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(atom? a)

ducktype an atom as something dereferable

ducktype an atom as something dereferable
sourceraw docstring




(checkbox {:keys [_READ UPDATE valpath] :as fn-map}
          {:keys [validation-function disabled style-classes default-value]
           :as _input-map})

Create a checkbox

Create a checkbox
sourceraw docstring


(checkset {:keys [READ UPDATE valpath default-value]})

If a checkbox value is nil, set it; otherwise, return it.

If a checkbox value is nil, set it; otherwise, return it.
sourceraw docstring




(hidden-input input-map)

Generate a hidden input

Generate a hidden input
sourceraw docstring


(invalid-feedback-el invalid-feedback)


(map-structure v)

Produce a map with the same key-structure from the vector

Produce a map with the same key-structure from the vector
sourceraw docstring


(radio {:keys [options on-change]})


(render-application fm fn-map & [pathv])

Render the editable application.

fm is the schema of the application, a vector laying out the fields and their attributes. fn-map is either an Atom to hold the information a user inputs, or a map

Render the editable application.

`fm` is the schema of the application, a vector laying out the fields and their attributes.
`fn-map` is either an Atom to hold the information a user inputs, or a map 
sourceraw docstring


(render-label {:keys [for-id label-text]})

Create a label to go into a .row

Create a label to go into a .row
sourceraw docstring


(render-review schema application)

Parse the application map and render the review based on the ordered schema of the application, with values in application expected to be as given by render-application. Resulting form will be read-only with no changes possible.

Parse the application map and render the review based on the ordered `schema` of the application, with values in `application` expected to be as given by `render-application`.
Resulting form will be read-only with no changes possible.
sourceraw docstring



Creates a popup informing the user which 'required' fields are filled in improperly, doesn't work unless render-application has been called first.

Creates a popup informing the user which 'required' fields are filled in improperly, doesn't work unless render-application has been called first.
sourceraw docstring


(reset-default default-schema-vec)
(reset-default A default-schema-vec)

Reset the given atom to a default state based on a default map, where it will possess each of the (possibly nested) structural elements of the given default, but values only according to an internal :default

Reset the given atom to a default state based on a default map, where it will possess each of the (possibly nested) structural elements of the given default, but values only according to an internal :default
sourceraw docstring


(select-box m)


(text-area opt-map)

Renders :type :textarea elements. In addition to the usual opts includes optional :rows for the html "rows=" attribute.

Renders `:type :textarea` elements. In addition to the usual
opts includes optional `:rows` for the html "rows=" attribute.
sourceraw docstring


(tinput {:keys [READ UPDATE] :as fn-map} valpath & [opt-map])

Produce data-bound inputs for a given map, using :READ and :UPDATE for values and changes. opt-map specifies options including display variables.

Produce data-bound inputs for a given map, using `:READ` and `:UPDATE` for values and changes. `opt-map` specifies options including display variables.
sourceraw docstring


(to-validation f & [error-message])

Given a predicate, wrap it properly to be a validation function for tinput. Validation function runs on the input at every change, altering the validity of the element as prescribed. It waits for .checkValidity on the input to explain the error

Given a predicate, wrap it properly to be a validation function for tinput.
Validation function runs on the input at every change, altering the validity of the element as prescribed. It waits for .checkValidity on the input to explain the error
sourceraw docstring


(togglebox {:keys [_label content valpath _READ _UPDATE _default-value
                   override-inline? open-height disabled _style-classes]
            :or {open-height "5em"}
            :as opt-map})

Builds a group which, when toggled, displays its :content

Builds a group which, when toggled, displays its `:content`
sourceraw docstring


(validation-function? f)

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