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Custom object printer used by development tooling like Inspector. Similar to Clojure's print-method. Main objectives:

  • honor *print-level* and *print-length* variables
  • provide sufficiently good performance
  • limit the maximum print size and stop printing after it is reached
Custom object printer used by development tooling like Inspector. Similar to
Clojure's `print-method`. Main objectives:

- honor `*print-level*` and `*print-length*` variables
- provide sufficiently good performance
- limit the maximum print size and stop printing after it is reached
raw docstring


Maximum length of the string written to the Writer in one call.

Maximum length of the string written to the Writer in one call.
sourceraw docstring


Maximum total size of the resulting string.

Maximum total size of the resulting string.
sourceraw docstring



(print-str x)

Alternative implementation of clojure.core/pr-str which supports truncating intermediate items and the resulting string and short-circuiting when the limit is reached.

Alternative implementation of `clojure.core/pr-str` which supports truncating
intermediate items and the resulting string and short-circuiting when the
limit is reached.
sourceraw docstring

cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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