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cambium.core - TODO and Change Log


  • [TODO] Automatically put ex-data of ExceptionInfo into context
    • Configuration var: cambium.core/*ex-data-key*
    • Default value is nil (any falsy value is a no-op)
    • Value true merges to current context, any other truthy (e.g. :ex-data, [:foo :bar]) considered context key
    • Resolved at compile-time (in the macro)
  • [TODO] Key codec support
    • Candidate use-case: EDN
  • [TODO] Configurable level for deflevel name prefixes
    • E.g. couchbase.success.*=debug, couchbase.error.*=info for logger METRICS
    • Impl: Auxiliary logger name, e.g. METRICS.couchbase.success for 'enabled?' check
    • Impl: Regular logger name, e.g. METRICS for logging
    • Impl: Prefix->level map must be available before deflevel is eval'ed (compile time)

1.0.0-beta2 / 2019-June-27

  • Add function cambium.mdc/get-raw-mdc
  • Add cambium.trace namespace
    • Function middleware to extract and propagate trace info
    • Ring middleware for distributed tracing
      • Plus request and response logging

0.9.3 / 2019-May-07

  • Upgrade dependencies
    • to version 0.4.1
    • SLF4j to version 1.7.26
  • Overload log API arities [msg-or-throwable] [mdc-or-throwable msg] [mdc throwable msg]

0.9.2 / 2018-March-22

  • Put source namespace, line and column numbers into context automatically for every log event

0.9.1 / 2017-September-11

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