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Clojars Project

A permissions library for Clojure(Script), inspired by agynamix/permissions.

Library is still undergoing development, so expect frequent changes to the API.

Basic Usage

The core API lives in can.can (not can.core) and is recommended to be aliased as can, i.e., (require '[can.can :as can]).

Permissions is a map of sets, where the key is the domain, and the values the rights applicable to that domain. can.can/allow? takes the permissions map and an domain/action string to determine whether the user is allowed to perform the said action:

(def permissions {:support #{:create-ticket :update-ticket}
                  :printer #{:print}})

(print (can/allow? permissions "support:create-ticket"))    ;; outputs "true"
(print (can/allow? permissions "print:clear-spool"))        ;; outputs "false"

Bitmasks permissions

Breaking change in 0.3.0: bitmask-related functions reside in can.bitmask now, and they are renamed as decode and encode.

can.bitmask/decode takes the full permissions setup (i.e., all available domains and actions available in your application) and converts a map of domain-bitmask pair into a permissions map.

(def all-permissions {:admin   [:create :read :update :delete :approve :reject]
                      :support [:create-ticket :update-ticket :close-ticket]
                      :printer [:print :clear-spool]})

(def alice-permissions
  (can/decode all-permissions {:admin 7 :printer 1}))

(print alice-permissions)   ;; outputs {:admin #{:create :read :update}
                            ;;          :printer #{:print}}

Note that the order of the available actions in each domain matters, i.e., new actions should be appended to the end of the action list.

can.bitmask/decode makes it trivial to implement access control list/matrix in your application, e.g., the relational database could have a table that looks like the following:


Note that when using bitmasks permissions, the total number of actions per domain cannot exceed 63 on Clojure, and cannot exceed 52 on ClojureScript.

can.bitmask/encode converts the permissions map into a map of domain-bitmask pair (somewhat the inverse of can.bitmask/decode), making it easy to persist changes back to the datastore:

(print (encode all-permissions alice-permissions))  ;; outputs {:admin 7
                                                    ;;          :support 0
                                                    ;;          :printer 1}


Copyright © 2019 Shaolang Ai

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

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