(bukkit-runnable f)
Creates a BukkitRunnable instance that calls the given clojure function. Takes an optional callback fuction that gets called when the task is cancelled.
Creates a BukkitRunnable instance that calls the given clojure function. Takes an optional callback fuction that gets called when the task is cancelled.
(delayed-task plugin f delay)
(delayed-task plugin f delay {:keys [async?]})
Schedule a given function on the main UI thread after a delay in server ticks (1 tick = 1/20 second), will return a task object you can use to cancel the task - if you specify async?, take care not to directly call any Bukkit API and, by extension, any bukkitclj functions that use the Bukkit API within this function.
Schedule a given function on the main UI thread after a delay in server ticks (1 tick = 1/20 second), will return a task object you can use to cancel the task - if you specify async?, take care not to directly call any Bukkit API and, by extension, any bukkitclj functions that use the Bukkit API within this function.
(repeating-task plugin f delay period)
(repeating-task plugin f delay period {:keys [async?]})
Schedule a repeating task that calls the given clojure function repeatedly until cancelled.
Schedule a repeating task that calls the given clojure function repeatedly until cancelled.
(task plugin f)
(task plugin f {:keys [async?]})
Shedule a given no-args fn on the main UI thread
Shedule a given no-args fn on the main UI thread
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