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  • Materially identical to [org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.13"], but released under cider/nrepl coordinates as part of the migration out of clojure-contrib (gh-1)
  • If start-server is not provided with a :bind hostname, nREPL will default to binding to the ipv6 :: (as before), but will now always fall back to localhost. Previously, the ipv4 hostname was only used if :: could not be resolved; this change ensures that the localhost fallback is used in networking environments where :: is resolved successfully, but cannot be bound. (gh-20)
  • is now a normal dependency (it used to be an optional dependency).


  • start-server now binds to :: by default, and falls back to localhost, avoiding confusion when working in environments that have both IPv4 and IPv6 networking available. (NREPL-83)


  • now accepts optional file, line, and column values in order to fix location metadata to defined vars and functions, for more useful stack traces, navigation, etc.
  • REPL evaluations now support use of reader conditionals (loading .cljc files containing reader conditionals has always worked transparently)


  • will not print the contents of :value response messages if the message contains a :printed-value slot.
  • default-executor and queue-eval in are now public.


  • now defines a default thread executor used for all evaluations (unless a different executor is provided to the configuration of This should aid in the development of interrupt-capable alternative evaluation middlewares/handlers.


  • The default bind address used by is now localhost, not As always, the bind address can be set explicitly via a :bind keyword argument to that function. This is considered a security bugfix, though technically it may cause breakage if anyone was implicitly relying upon nREPL's socket server to listen on all network interfaces.
  • The ServerSocket created as part of is now configured with SO_REUSEADDR enabled; this should prevent spurious "address already in use" when quickly bouncing apps that open an nREPL server on a fixed port, etc. (NREPL-67)
  • Middlewares may now contribute to the response of the "describe" operation via an optional :describe-fn function provided via their descriptors. (NREPL-64)
  • The :ns component of the response to "load-file" operations is now elided, as it was (usually) incorrect (as a result of reusing interruptible-eval for handling load-file operations) (NREPL-68)


  • The topological sort ("linearization") applied to middleware provided to start a new nREPL server has been reworked to address certain edge case bugs (NREPL-53)
  • interruptible-eval no longer incorrectly clobbers a session's *ns* binding when it processes an eval message containing an ns "argument"
  • Eliminated miscellaneous reflection warnings


  • Clients can now signal EOF on *in* with an empty :stdin value (NREPL-65)
  • Clojure :version-string is now included in response to a describe operation (NREPL-63)
  • Improve representation of java.version information in response to a describe operation (NREPL-62)


  • Fixed the source of a reliable per-connection thread leak (NREPL-40)
  • Fix printing of lazy sequences so that *out* bindings are properly preserved (NREPL-45)
  • Enhance so that a custom eval function can be provided on a per-message basis (NREPL-50)
  • Fix pretty-printing of reference returned by (NREPL-51)
  • nREPL now works with JDK 1.8 (NREPL-56)
  • The value of the java.version system property is now included in the response to a describe operation (NREPL-57)
  • Common session bindings (e.g. *e, *1, etc) are now set in time for nREPL middleware to access them in the case of an exception being thrown (NREPL-58)


  • Now using a queue to maintain *in*, to avoid intermittent failures due to prior use of PipedReader/Writer. (NREPL-39)
  • When loading a file, always bind *print-level* and *print-length* when generating the clojure.lang.Compiler/load expression (NREPL-41)


  • Added* for pr-str'ing expressions (presumably for later evaluation)
  • session IDs are now properly combined into a set by
  • fixes printing of server instances under Clojure 1.3.0+ (nREPL-37)


  • fixes incorrect translation between Writer.write() and StringBuilder.append() APIs (NREPL-38)


Top-to-bottom redesign


Never released; initial prototype of "rich content" support that (in part) helped motivate a re-examination of the underlying protocol and design.


  • added Clojure 1.3.0 (ALPHA) compatibility


  • fixed (hacked) obtaining clojure.test output when clojure.test is initially loaded within an nREPL session
  • eliminated 1-minute default timeout on expression evaluation
  • all standard REPL var bindings are now properly established and maintained within a session

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