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(batch qs)
(batch qs type)
(batch qs type codec)

Takes a sequence of statements to be executed in batch. By default LOGGED, you can specify :logged :unlogged :counter as an optional second argument to control the type. It also accepts an optional third argument, codec instance (see execute)

Takes a sequence of statements to be executed in batch.
By default LOGGED, you can specify :logged :unlogged :counter as an
optional second argument to control the type.  It also accepts an
optional third argument, codec instance (see `execute`)
raw docstring


(bind statement values)
(bind statement values {:keys [encoder]})

Takes a statement and a collection of values and returns a com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement instance to be used with execute (or one of its variants)

Where values: Map: for named bindings (i.e. INSERT INTO table (id, date) VALUES (:id :date)) List: for positional bindings (i.e. INSERT INTO table (id, date) VALUES (?, ?))

It also accepts an optional third argument, codec instance (see execute)

Takes a statement and a collection of values and returns a
com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement instance to be used with
`execute` (or one of its variants)

 Where values:
   Map: for named bindings       (i.e. INSERT INTO table (id, date) VALUES (:id :date))
   List: for positional bindings (i.e. INSERT INTO table (id, date) VALUES (?, ?))

It also accepts an optional third argument, codec instance (see `execute`)
raw docstring


(cluster options)

Takes an option map and returns a new com.datastax.driver.core/Cluster instance.

The following options are supported:

  • :contact-points : List of nodes ip addresses to connect to.

  • :port : port to connect to on the nodes (native transport must be active on the nodes: start_native_transport: true in cassandra.yaml). Defaults to 9042 if not supplied.

  • :load-balancing-policy : Configure the Load Balancing Policy to use for the new cluster. * Can be a one of - LoadBalancingPolicy instance - :default - :round-robin - :token-aware/round-robin - :latency-aware/round-robin * or a map of - :type : :whitelist or :token-aware/whitelist - :child : Keyword or map (other load balancing policy configuration) - :whitelist : Seq of maps of:hostnameString:portint or:ipString:portint or:portint * or a map of -:type::latency-aware/white-list-:child: Same as above -:whitelist : Same as above - :exclusion-threshold : double - :min-measure : int - :retry-period : [long (time-unit Keyword)] - :scale : [long (time-unit Keyword)] - :update-rate : [long (time-unit Keyword)] * or a map of - :type : :dc-aware-round-robin, :token-aware/dc-aware-round-robin - :data-centre : String - :used-hosts-per-remote-dc : int * or a map of - :type : :latency-aware/dc-aware-round-robin - :data-centre : String - :used-hosts-per-remote-dc : int - :exclusion-threshold : double - :min-measure : int - :retry-period : [long (time-unit Keyword)] - :scale : [long (time-unit Keyword)] - :update-rate : [long (time-unit Keyword)]

  • :reconnection-policy : Configure the Reconnection Policy to use for the new cluster. * Can be - ReconnectionPolicy - :default * or a map of - :type :constant - :contant-delay-ms long * or a map of - :type :exponential - :base-delay-ms long - :max-delay-ms long

  • :retry-policy : Configure the Retry Policy to use for the new cluster. * Can be - RetryPolicy, - :default - :fallthrough - :downgrading - :logging/default - :logging/fallthrough - :logging/downgrading

  • :speculative-execution The policy that decides if the driver will send speculative queries to the next hosts when the current host takes too long to respond. Speculative Execution Policy * Can be - SpeculativeExecutionPolicy - :default - :none * or a map of - :type : :constant - :constant-delay-millis : long - :max-speculative-executions : int * or - :type : :cluster-wide-percentile-tracker or :per-host-percentile-tracker - :percentile : double - :max-executions : int -:interval: [long (time-unit Keyword)] -:min-recorded-values: int -:significant-value-digits: int -:highest-trackable-latency-millis` : long

  • :metrics? : Toggles metrics collection for the created cluster (metrics are enabled by default otherwise).

  • :jmx-reporting? : Toggles JMX reporting of the metrics.

  • :credentials : Takes a map of :user and :password for use with Cassandra's PasswordAuthenticator

  • :compression : Compression supported by the Cassandra binary protocol. Can be :none, :snappy or :lz4.

  • :cluster-name : Optional name for create cluster

  • max-schema-aggreement-wait-seconds Sets the maximum time to wait for schema agreement before returning from a DDL query.

  • :netty-options: (advanced) see

  • :address-translator: Configures the address translator to use for the new cluster. Expects a AddressTranslator or you can pass :ec2-multi-region or :identity which would translate in the underlying implementations.

  • :timestamp-generator: Configures the timestamp generator to use with the new cluster. Expects a timestamp-generator instance, or :atomic-monotonic , :server-side or :thread-local which would translate in the underlying implementations.

  • :ssl?: enables/disables SSL

  • :ssl-options : advanced SSL setup using a com.datastax.driver.core.SSLOptions instance or a map of :keystore-path, :keystore-password and optional :ssl-protocol, :cipher-suites. This provides a path/pwd to a KeyStore that can ben generated with keytool Overriding default ssl protocol is supported via :ssl-protocol, which accepts a string like - TLSv1.2 Overriding default cipher suites is supported via :cipher-suites, which accepts a sequence of Strings.

  • :pooling-options : The pooling options used by this builder. Options related to connection pooling.

    The driver uses connections in an asynchronous way. Meaning that multiple requests can be submitted on the same connection at the same time. This means that the driver only needs to maintain a relatively small number of connections to each Cassandra host. These options allow to control how many connections are kept exactly.

    For each host, the driver keeps a core amount of connections open at all time. If the utilisation of those connections reaches a configurable threshold ,more connections are created up to a configurable maximum number of connections.

    Once more than core connections have been created, connections in excess are reclaimed if the utilisation of opened connections drops below the configured threshold.

    Each of these parameters can be separately set for :local and :remote hosts (HostDistance). For :ignored hosts, the default for all those settings is 0 and cannot be changed.

    Each of the following configuration keys, take a map of {distance value} : ex:

    :core-connections-per-host {:remote 10 :local 100}
    • :core-connections-per-host Number
    • :max-connections-per-host Number
    • :max-requests-per-connection Number
    • :max-queue-size Number
    • :pool-timeout-millis Number
    • :connection-thresholds [[host-distance-kw value]+]
  • :socket-options: a map of

    • :connect-timeout Number
    • :read-timeout Number
    • :receive-buffer-size Number
    • :send-buffer-size Number
    • :so-linger Number
    • :tcp-no-delay? Bool
    • :reuse-address? Bool
    • :keep-alive? Bool
  • :query-options: a map of

    • :fetch-size Number
    • :consistency (consistency Keyword)
    • :serial-consistency (consistency Keyword)
  • :jmx-reporting? Bool, enables/disables JMX reporting of the metrics.

    The handling of these options is achieved with a multimethod that you could extend if you need to handle some special case or want to create your own options templates. See qbits.alia.cluster-options/set-cluster-option! source

    The handling of the individual policy options is achieved with a multimethod in each of the policy namespaces that you could extend if you need to handle some special case or want to create your own policy options template. See - qbits.alia.policy.load-balancing/make - qbits.alia.policy.reconnection/make - qbits.alia.policy.retry/make - qbits.alia.policy.speculative-execution/make

    Values for consistency:

:all :any :each-quorum :local-one :local-quorum :local-serial :one :quorum :serial :three :two

Values for time-unit:

:days :hours :microseconds :milliseconds :minutes :nanoseconds :seconds

Takes an option map and returns a new
  com.datastax.driver.core/Cluster instance.

  The following options are supported:

* `:contact-points` : List of nodes ip addresses to connect to.

* `:port` : port to connect to on the nodes (native transport must be
  active on the nodes: `start_native_transport: true` in
  cassandra.yaml). Defaults to 9042 if not supplied.

* `:load-balancing-policy` : Configure the
  [Load Balancing Policy](
  to use for the new cluster.
      * Can be a one of
        - `LoadBalancingPolicy` instance
        - `:default`
        - `:round-robin`
        - `:token-aware/round-robin`
        - `:latency-aware/round-robin`
      * or a map of
        - `:type` : `:whitelist` or `:token-aware/whitelist`
        - `:child` : Keyword or map (other load balancing policy configuration)
        - `:whitelist : Seq of maps of `:hostname` String
                                       `:port`    int
                                    or `:ip`       String
                                       `:port`     int
                                    or `:port`     int
      * or a map of
        - `:type` : `:latency-aware/white-list`
        - `:child` : Same as above
        - `:whitelist : Same as above
        - `:exclusion-threshold` : double
        - `:min-measure` : int
        - `:retry-period` : [long (time-unit Keyword)]
        - `:scale` : [long (time-unit Keyword)]
        - `:update-rate` : [long (time-unit Keyword)]
      * or a map of
        - `:type` : `:dc-aware-round-robin`, `:token-aware/dc-aware-round-robin`
        - `:data-centre` : String
        - `:used-hosts-per-remote-dc` : int
      * or a map of
        - `:type` : `:latency-aware/dc-aware-round-robin`
        - `:data-centre` : String
        - `:used-hosts-per-remote-dc` : int
        - `:exclusion-threshold` : double
        - `:min-measure` : int
        - `:retry-period` : [long (time-unit Keyword)]
        - `:scale` : [long (time-unit Keyword)]
        - `:update-rate` : [long (time-unit Keyword)]

* `:reconnection-policy` : Configure the
  [Reconnection Policy](
  to use for the new cluster.
      * Can be
        - `ReconnectionPolicy`
        - `:default`
      * or a map of
        - `:type`             `:constant`
        - `:contant-delay-ms` long
      * or a map of
        - `:type`             `:exponential`
        - `:base-delay-ms`    long
        - `:max-delay-ms`     long

* `:retry-policy` : Configure the
  [Retry Policy](
  to use for the new cluster.
      * Can be
        - `RetryPolicy`,
        - `:default`
        - `:fallthrough`
        - `:downgrading`
        - `:logging/default`
        - `:logging/fallthrough`
        - `:logging/downgrading`

* `:speculative-execution` The policy that decides if the driver will
  send speculative queries to the next hosts when the current host
  takes too long to respond. [Speculative Execution
      * Can be
        - `SpeculativeExecutionPolicy`
        - `:default`
        - `:none`
      * or a map of
        - `:type` : `:constant`
        - `:constant-delay-millis` : long
        - `:max-speculative-executions` : int
      * or
        - `:type` : `:cluster-wide-percentile-tracker` or `:per-host-percentile-tracker`
        - `:percentile` : double
        - `:max-executions : int
        - `:interval` : [long (time-unit Keyword)]
        - `:min-recorded-values` : int
        - `:significant-value-digits` : int
        - `:highest-trackable-latency-millis` : long

* `:metrics?` : Toggles metrics collection for the created cluster
  (metrics are enabled by default otherwise).

* `:jmx-reporting?` : Toggles JMX reporting of the metrics.

* `:credentials` : Takes a map of :user and :password for use with
  Cassandra's PasswordAuthenticator

* `:compression` : Compression supported by the Cassandra binary
  protocol. Can be `:none`, `:snappy` or `:lz4`.

* `:cluster-name` : Optional name for create cluster

* `max-schema-aggreement-wait-seconds` Sets the maximum time to wait
  for schema agreement before returning from a DDL query.

* `:netty-options`: (advanced) see

* `:address-translator`: Configures the address translator to use for
  the new cluster. Expects
  a [AddressTranslator](
  or you can pass :ec2-multi-region or :identity which would translate in the
  underlying implementations.

* `:timestamp-generator`: Configures the timestamp generator to use
  with the new cluster. Expects
  a [timestamp-generator](
  instance, or `:atomic-monotonic` , `:server-side` or `:thread-local`
  which would translate in the underlying implementations.

* `:ssl?`: enables/disables SSL

* `:ssl-options` : advanced SSL setup using a
  `com.datastax.driver.core.SSLOptions` instance or a map of
  `:keystore-path`, `:keystore-password` and optional
  `:ssl-protocol`, `:cipher-suites`.  This provides a path/pwd to a
  that can ben generated
  with [keytool](
  Overriding default ssl protocol is supported via `:ssl-protocol`,
  which accepts a string like - TLSv1.2
  Overriding default cipher suites is supported via `:cipher-suites`,
  which accepts a sequence of Strings.

* `:pooling-options` : The pooling options used by this builder.
  Options related to connection pooling.

  The driver uses connections in an asynchronous way. Meaning that
  multiple requests can be submitted on the same connection at the
  same time. This means that the driver only needs to maintain a
  relatively small number of connections to each Cassandra host. These
  options allow to control how many connections are kept exactly.

  For each host, the driver keeps a core amount of connections open at
  all time. If the utilisation of those connections reaches a
  configurable threshold ,more connections are created up to a
  configurable maximum number of connections.

  Once more than core connections have been created, connections in
  excess are reclaimed if the utilisation of opened connections drops
  below the configured threshold.

  Each of these parameters can be separately set for `:local` and `:remote`
  hosts (HostDistance). For `:ignored` hosts, the default for all those
  settings is 0 and cannot be changed.

  Each of the following configuration keys, take a map of {distance value}  :
  :core-connections-per-host {:remote 10 :local 100}

  + `:core-connections-per-host` Number
  + `:max-connections-per-host` Number
  + `:max-requests-per-connection` Number
  + `:max-queue-size` Number
  + `:pool-timeout-millis` Number
  + `:connection-thresholds` [[host-distance-kw value]+]

* `:socket-options`: a map of
    - `:connect-timeout` Number
    - `:read-timeout` Number
    - `:receive-buffer-size` Number
    - `:send-buffer-size` Number
    - `:so-linger` Number
    - `:tcp-no-delay?` Bool
    - `:reuse-address?` Bool
    - `:keep-alive?` Bool

* `:query-options`: a map of
    - `:fetch-size` Number
    - `:consistency` (consistency Keyword)
    - `:serial-consistency` (consistency Keyword)

* `:jmx-reporting?` Bool, enables/disables JMX reporting of the metrics.

  The handling of these options is achieved with a multimethod that you
  could extend if you need to handle some special case or want to create
  your own options templates.
  See `qbits.alia.cluster-options/set-cluster-option!` [source](../src/qbits/alia/cluster_options.clj#L19)

  The handling of the individual policy options is achieved with a multimethod
  in each of the policy namespaces that you could extend if you need to handle
  some special case or want to create your own policy options template.
  See - `qbits.alia.policy.load-balancing/make`
      - `qbits.alia.policy.reconnection/make`
      - `qbits.alia.policy.retry/make`
      - `qbits.alia.policy.speculative-execution/make`

  Values for consistency:

:all :any :each-quorum :local-one :local-quorum :local-serial :one :quorum
:serial :three :two

  Values for time-unit:

:days :hours :microseconds :milliseconds :minutes :nanoseconds :seconds
raw docstring


(connect cluster)
(connect cluster keyspace)

Returns a new com.datastax.driver.core/Session instance. We need to have this separate in order to allow users to connect to multiple keyspaces from a single cluster instance

Returns a new com.datastax.driver.core/Session instance. We need to
have this separate in order to allow users to connect to multiple
keyspaces from a single cluster instance
raw docstring


(execute session query)
(execute session
         {:keys [consistency serial-consistency routing-key retry-policy
                 result-set-fn row-generator tracing? idempotent? paging-state
                 fetch-size values timestamp read-timeout codec]})

Executes a query against a session. Returns a collection of rows.

The query can be a raw string, a PreparedStatement (returned by prepare) with values passed via the :values option key will be bound by execute, BoundStatement (returned by qbits.alia/bind).

The following options are supported:

  • :values : values to be bound to a prepared query

  • :consistency : Keyword, consistency

  • :serial-consistency : Keyword, consistency

  • :routing-key : ByteBuffer

  • :retry-policy : one of qbits.alia.policy.retry/*

  • :tracing? : Bool, toggles query tracing (available via query result metadata)

  • :fetch-size : Number, sets query fetching size

  • :timestamp : Number, sets the timestamp for query (if not specified in CQL)

  • :idempotent? : Whether this statement is idempotent, i.e. whether it can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application

  • :paging-state : Expects a com.datastax.driver.core.PagingState instance. This will cause the next execution of this statement to fetch results from a given page, rather than restarting from the beginning

  • :result-set-fn : Defaults to clojure.core/seq By default a result-set is an unchunked lazy seq, you can control this using this option. If you pass a function that supports IReduceInit you can have full control over how the resultset is formed (chunked, unchunked, eager or not, etc). A common use is to pass #(into [] %) as result-set-fn, you then get an eager value, with minimal copies, no intermediary seq and potentially better performance. This can be very powerfull when used right (for instance with transducers #(into [] xform %)).

  • :row-generator : implements alia.codec/RowGenerator, Defaults to alia.codec/row-gen->map : A RowGenerator dicts how we construct rows.

  • :codec : map of :encoder :decoder functions that control how to apply extra modifications on data sent/received (defaults to qbits.alia.codec/default).

  • :read-timeout : Read timeout in milliseconds

    Possible values for consistency:

:all :any :each-quorum :local-one :local-quorum :local-serial :one :quorum :serial :three :two

Executes a query against a session.
  Returns a collection of rows.

  The query can be a raw string, a PreparedStatement (returned by
  `prepare`) with values passed via the `:values` option key will be bound by
  `execute`, BoundStatement (returned by `qbits.alia/bind`).

  The following options are supported:

* `:values` : values to be bound to a prepared query
* `:consistency` : Keyword, consistency
* `:serial-consistency` : Keyword, consistency
* `:routing-key` : ByteBuffer
* `:retry-policy` : one of qbits.alia.policy.retry/*
* `:tracing?` : Bool, toggles query tracing (available via query result metadata)
* `:fetch-size` : Number, sets query fetching size
* `:timestamp` : Number, sets the timestamp for query (if not specified in CQL)
* `:idempotent?` : Whether this statement is idempotent, i.e. whether
  it can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond
  the initial application
* `:paging-state` : Expects a com.datastax.driver.core.PagingState
  instance. This will cause the next execution of this statement to
  fetch results from a given page, rather than restarting from the
* `:result-set-fn` : Defaults to `clojure.core/seq` By default a
  result-set is an unchunked lazy seq, you can control this using this
  option. If you pass a function that supports IReduceInit you can
  have full control over how the resultset is formed (chunked,
  unchunked, eager or not, etc). A common use is to pass `#(into [] %)`
  as result-set-fn, you then get an eager value, with minimal copies,
  no intermediary seq and potentially better performance. This can be
  very powerfull when used right (for instance with transducers
  `#(into [] xform %))`.
* `:row-generator` : implements alia.codec/RowGenerator, Defaults to
  `alia.codec/row-gen->map` : A RowGenerator dicts how we construct rows.
* `:codec` : map of `:encoder` `:decoder` functions that control how to
  apply extra modifications on data sent/received (defaults to
* `:read-timeout` : Read timeout in milliseconds

  Possible values for consistency:

:all :any :each-quorum :local-one :local-quorum :local-serial :one :quorum
:serial :three :two
raw docstring


(execute-async session query)
(execute-async session
               {:keys [executor consistency serial-consistency routing-key
                       retry-policy result-set-fn row-generator codec tracing?
                       idempotent? fetch-size values timestamp paging-state
                       read-timeout success error]})

Same execute but async and takes optional :success and :error callback functions via options. For options refer to qbits.alia/execute doc

Same execute but async and takes optional :success and :error
callback functions via options. For options refer to
`qbits.alia/execute` doc
raw docstring


(lazy-query session query pred)
(lazy-query session query pred opts)

Takes a session, a query (raw or prepared) and a query modifier fn (that receives the last query and last chunk and returns a new query or nil). The first chunk will be the original query result, then for each subsequent chunk the query will be the result of last query modified by the modifier fn unless the fn returns nil, which would causes the iteration to stop.

It also accepts any of execute options.

ex: (lazy-query session (select :items (limit 2) (where {:x (int 1)})) (fn [q coll] (merge q (where {:si (-> coll last :x inc)}))) {:consistency :quorum :tracing? true})

Takes a session, a query (raw or prepared) and a query modifier fn (that
receives the last query and last chunk and returns a new query or nil).
The first chunk will be the original query result, then for each
subsequent chunk the query will be the result of last query
modified by the modifier fn unless the fn returns nil,
which would causes the iteration to stop.

It also accepts any of `execute` options.

ex: (lazy-query session
              (select :items (limit 2) (where {:x (int 1)}))
                      (fn [q coll]
                        (merge q (where {:si (-> coll last :x inc)})))
              {:consistency :quorum :tracing? true})
raw docstring


(prepare session query)

Takes a session and a query (raw string or hayt) and returns a com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement instance to be used in execute after it's been bound with bind. Hayt query parameter will be compiled with qbits.hayt/->raw internaly ex: (prepare session (select :foo (where {:bar ?})))

Takes a session and a query (raw string or hayt) and returns a
com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement instance to be used in
`execute` after it's been bound with `bind`. Hayt query parameter
will be compiled with qbits.hayt/->raw internaly
ex: (prepare session (select :foo (where {:bar ?})))
raw docstring


(prepare-async session query {:keys [executor success error]})

Takes a session, a query (raw string or hayt) and success and error callbacks and prepares a statement asynchronously. If successful the success callback will receive the com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement instance, otherwise the error callback will receive an Exception

Takes a session, a query (raw string or hayt) and success and
error callbacks and prepares a statement asynchronously. If
successful the success callback will receive the
com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement instance, otherwise
the error callback will receive an Exception
raw docstring


(register! cluster latency-tracker)

Register querylogger/latency tracker to cluster

Register querylogger/latency tracker to cluster
raw docstring


(shutdown x)

Shutdowns Session or Cluster instance, clearing the underlying pools/connections

Shutdowns Session or Cluster instance, clearing the underlying
raw docstring


(tuple-encoder session table column)
(tuple-encoder session ks table column)
(tuple-encoder session ks table column codec)


(udt-encoder session type)
(udt-encoder session ks type)
(udt-encoder session ks type codec)


(unregister! cluster latency-tracker)

Unregister querylogger/latency tracker from cluster

Unregister querylogger/latency tracker from cluster
raw docstring

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