false-y

[0.0.10] - 2021-06-06


  • Variadic arity assoc-in. The analysis collapses all paths to a tree with leaves being the values to be assoc-ed and plans out a minimal execution. Also see #23
  • Not found arity to inline/get-in
  • Tests from Clojure's test suit to catch some edge cases
  • Faster update-in which takes advantage of variadic arities, but introduces ugly code duplication
  • Faster versions of subseq/rsubseq which don't use sets for checking test functions identity.
  • Static merge in fast-map-merge.
  • as macro for annotating symbols.
  • Box operations which mimic atom and volatile semantics.
  • update-in-> similar to update-in but takes many arguments.
  • kvreduce - dispatches directly to IKVReduce .kvreduce() method instead of going through a protocol.
  • Add fast-count.
  • Add short-circuiting-merge which returns a merge function which short circuits according to count-fn with merge-fn.
  • Add def-short-circuiting-merge as convenience wrapper around short-circuiting-merge for def-ing named functions.


  • inline/get not-found arity allowed any number of arguments, explicitly changed to one. #24
  • Fix callsite analysis of quoted forms. Now functions calls and quoted forms are handled correctly.
  • inline/assoc-in new implementation did not extract bindings. Fixing this allows using side-effecting functions as keys
  • Found an edge-case with adding type hints on inline args - literals would lose their inferred types and cause reflection warnings by taking on the meta. Narrowed down to cover only symbols.


  • Relax the constraints in extract-bindings, making it less aggressive but still correct.
  • Remove fn allocation in fast-map-merge.
  • Change fast-map-merge to definline.
  • Use kvreduce instead of reduce-kv in fast-map-merge.


  • Add Circlci integration

[0.0.8] - 2020-09-28


  • Unrolled inline dissoc fo & ks
  • Static merge case. If the map is written explicitly it can be assoced instead of conjed. Closes #6
  • dissoc-in.
  • get and nth macros.
  • inline Clojure core implementations as drop in replacements.

[0.0.7] - 2020-03-21


  • Not found arity to core/val-at
  • Not found arity to concurrent-map/get
  • Correct inline implementation of select-keys.
  • map/get which doesn't check input satisfies Map.



  • Clean up type hints around collections wrappers.
  • Rename concurrent-hash-map? -> concurrent-map?
  • Rename select-keys -> fast-select-keys.
  • Rename map/get -> map/get?.
  • Use doto in map/put.

[0.0.6] - 2020-02-22


  • basic tests, so we can sleep better.

Changes and Improvements

  • Relax the constraints on the possible values of keys during inline analysis. previously, only strings, keywords, symbols and integers were allowed, now all types are allowed. The only constraint is that the argument is a sequences or resolveable at compile time.
  • Add bindings for arguments which look like sequences around lens/put and lens/update, as they appear more than once, and if they involve some heavy computation or side effects they should not be run more than once.
  • Change / Fix how memoization worked for nullary functions. Now the result is just cached in an atom. Have to guard against a function returning nil with a sentinel value.


  • memoize nil values: Need to use sentinel values in the java maps to indicate nil return values from the invoked function.

[0.0.5] - 2020-02-10

Major changes

  • Reorganize namespaces and file structure:
    • clj-fast
      • core: low level functions operating directly on Clojure data structures and Metosin functions
      • inline: inline implementations of core Clojure functions
      • lens: macro implementations of lenses
      • util: utility functions used as by macros.
      • collections
        • hash-map: functions to operate directly on hash maps
        • concurrent-hash-map: functions to operate directly on concurrent hash map
  • Add slow benchmarking option to benchmarks namespaces.

[0.0.4-alpha] - 2020-02-01


  • memoize implementations and benchmarks

[0.0.3-alpha] - 2020-01-31

Major changes

  • Complete rewrite of benchmark suit.
  • Complete rewrite of results details.


  • transient implementation for merge (Joinr)

[0.0.2-alpha] - 2020-01-01


  • more profile cases
  • pre check to inline-update-in
  • Usage in README


  • fast-get-in-th
  • defrec->inline-select-keys and its utility functions


  • fast-select-keys-inline to inline-select-keys

[0.0.1-alpha] - 2019-12-31

Initial alpha release

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