Stolen in its entirety from
Stolen in its entirety from
(alert-type? arg)
(align-style? arg)
(arg-names-valid? defined-args passed-args)
returns true if every passed-args is value. Otherwise log the problem and return false
returns true if every passed-args is value. Otherwise log the problem and return false
(button-size? arg)
(css-style? arg)
Returns true if the passed argument is a valid CSS style. Otherwise returns a warning map
Returns true if the passed argument is a valid CSS style. Otherwise returns a warning map
(extension-attribute? attr)
Returns truthy if the attribute name is an extension attribute, that is data-* or aria-*, otherwise falsey.
Returns truthy if the attribute name is an extension attribute, that is data-* or aria-*, otherwise falsey.
(extract-arg-data args-desc)
Package up all the relevant data for validation purposes from the xxx-args-desc map into a new map
Package up all the relevant data for validation purposes from the xxx-args-desc map into a new map
(goog-date? arg)
Returns true if the passed argument is a valid, otherwise false/error
Returns true if the passed argument is a valid, otherwise false/error
(hash-map-with-name-keys v)
(html-attr? arg)
Returns true if the passed argument is a valid HTML, SVG or event attribute. Otherwise returns a warning map. Notes:
Returns true if the passed argument is a valid HTML, SVG or event attribute. Otherwise returns a warning map. Notes: - Prevents :class and :style attributes
(input-status-type? arg)
(invalid-html-attrs attrs)
Returns the subset of HTML attributes contained in the passed argument that are not valid HTML attributes.
Returns the subset of HTML attributes contained in the passed argument that are not valid HTML attributes.
(justify-style? arg)
(left-string obj max-len)
Converts obj to a string and truncates it to max-len chars if necessary. When truncation is necessary, adds an elipsis to the end
Converts obj to a string and truncates it to max-len chars if necessary. When truncation is necessary, adds an elipsis to the end
(log-error & args)
Sends a message to the DeV Tools console as an error. Returns false to indicate 'error' condition
Sends a message to the DeV Tools console as an error. Returns false to indicate 'error' condition
(log-warning & args)
Sends a message to the DeV Tools console as an warning. Returns true to indicate 'not and error' condition
Sends a message to the DeV Tools console as an warning. Returns true to indicate 'not and error' condition
(make-code-list codes)
Given a vector or list of codes, create a [:span] hiccup vector containing a comma separated list of the codes
Given a vector or list of codes, create a [:span] hiccup vector containing a comma separated list of the codes
(number-or-string? arg)
Returns true if the passed argument is a number or a string, otherwise false/error
Returns true if the passed argument is a number or a string, otherwise false/error
(popover-status-type? arg)
(position? arg)
(regex? arg)
Returns true if the passed argument is a valid regular expression, otherwise false/error
Returns true if the passed argument is a valid regular expression, otherwise false/error
(required-args-passed? required-args passed-args)
returns true if all the required args are supplied. Otherwise log the error and return false
returns true if all the required args are supplied. Otherwise log the error and return false
(scroll-style? arg)
(set-or-atom? arg)
Returns true if the passed argument is a set (or a set within an atom), otherwise false/error
Returns true if the passed argument is a set (or a set within an atom), otherwise false/error
(string-or-atom? arg)
Returns true if the passed argument is a string (or a string within an atom), otherwise false/error
Returns true if the passed argument is a string (or a string within an atom), otherwise false/error
(string-or-hiccup? arg)
Returns true if the passed argument is either valid hiccup or a string, otherwise false/error
Returns true if the passed argument is either valid hiccup or a string, otherwise false/error
(throbber-size? arg)
(title-level-type? arg)
(validate-arg-against-set arg arg-name valid-set)
Validates the passed argument against the expected set
Validates the passed argument against the expected set
(validate-args arg-defs passed-args & component-name)
Calls three validation tests:
Calls three validation tests: - Are arg names valid? - Have all required args been passed? - Specific valiadation function calls to check arg values if specified If they all pass, returns true. Normally used for a call to the {:pre...} at the beginning of a function
(validate-args-macro args-desc args component-name)
if goog.DEBUG is true then validate the args, otherwise replace the validation code with true for production builds which the {:pre ...} will be happy with
if goog.DEBUG is true then validate the args, otherwise replace the validation code with true for production builds which the {:pre ...} will be happy with
(validate-fns-pass? args-with-validators passed-args component-name)
Gathers together a list of args that have a validator and... returns true if all argument values are valid OR are just warnings (log warning to the console). Otherwise log an error to the console and return false. Validation functions can return: - true: validation success - false: validation failed - use standard error message - map: validation failed - includes two keys: :status - :error: log to console as error :warning: log to console as warning :message - use this string in the message of the warning/error
Gathers together a list of args that have a validator and... returns true if all argument values are valid OR are just warnings (log warning to the console). Otherwise log an error to the console and return false. Validation functions can return: - true: validation success - false: validation failed - use standard error message - map: validation failed - includes two keys: :status - :error: log to console as error :warning: log to console as warning :message - use this string in the message of the warning/error
(vector-of-maps? arg)
Returns true if the passed argument is a vector of maps (either directly or contained in an atom), otherwise false/error Notes:
Returns true if the passed argument is a vector of maps (either directly or contained in an atom), otherwise false/error Notes: - actually it also accepts a list of maps (should we rename this? Potential long/ugly names: sequential-of-maps?, vector-or-list-of-maps?) - vector/list can be empty - only checks the first element in the vector/list
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