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Find docs from ClojureDocs and retrieve the result as a map.

Find docs from ClojureDocs and retrieve the result as a map.
raw docstring







Clean the cached ClojureDocs export file and the in memory cache.

Clean the cached ClojureDocs export file and the in memory cache.
sourceraw docstring




(find-doc ns sym)

Find documentation matching ns and sym from the cached documentation. Bundled documentation will be used when there is no cached documentation.

Return nil if there is no matching documentation.

Find documentation matching `ns` and `sym` from the cached documentation.
Bundled documentation will be used when there is no cached documentation.

Return nil if there is no matching documentation.
sourceraw docstring


(get-doc var-name)

Get data for var-name. Bundled documentation will be used when there is no cached documentation.

Get data for `var-name`.
Bundled documentation will be used when there is no cached documentation.
sourceraw docstring


Timeout in milliseconds for connecting to a URL and reading the content.

Timeout in milliseconds for connecting to a URL and reading the content.
sourceraw docstring



Load exported docs from bundled or cached file when no docs are loaded. The Cached file take priority.

Load exported docs from bundled or cached file when no docs are loaded.
The Cached file take priority.
sourceraw docstring


(resolve-and-find-doc ns sym)

Resolve sym in the context of ns and look up the documentation for the resulting var.

Resolve `sym` in the context of `ns` and look up the documentation
for the resulting var.
sourceraw docstring


(see-also var-name)

Get the see-alsos for var-name if any.

Get the see-alsos for `var-name` if any.
sourceraw docstring


(update-cache! export-edn-url)

Load exported docs file from ClojureDocs, and store it as a cache. export-edn-url should be the URL to EDN file with Clojuredocs data (default-edn-file-url if not provided).

Load exported docs file from ClojureDocs, and store it as a cache.
`export-edn-url` should be the URL to EDN file with Clojuredocs
data (`default-edn-file-url` if not provided).
sourceraw docstring

cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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