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(bb-assocer-in path value)

Returns a function that can be applied to a tree, associating the provided value to the specified path in its blackboard.

Returns a function that can be applied to a tree, associating the provided value to the specified path in its blackboard.
sourceraw docstring


(bb-get ctx)

Returns the blackboard of this tree

Returns the blackboard of this tree
sourceraw docstring


(bb-get-in ctx path)

Returns a value from the blackboard of this tree. The path parameter is like the one of get-in.

Returns a value from the blackboard of this tree. The path parameter is like the one of get-in.
sourceraw docstring



Returns a function that can be applied to a tree, returning its blackboard.

Returns a function that can be applied to a tree, returning its blackboard.
sourceraw docstring


(bb-getter-in path)

Returns a function that can be applied to a tree, returning the value stored at the specified path in its blackboard

Returns a function that can be applied to a tree, returning the value stored at the specified path in its blackboard
sourceraw docstring


(bb-set ctx value)

Sets the whole blackboard of this tree in one go.

Sets the whole blackboard of this tree in one go.
sourceraw docstring


(bb-setter value)

Returns a function that can be applied to a tree, setting the provided value as its new blackboard.

Returns a function that can be applied to a tree, setting the provided value as its new blackboard.
sourceraw docstring


(bb-update ctx func & params)

Update the blackboard of this tree, applying the provided func with the blackboard as its first parameter and the params as the rest.

Update the blackboard of this tree, applying the provided func with the blackboard as its first parameter
and the params as the rest.
sourceraw docstring


(bb-update-in ctx path func & params)

Updates the blackboard of this tree, with the func and path specified.

Updates the blackboard of this tree, with the func and path specified.
sourceraw docstring


(bb-updater func & params)

Returns a function that can be applied to a tree. It will update its blackboard with the provided function and arguments

Returns a function that can be applied to a tree. It will update its blackboard with the provided function and arguments
sourceraw docstring


(bb-updater-in path func & params)

Returns a function that can be applied to a tree. It will update its blackboard at the provided path, with the provided funtion and arguments

Returns a function that can be applied to a tree. It will update its blackboard at the provided path, with the provided funtion
and arguments
sourceraw docstring


(extract-db ctx)

Extracts the database of this tree. It contains all the book-keeping transient data for the tree, as well as it blackboard. This is a O(1) operation.

Extracts the database of this tree. It contains all the book-keeping transient data for the tree, as well as it blackboard.
This is a O(1) operation.
sourceraw docstring


(get-events ctx)

Returns a vector of all the events that were raised during the last tick of the tree. Each event is a vector pair with the event name as its first element, and the event argument as its second element, or nil if there is no argument.

Returns a vector of all the events that were raised during the last tick of the tree. Each event is a vector pair
with the event name as its first element, and the event argument as its second element, or nil if there is no argument.
sourceraw docstring


(get-status ctx)

Returns the status of the root node of the tree

Returns the status of the root node of the tree
sourceraw docstring


(get-var ctx name)

Returns the value a previously bound variable, for instance by the :bind node

Returns the value a previously bound variable, for instance by the :bind node
sourceraw docstring


(hiccup->context hiccup)
(hiccup->context ctx hiccup)

Takes an hiccup behavior tree definition and returns a behavior tree context, ready to be ticked.

Takes an hiccup behavior tree definition and returns a behavior tree context, ready to be ticked.
sourceraw docstring


(merge-db ctx db)

Merge the provided database with the tree. This is a O(1) operation.

Merge the provided database with the tree. This is a O(1) operation.
sourceraw docstring


(send-event ctx name)
(send-event ctx name arg)

Sends an event to the tree, that can later be consumed by a :consume-event or :on-event node. An optional arg parameter can be sent along with it.

Sends an event to the tree, that can later be consumed by a :consume-event or :on-event node. An optional
arg parameter can be sent along with it. 
sourceraw docstring


(tick ctx)
(tick ctx time)

Ticks the tree, going through all running and fresh nodes in a depth first manner. The optional time parameter specifies at which time (in milliseconds) the tick is supposed to be occuring. This time parameter is usefull for testing.

Ticks the tree, going through all running and fresh nodes in a depth first manner. The optional 
time parameter specifies at which time (in milliseconds) the tick is supposed to be occuring. This time parameter is usefull for testing.
sourceraw docstring


(tick+ ctx duration)

This function is for testing purpose. It ticks the tree 'duration' milliseconds after it was last ticked.

This function is for testing purpose. It ticks the tree 'duration' milliseconds after it was last ticked.
sourceraw docstring


(var-getter name)

Returns a function that can be applied to a tree, returning value of the variable with the provided name

Returns a function that can be applied to a tree, returning value of the variable with the provided name
sourceraw docstring

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