(bitfield-args & commands)
Constructs a BitFieldArgs from a chain of commands
Constructs a BitFieldArgs from a chain of commands
(chunked-scan-seq scan-expr)
Takes a scan EXPR composed of:
Takes a scan EXPR composed of: - a command: "scan", "sscan", "hscan", "zscan" - a key when the command is not "scan" - optionals: ScanCursor c, ScanArgs args Returns a lazy seq that calls scan-res on each cursor iteration result (chunk).
Redis connection Commands
Redis connection Commands
(echo this val)
Echo the given string
Echo the given string
(ping this)
Ping the server
Ping the server
(geo-args &
{with-dist :with-dist
with-coord :with-coord
with-hash :with-hash
count :count
sort :sort})
Redis Geo Commands
Redis Geo Commands
(geoadd this key lng-lat-members)
(geoadd this key long lat member)
Single or multiple geo add
Single or multiple geo add
(geodist this key from to unit)
Retrieve distance between points from and to
Retrieve distance between points from and to
(geohash this key member)
Retrieve Geohash of a member of a geospatial index
Retrieve Geohash of a member of a geospatial index
(geopos this key member)
Get geo coordinates for the member
Get geo coordinates for the member
(georadius this key long lat dist unit)
(georadius this key long lat dist unit args)
Retrieve members selected by dist with the center of long last, Perform a georadius query and store the results in a zset
Retrieve members selected by dist with the center of long last, Perform a georadius query and store the results in a zset
(georadiusbymember this key member dist unit)
(georadiusbymember this key member dist unit args)
Retrieve members selected by dist with the center of member, Perform a georadiusbymember query and store the results in a zset
Retrieve members selected by dist with the center of member, Perform a georadiusbymember query and store the results in a zset
(mgeohash this key members)
Retrieve Geohash of multiple members of a geospatial index
Retrieve Geohash of multiple members of a geospatial index
(mgeopos this key members)
Get geo coordinates for the members
Get geo coordinates for the members
{store-key :store-key store-dist-key :store-dist-key count :count sort :sort})
Redis Hash Commands
Redis Hash Commands
(hmset this key map)
Set multiple hash fields to multiple values (map)
Set multiple hash fields to multiple values (map)
(hgetall this key)
Get all the fields and values in a hash
Get all the fields and values in a hash
(hdel this key field)
Delete one hash field
Delete one hash field
(hmdel this key fields)
Delete multiple hash fields
Delete multiple hash fields
(hincrby this key field amount)
Increment the value of a hash field by long
Increment the value of a hash field by long
(hvals this key)
Get all the values in a hash
Get all the values in a hash
(hset this key field val)
Set the string value of a hash field
Set the string value of a hash field
(hscan this key)
(hscan this key cursor)
(hscan this key cursor args)
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values
(hget this key field)
Get the value of a hash field
Get the value of a hash field
(hexists this key field)
Determine if a hash field exists
Determine if a hash field exists
(hmget this key fields)
Get the values of all the given hash fields
Get the values of all the given hash fields
(hincrbyfloat this key field amount)
Increment the value of a hash field by double
Increment the value of a hash field by double
(hkeys this key)
Get all the fields in a hash
Get all the fields in a hash
(hsetnx this key field val)
Set the value of a hash field, only if it doesn't exist
Set the value of a hash field, only if it doesn't exist
(hlen this key)
Get the number of fields in a hash
Get the number of fields in a hash
(hstrlen this key field)
Get the string length of the field value in a hash
Get the string length of the field value in a hash
Redis HLL Commands
Redis HLL Commands
(mpfadd this key vals)
Add the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog
Add the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog
(mpfcount this keys)
Return the approximated cardinality of the sets (HyperLogLog) at keys
Return the approximated cardinality of the sets (HyperLogLog) at keys
(pfadd this key val)
Add the specified element to the specified HyperLogLog
Add the specified element to the specified HyperLogLog
(pfcount this key)
Return the approximated cardinality of the set (HyperLogLog) at key
Return the approximated cardinality of the set (HyperLogLog) at key
(pfmerge this dest keys)
Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one
Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one
(hscan-seq cmds key)
(hscan-seq cmds key args)
Lazy HSCAN sequence, takes optional scan-args
Lazy HSCAN sequence, takes optional scan-args
Redis Key Commands
Redis Key Commands
(obj-idletime this key)
Number of sec the key's value is idle (no read/write)
Number of sec the key's value is idle (no read/write)
(mexists this keys)
Determine how many keys exist
Determine how many keys exist
(sort-store this key args dest)
Sort and store the result in destination key
Sort and store the result in destination key
(dump this key)
Serialized version of the value stored at the key
Serialized version of the value stored at the key
(unlink this key)
Unlink one key (non blocking DEL)
Unlink one key (non blocking DEL)
(sort this key)
(sort this key args)
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set
(del this key)
Delete one key
Delete one key
(exists this key)
Determine whether key exists
Determine whether key exists
(obj-refcount this key)
Number of references of the key's value
Number of references of the key's value
(randomkey this)
Return a random key from the keyspace
Return a random key from the keyspace
(expireat this key ts-sec)
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp
(pttl this key)
Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds
Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds
(munlink this keys)
Unlink multiple keys (non blocking DEL)
Unlink multiple keys (non blocking DEL)
(restore this key ttl val)
Create a key using a serialized value obtained by DUMP
Create a key using a serialized value obtained by DUMP
(migrate this host port db timeout-ms args)
Transfer a key from a Redis instance to another one
Transfer a key from a Redis instance to another one
(move this key db)
Move a key to another database
Move a key to another database
(renamenx this key1 key2)
Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist
Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist
(expire this key sec)
Set a key's time to live in seconds
Set a key's time to live in seconds
(persist this key)
Remove the expiration from a key
Remove the expiration from a key
(type this key)
Determine the type stored at key
Determine the type stored at key
(mtouch this keys)
Touch multiple keys. Sets the keys last accessed time
Touch multiple keys. Sets the keys last accessed time
(rename this key1 key2)
Rename a key
Rename a key
(keys this pattern)
Find all keys matching the given pattern
Find all keys matching the given pattern
(pexpireat this key ts-ms)
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp in ms
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp in ms
(pexpire this key ttl-ms)
Set a key's time to live in milliseconds
Set a key's time to live in milliseconds
(ttl this key)
Get the time to live for a key
Get the time to live for a key
(obj-encoding this key)
Internal representation used to store the key's value
Internal representation used to store the key's value
(touch this key)
Touch one key. Sets the key last accessed time
Touch one key. Sets the key last accessed time
(mdel this keys)
Delete multiple keys
Delete multiple keys
(scan this)
(scan this cursor)
(scan this cursor args)
Incrementally iterate the keys space
Incrementally iterate the keys space
(kill-args & {skipme :skipme addr :addr id :id type :type})
Redis List Commands
Redis List Commands
(rpop this key)
Remove and get the last element in a list
Remove and get the last element in a list
(brpoplpush this timeout-sec src dest)
Pop and push to another list, return the elem (blocking)
Pop and push to another list, return the elem (blocking)
(mrpushx this key vals)
Append multiple values to a list, only if the list exists
Append multiple values to a list, only if the list exists
(rpoplpush this src dest)
Pop and push to another list, return the elem
Pop and push to another list, return the elem
(mlpush this key vals)
Prepend multiple values to a list
Prepend multiple values to a list
(mlpushx this key vals)
Prepend multiple values, only if the list exists
Prepend multiple values, only if the list exists
(lpushx this key val)
Prepend a value to a list, only if the list exists
Prepend a value to a list, only if the list exists
(ltrim this key start end)
Trim a list to the specified range
Trim a list to the specified range
(lrange this key start end)
Get a range of elements from a list
Get a range of elements from a list
(linsert this key before? pivot val)
Insert an elem before or after another elem in a list
Insert an elem before or after another elem in a list
(rpushx this key val)
Append a value to a list, only if the list exists
Append a value to a list, only if the list exists
(lset this key idx v)
Set the value of an element in a list by its index
Set the value of an element in a list by its index
(lindex this key idx)
Get an element from a list by its index
Get an element from a list by its index
(rpush this key val)
Append one value to a list
Append one value to a list
(llen this key)
Get the length of a list
Get the length of a list
(lpush this key val)
Prepend one value to a list
Prepend one value to a list
(blpop this timeout-sec keys)
Remove and get the first elem (block until there's one)
Remove and get the first elem (block until there's one)
(lpop this key)
Remove and get the first element in a list
Remove and get the first element in a list
(brpop this timeout-sec keys)
Remove and get the last elem (block until there's one)
Remove and get the last elem (block until there's one)
(lrem this key count val)
Remove elements from a list
Remove elements from a list
(mrpush this key vals)
Append multiple values to a list
Append multiple values to a list
(migrate-args & {copy :copy replace :replace k :key ks :keys})
Redis PubSub Commands
Redis PubSub Commands
(subscribe this channel)
Listen for messages published to channel
Listen for messages published to channel
(publish this channel message)
Post a message to a channel
Post a message to a channel
(pubsub-numpat this)
Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns
Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns
(mpsubscribe this pattern)
Listen for messages published to channels matching patterns
Listen for messages published to channels matching patterns
(pubsub-channels this)
(pubsub-channels this channel)
Lists the currently active channels
Lists the currently *active channels*
(unsubscribe this channel)
Stop listening for messages posted to channel
Stop listening for messages posted to channel
(psubscribe this pattern)
Listen for messages published to channels matching pattern
Listen for messages published to channels matching pattern
(msubscribe this channels)
Listen for messages published to channels
Listen for messages published to channels
(pubsub-numsub this channel)
Returns the number of subscribers for the specified channel
Returns the number of subscribers for the specified channel
(munsubscribe this channels)
Stop listening for messages posted to channels
Stop listening for messages posted to channels
(mpunsubscribe this pattern)
Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching patterns
Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching patterns
(punsubscribe this pattern)
Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching pattern
Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching pattern
Protocol for redis pub/sub listeners
Protocol for redis pub/sub listeners
(message this channel message)
(message this pattern channel message)
Message received from a channel (or pattern) subscription
Message received from a channel (or pattern) subscription
(psubscribed this pattern count)
Subscribed to a pattern
Subscribed to a pattern
(punsubscribed this pattern count)
Unsubscribed from a pattern
Unsubscribed from a pattern
(subscribed this channel count)
Subscribed to a channel
Subscribed to a channel
(unsubscribed this channel count)
Unsubscribed from a channel
Unsubscribed from a channel
(scan-args & {limit :limit match :match})
(scan-cursor cursor)
(scan-res this)
Get the data contained in a scan cursor result
Get the data contained in a scan cursor result
(scan-seq cmds)
(scan-seq cmds args)
Lazy SCAN sequence, takes optional scan-args
Lazy SCAN sequence, takes optional scan-args
Redis Scripting Commands (Lua 5.1)
Redis Scripting Commands (Lua 5.1)
(digest this script)
Create a SHA1 digest from a Lua script
Create a SHA1 digest from a Lua script
(eval this script type keys)
(eval this script type keys vals)
Execute a Lua script server side
Execute a Lua script server side
(evalsha this digest type keys)
(evalsha this digest type keys vals)
Evaluates a script cached on the server side by its SHA1 digest
Evaluates a script cached on the server side by its SHA1 digest
(script-exists? this digests)
Check existence of scripts in the script cache
Check existence of scripts in the script cache
(script-flush this)
Remove all the scripts from the script cache
Remove all the scripts from the script cache
(script-kill this)
Kill the script currently in execution
Kill the script currently in execution
(script-load this script)
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache
Redis Server Commands
Redis Server Commands
(slowlog-get this)
(slowlog-get this count)
Read the slow log
Read the slow log
(debug-htstats this db)
Get debugging information about the internal hash-table state
Get debugging information about the internal hash-table state
(bgrewriteaof this)
Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file
Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file
(debug-segfault this)
Make the server crash: Invalid pointer access
Make the server crash: Invalid pointer access
(shutdown this save?)
Synchronously save the dataset to disk and shutdown the server
Synchronously save the dataset to disk and shutdown the server
(client-kill this addr-or-args)
Kill the connection of a client identified by ip:port, or args
Kill the connection of a client identified by ip:port, or args
(debug-oom this)
Make the server crash: Out of memory
Make the server crash: Out of memory
(command-info this commands)
Return an array reply of details about the requested commands
Return an array reply of details about the requested commands
(slowlog-len this)
Obtaining the current length of the slow log
Obtaining the current length of the slow log
(client-setname this name)
Set the current connection name
Set the current connection name
(slowlog-reset this)
Resetting the slow log
Resetting the slow log
(slaveof-no-one this)
Promote server as master
Promote server as master
(slaveof this host port)
Make the server a slave of another server, or promote it as master
Make the server a slave of another server, or promote it as master
(client-pause this timeout-ms)
Stop processing commands from clients for some time
Stop processing commands from clients for some time
(flushall this)
Remove all keys from all databases
Remove all keys from all databases
(config-rewrite this)
Rewrite the configuration file with the in memory configuration
Rewrite the configuration file with the in memory configuration
(command-count this)
Get total number of Redis commands
Get total number of Redis commands
(debug-restart this delay-ms)
Restart the server gracefully
Restart the server gracefully
(debug-crash-recov this delay-ms)
Crash and recover
Crash and recover
(time this)
Return the current server time
Return the current server time
(client-list this)
Get the list of client connections
Get the list of client connections
(debug-reload this)
Save RDB, clear the database and reload RDB
Save RDB, clear the database and reload RDB
(debug-object this key)
Get debugging information about a key
Get debugging information about a key
(command this)
Return an array reply of details about all Redis commands
Return an array reply of details about all Redis commands
(dbsize this)
Return the number of keys in the selected database
Return the number of keys in the selected database
(bgsave this)
Asynchronously save the dataset to disk
Asynchronously save the dataset to disk
(save this)
Synchronously save the dataset to disk
Synchronously save the dataset to disk
(debug-sds-len this key)
Get debugging information about the internal SDS length
Get debugging information about the internal SDS length
(flushdb-async this)
Remove all keys asynchronously from the current database
Remove all keys asynchronously from the current database
(config-get this param)
Get the value of a configuration parameter
Get the value of a configuration parameter
(flushall-async this)
Remove all keys asynchronously from all databases
Remove all keys asynchronously from all databases
(config-set this param val)
Set a configuration parameter to the given value
Set a configuration parameter to the given value
(info this)
(info this section)
Get information and statistics about the server
Get information and statistics about the server
(lastsave this)
Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk
Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk
(flushdb this)
Remove all keys from the current database
Remove all keys from the current database
(client-getname this)
Get the current connection name
Get the current connection name
(config-resetstat this)
Reset the stats returned by INFO
Reset the stats returned by INFO
(set-args & {ex :ex px :px nx :nx xx :xx})
Redis Set Commands
Redis Set Commands
(msrem this key members)
Remove multiple members from a set
Remove multiple members from a set
(sunionstore this dest keys)
Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key
Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key
(sismember this key val)
Determine if a given value is a member of a set
Determine if a given value is a member of a set
(sinterstore this dest keys)
Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key
Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key
(sadd this key member)
Add one member to a set
Add one member to a set
(scard this key)
Get the number of members in a set
Get the number of members in a set
(srandmember this key)
(srandmember this key count)
Get one or multiple random members from a set
Get one or multiple random members from a set
(smembers this key)
Get all the members in a set
Get all the members in a set
(srem this key member)
Remove one member from a set
Remove one member from a set
(sinter this keys)
Intersect multiple sets
Intersect multiple sets
(sunion this keys)
Add multiple sets
Add multiple sets
(sscan this key)
(sscan this key cursor)
(sscan this key cursor args)
Incrementally iterate set elements
Incrementally iterate set elements
(msadd this key members)
Add multiple members to a set
Add multiple members to a set
(sdiffstore this dest keys)
Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key
Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key
(smove this key dest member)
Move a member from one set to another
Move a member from one set to another
(sdiff this keys)
Subtract multiple sets
Subtract multiple sets
(spop this key)
(spop this key count)
Remove and return one or multiple random members from a set
Remove and return one or multiple random members from a set
(sort-args &
{by :by
[offset count :as limit] :limit
get :get
asc :asc
desc :desc
alpha :alpha})
Redis Sorted Set Commands
Redis Sorted Set Commands
(zrange this key start end)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index (scores asc)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index (scores asc)
(zremrangebyscore this key min max)
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores
(zscore this key member)
Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set.
Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set.
(zrevrange-withscores this key start end)
(zinterstore this dest keys)
(zinterstore this dest args keys)
Intersect multiple sorted sets ks, store the result in a new key d
Intersect multiple sorted sets ks, store the result in a new key d
(mzrem this key members)
Remove multiple members from a sorted set
Remove multiple members from a sorted set
(zscan this key)
(zscan this key cursor)
(zscan this key cursor args)
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores
(zremrangebyrank this key start end)
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes
(zrange-withscores this key start end)
(zunionstore this dest keys)
(zunionstore this dest args keys)
Add multiple sorted sets ks, store the result in a new key d
Add multiple sorted sets ks, store the result in a new key d
(zrevrank this key member)
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set (score desc)
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set (score desc)
(zrank this key member)
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set (score asc)
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set (score asc)
(zcard this key)
Get the number of members in a sorted set
Get the number of members in a sorted set
(zincrby this key amount member)
Increment the score of a member in a sorted set
Increment the score of a member in a sorted set
(zrangebylex this key min max)
(zrangebylex this key min max offset count)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range
(zadd this key score member)
(zadd this key args score member)
Add one member to a sorted set (update score if exists)
Add one member to a sorted set (update score if exists)
(zcount this key min max)
Count the members in a sorted set with scores within [min max]
Count the members in a sorted set with scores within [min max]
(zrem this key member)
Remove one member from a sorted set
Remove one member from a sorted set
(zremrangebylex this key min max)
Remove all members in a sorted set in a given lexicographical range
Remove all members in a sorted set in a given lexicographical range
(mzadd this key scored-members)
(mzadd this key args scored-members)
Add multiple members to a sorted set (update scores if exist)
Add multiple members to a sorted set (update scores if exist)
(zlexcount this key min max)
Count the members in a sorted set in a given lexicographical range
Count the members in a sorted set in a given lexicographical range
(zrangebyscore-withscores this key min max)
(zrangebyscore-withscores this key min max offset count)
(zaddincr this key score member)
Increment the score of a member in a sorted set
Increment the score of a member in a sorted set
(zrevrange this key start end)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index (scores desc)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index (scores desc)
(zrevrangebyscore this key min max)
(zrevrangebyscore this key min max offset count)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score (scores desc)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score (scores desc)
(zrevrangebyscore-withscores this key min max)
(zrevrangebyscore-withscores this key min max offset count)
(zrangebyscore this key min max)
(zrangebyscore this key min max offset count)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score (scores asc)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score (scores asc)
(sscan-seq cmds key)
(sscan-seq cmds key args)
Lazy SSCAN sequence, takes optional scan-args
Lazy SSCAN sequence, takes optional scan-args
Redis Strings Commands
Redis Strings Commands
(mset this map)
Set multiple keys to multiple values (map)
Set multiple keys to multiple values (map)
(bitfield this key args)
Execute BITFIELD with its subcommands
Execute BITFIELD with its subcommands
(bitop-xor this dest keys)
Perform bitwise XOR between strings
Perform bitwise XOR between strings
(setex this key ttl-sec val)
Set the value and expiration of a key
Set the value and expiration of a key
(set this key val)
(set this key val args)
Set the string value of a key
Set the string value of a key
(getbit this key offset)
Get the bit value at offset in the key's string value
Get the bit value at offset in the key's string value
(decr this key)
Decrement the integer value of a key by one
Decrement the integer value of a key by one
(psetex this key ttl-ms val)
Set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key
Set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key
(bitop-or this dest keys)
Perform bitwise OR between strings
Perform bitwise OR between strings
(mget this keys)
Get the values of all the given keys
Get the values of all the given keys
(bitcount this key)
(bitcount this key start end)
Count the bits set to 1 in a string
Count the bits set to 1 in a string
(bitop-and this dest keys)
Perform bitwise AND between strings
Perform bitwise AND between strings
(get this key)
Get the value of a key
Get the value of a key
(bitop-not this dest key)
Perform bitwise NOT between strings
Perform bitwise NOT between strings
(strlen this key)
Get the length of the value stored in a key
Get the length of the value stored in a key
(setrange this key offset val)
Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the offset
Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the offset
(incr this key)
Increment the integer value of a key by one
Increment the integer value of a key by one
(append this key val)
Append a value to a key
Append a value to a key
(setnx this key val)
Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist
Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist
(getset this key val)
Set the string value of a key and return its old value
Set the string value of a key and return its old value
(bitpos this key state)
(bitpos this key state start end)
Find first bit set or clear in a string
Find first bit set or clear in a string
(incrbyfloat this key amount)
Increment the float value of a key by the given amount
Increment the float value of a key by the given amount
(getrange this key start end)
Get a substring of the string stored at a key
Get a substring of the string stored at a key
(msetnx this map)
Like mset, but only if none of the keys exist
Like mset, but only if none of the keys exist
(decrby this key amount)
Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number
Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number
(incrby this key amount)
Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount
Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount
(setbit this key offset val)
Sets or clears the bit at offset in the key's string value
Sets or clears the bit at offset in the key's string value
Redis Transactional Commands
Redis Transactional Commands
(discard this)
Discard all commands issued after MULTI
Discard all commands issued after MULTI
(exec this)
Execute all commands issued after MULTI
Execute all commands issued after MULTI
(multi this)
Mark the start of a transaction block
Mark the start of a transaction block
(mwatch this keys)
Watch keys to determine execution of a transaction
Watch keys to determine execution of a transaction
(unwatch this)
Forget about all watched keys
Forget about all watched keys
(watch this key)
Watch key to determine execution of a transaction
Watch key to determine execution of a transaction
(zscan-seq cmds key)
(zscan-seq cmds key args)
Lazy ZSCAN sequence, takes optional scan-args
Lazy ZSCAN sequence, takes optional scan-args
(zstore-args agg & weights)
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