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(add-line-col-spans text parse-tree)

Given a string text and a parse-tree for text, return parse tree with its metadata annotated with line and column info. The info can then be found in the metadata map under the keywords:

:instaparse.gll/start-line, :instaparse.gll/start-column, :instaparse.gll/end-line, :instaparse.gll/end-column

The start is inclusive, the end is exclusive. Lines and columns are 1-based.

Given a string `text` and a `parse-tree` for text, return parse tree
with its metadata annotated with line and column info. The info can
then be found in the metadata map under the keywords:
:instaparse.gll/start-line, :instaparse.gll/start-column,
:instaparse.gll/end-line, :instaparse.gll/end-column

The start is inclusive, the end is exclusive. Lines and columns are 1-based.
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