Various wrappers and utilities for the mongodb-java-driver
Various wrappers and utilities for the mongodb-java-driver
{:name nil :unique false :sparse false :partial-filter-expression nil})
Adds an index on the collection for the specified fields if it does not exist. Ordering of fields is significant; an index on [:a :b] is not the same as an index on [:b :a].
By default, all fields are indexed in ascending order. To index a field in descending order, specify it as a vector with a direction signifier (i.e., -1), like so:
[:a [:b -1] :c]
This will generate an index on:
:a ascending, :b descending, :c ascending
Similarly, [[:a 1] [:b -1] :c] will generate the same index ("1" indicates ascending order, the default).
Options include: :name -> defaults to the system-generated default :unique -> defaults to false :sparse -> defaults to false :background -> defaults to false :partial-filter-expression -> defauls to no filter expression
Adds an index on the collection for the specified fields if it does not exist. Ordering of fields is significant; an index on [:a :b] is not the same as an index on [:b :a]. By default, all fields are indexed in ascending order. To index a field in descending order, specify it as a vector with a direction signifier (i.e., -1), like so: [:a [:b -1] :c] This will generate an index on: :a ascending, :b descending, :c ascending Similarly, [[:a 1] [:b -1] :c] will generate the same index ("1" indicates ascending order, the default). Options include: :name -> defaults to the system-generated default :unique -> defaults to false :sparse -> defaults to false :background -> defaults to false :partial-filter-expression -> defauls to no filter expression
(aggregate coll op & ops {:from :clojure :to :clojure})
Executes a pipeline of operations using the Aggregation Framework. Returns map {:serverUsed ... :result ... :ok ...} :serverUsed - string representing server address :result - the result of the aggregation (if successful) :ok - 1.0 for success Requires MongoDB 2.2!
Executes a pipeline of operations using the Aggregation Framework. Returns map {:serverUsed ... :result ... :ok ...} :serverUsed - string representing server address :result - the result of the aggregation (if successful) :ok - 1.0 for success Requires MongoDB 2.2!
(calculate-query-options options)
Calculates the cursor's query option from a list of options
Calculates the cursor's query option from a list of options
(close-connection conn)
Closes the connection, and unsets it as the active connection if necessary
Closes the connection, and unsets it as the active connection if necessary
(collection-exists? collection)
Query whether the named collection has been created within the DB.
Query whether the named collection has been created within the DB.
Returns the set of collections stored in the current database
Returns the set of collections stored in the current database
(command cmd {:options nil :from :clojure :to :clojure})
Executes a database command.
Executes a database command.
(connection? x)
Returns truth if the argument is a map specifying an active connection.
Returns truth if the argument is a map specifying an active connection.
(create-collection! collection :capped :size :max)
Explicitly create a collection with the given name, which must not already exist.
Most users will not need this function, and will instead allow MongoDB to implicitly create collections when they are written to. This function exists primarily to allow the creation of capped collections, and so supports the following keyword arguments:
:capped -> boolean: if the collection is capped :size -> int: collection size (in bytes) :max -> int: max number of documents.
Explicitly create a collection with the given name, which must not already exist. Most users will not need this function, and will instead allow MongoDB to implicitly create collections when they are written to. This function exists primarily to allow the creation of capped collections, and so supports the following keyword arguments: :capped -> boolean: if the collection is capped :size -> int: collection size (in bytes) :max -> int: max number of documents.
List databases on the mongo server
List databases on the mongo server
(db-ref ns id)
Convenience DBRef constructor.
Convenience DBRef constructor.
(destroy! collection where {:from :clojure :write-concern nil})
Removes map from collection. Takes a collection name and a query map
Removes map from collection. Takes a collection name and a query map
(destroy-file! fs where {:from :clojure})
Removes file from gridfs. Takes a GridFS name and a query map
Removes file from gridfs. Takes a GridFS name and a query map
(distinct-values collection key :where :from :as)
Queries a collection for the distinct values of a given key. Returns a vector of the values by default (but see the :as keyword argument). The key (a String) can refer to a nested object, using dot notation, e.g., "".
Optional arguments include :where -> a query object. If supplied, distinct values from the result of the query on the collection (rather than from the entire collection) are returned. :from -> specifies what form a supplied :where query is in (:clojure, :json, or :mongo). Defaults to :clojure. Has no effect if there is no :where query. :as -> results format (:clojure, :json, or :mongo). Defaults to :clojure.
Queries a collection for the distinct values of a given key. Returns a vector of the values by default (but see the :as keyword argument). The key (a String) can refer to a nested object, using dot notation, e.g., "". Optional arguments include :where -> a query object. If supplied, distinct values from the result of the query on the collection (rather than from the entire collection) are returned. :from -> specifies what form a supplied :where query is in (:clojure, :json, or :mongo). Defaults to :clojure. Has no effect if there is no :where query. :as -> results format (:clojure, :json, or :mongo). Defaults to :clojure.
(drop-all-indexes! coll)
Drops all indexes from a collection
Drops all indexes from a collection
(drop-database! title)
drops a database from the mongo server
drops a database from the mongo server
(drop-index! coll index)
Drops an index on the collection for the specified fields.
may be a vector representing the key(s) of the index (see somnium.congomongo/add-index! for the
expected format). It may also be a String or Keyword, in which case it is taken to be the name of the
index to be deleted.
Due to how the underlying MongoDB driver works, if you defined an index with a custom name, you must delete the index using that name, and not the keys.
Drops an index on the collection for the specified fields. `index` may be a vector representing the key(s) of the index (see somnium.congomongo/add-index! for the expected format). It may also be a String or Keyword, in which case it is taken to be the name of the index to be deleted. Due to how the underlying MongoDB driver works, if you defined an index with a custom name, you *must* delete the index using that name, and not the keys.
(fetch collection
:where :only
:limit :skip
:as :from
:one? :count?
:sort :hint
:explain? :options
:max-time-ms :read-preferences)
Fetches objects from a collection. Note that MongoDB always adds the _id and _ns fields to objects returned from the database. Optional arguments include :where -> takes a query map :only -> takes an array of keys to retrieve :as -> what to return, defaults to :clojure, can also be :json or :mongo :from -> argument type, same options as above :skip -> number of records to skip :limit -> number of records to return :one? -> defaults to false, use fetch-one as a shortcut :count? -> defaults to false, use fetch-count as a shortcut :explain? -> returns performance information on the query, instead of rows :sort -> sort the results by a specific key :options -> query options [:tailable :slaveok :oplogreplay :notimeout :awaitdata] :hint -> tell the query which index to use (name (string) or [:compound :index] (seq of keys)) :read-preferences -> read preferences (e.g. :primary or ReadPreference instance) :max-time-ms -> set the maximum execution time for operations
Fetches objects from a collection. Note that MongoDB always adds the _id and _ns fields to objects returned from the database. Optional arguments include :where -> takes a query map :only -> takes an array of keys to retrieve :as -> what to return, defaults to :clojure, can also be :json or :mongo :from -> argument type, same options as above :skip -> number of records to skip :limit -> number of records to return :one? -> defaults to false, use fetch-one as a shortcut :count? -> defaults to false, use fetch-count as a shortcut :explain? -> returns performance information on the query, instead of rows :sort -> sort the results by a specific key :options -> query options [:tailable :slaveok :oplogreplay :notimeout :awaitdata] :hint -> tell the query which index to use (name (string) or [:compound :index] (seq of keys)) :read-preferences -> read preferences (e.g. :primary or ReadPreference instance) :max-time-ms -> set the maximum execution time for operations
(fetch-and-modify collection
{:only nil
:sort nil
:remove? false
:return-new? false
:upsert? false
:max-time-ms 0
:from :clojure
:as :clojure})
Finds the first document in the query and updates it. Parameters: coll -> the collection where -> query to match update -> update to apply :only -> fields to be returned :sort -> sort to apply before picking first document :remove? -> if true, document found will be removed :return-new? -> if true, the updated document is returned, otherwise the old document is returned (or it would be lost forever) :upsert? -> do upsert (insert if document not present) :max-time-ms -> set the maximum execution time for operations
Finds the first document in the query and updates it. Parameters: coll -> the collection where -> query to match update -> update to apply :only -> fields to be returned :sort -> sort to apply before picking first document :remove? -> if true, document found will be removed :return-new? -> if true, the updated document is returned, otherwise the old document is returned (or it would be lost forever) :upsert? -> do upsert (insert if document not present) :max-time-ms -> set the maximum execution time for operations
(fetch-files fs :where :from :one?)
Fetches objects from a GridFS Note that MongoDB always adds the _id and _ns fields to objects returned from the database. Optional arguments include :where -> takes a query map :from -> argument type, same options as above :one? -> defaults to false, use fetch-one-file as a shortcut
Fetches objects from a GridFS Note that MongoDB always adds the _id and _ns fields to objects returned from the database. Optional arguments include :where -> takes a query map :from -> argument type, same options as above :one? -> defaults to false, use fetch-one-file as a shortcut
(get-coll collection)
Returns a DBCollection object
Returns a DBCollection object
(get-collection-read-preference collection)
Returns the currently set read preference for a collection
Returns the currently set read preference for a collection
(get-collection-write-concern collection)
Gets the currently set write concern for a collection.
Gets the currently set write concern for a collection.
(get-db conn)
Returns the current connection. Throws exception if there isn't one.
Returns the current connection. Throws exception if there isn't one.
(get-gridfs bucket)
Returns a GridFS object for the named bucket
Returns a GridFS object for the named bucket
(get-indexes collection :as (:clojure))
Get index information on collection
Get index information on collection
(get-timestamp obj)
Pulls the timestamp from an ObjectId or a map with a valid ObjectId in :_id.
Pulls the timestamp from an ObjectId or a map with a valid ObjectId in :_id.
(insert! coll obj {:many false :from :clojure :to :clojure :write-concern nil})
Inserts a map into collection. Will not overwrite existing maps. Takes optional from and to keyword arguments. To insert as a side-effect only specify :to as nil.
Inserts a map into collection. Will not overwrite existing maps. Takes optional from and to keyword arguments. To insert as a side-effect only specify :to as nil.
(insert-file! fs data {:filename nil :contentType nil :metadata nil})
Insert file data into a GridFS. Data should be either a File, InputStream or byte array. Options include: :filename -> defaults to nil :contentType -> defaults to nil :metadata -> defaults to nil :_id -> defaults to nil (autogenerate)
Insert file data into a GridFS. Data should be either a File, InputStream or byte array. Options include: :filename -> defaults to nil :contentType -> defaults to nil :metadata -> defaults to nil :_id -> defaults to nil (autogenerate)
(make-connection mongo-client-uri)
(make-connection db
:instances [{:host host :port port}]
:options mongo-options
:username username
:password password
:auth-source {:mechanism mechanism :source source})
Connects to one or more mongo instances, returning a connection that can be used with set-connection! and with-mongo.
Each instance is a map containing values for :host and/or :port.
May be called with database name and optionally: :instances - a list of server instances to connect to :options - a MongoClientOptions object :username - the username to authenticate with :password - the password to authenticate with :auth-source - the authentication source for authenticated connections in form: {:mechanism mechanism :source source} Supported authentication mechanisms: :plain :scram-1 :scram-256
If instances are not specified a connection is made to
Username and password must be supplied for authenticated connections.
A MongoClientURI string is also supported and must be prefixed with mongodb:// or mongodb+srv://. If username and password are specified the connection will be authenticated.
Connects to one or more mongo instances, returning a connection that can be used with set-connection! and with-mongo. Each instance is a map containing values for :host and/or :port. May be called with database name and optionally: :instances - a list of server instances to connect to :options - a MongoClientOptions object :username - the username to authenticate with :password - the password to authenticate with :auth-source - the authentication source for authenticated connections in form: {:mechanism mechanism :source source} Supported authentication mechanisms: :plain :scram-1 :scram-256 If instances are not specified a connection is made to Username and password must be supplied for authenticated connections. A MongoClientURI string is also supported and must be prefixed with mongodb:// or mongodb+srv://. If username and password are specified the connection will be authenticated.
(map-reduce collection
:query :query-from
:sort :sort-from
:limit :finalize
:scope :scope-from
:output :as)
Performs a map-reduce job on the server.
Mandatory arguments collection -> the collection to run the job on mapfn -> a JavaScript map function, as a String. Should take no arguments. reducefn -> a JavaScript reduce function, as a String. Should take two arguments: a key, and a corresponding array of values out -> output descriptor With MongoDB 1.8, there are many options: a collection name (String or Keyword): output is saved in the named collection, removing any data that previously existed there. Or, a configuration map: {:replace collection-name}: same as above {:merge collection-name}: incorporates results of the MapReduce with any data already in the collection {:reduce collection-name}: further reduces with any data already in the collection {:inline 1}: creates no collection, and returns the results directly
See for more information, as well as the test code in congomongo_test.clj.
Optional Arguments :out-from -> indicates what form the out parameter is specified in (:clojure, :json, or :mongo). Defaults to :clojure. :query -> a query map against collection; if this is specified, the map-reduce job is run on the result of this query instead of on the collection as a whole. :query-from -> if query is supplied, specifies what form it is in (:clojure, :json, or :mongo). Defaults to :clojure. :sort -> if you want query sorted (for optimization), specify a map of sort clauses here. :sort-from -> if sort is supplied, specifies what form it is in (:clojure, :json, or :mongo). Defaults to :clojure. :limit -> the number of objects to return from a query collection (defaults to 0; that is, everything). This pertains to query, NOT the result of the overall map-reduce job! :finalize -> a finalizaton function (JavaScript, as a String). Should take two arguments: a key and a single value (not an array of values). :scope -> a scope object; variables in the object will be available in the global scope of map, reduce, and finalize functions. :scope-from -> if scope is supplied, specifies what form it is in (:clojure, :json, or :mongo). Defaults to :clojure. :output -> if you want the resulting documents from the map-reduce job, specify :documents; otherwise, if you want the name of the result collection as a keyword, specify :collection. Defaults to :documents. If the value of 'out' is {:inline 1}, you will get documents, regardless of what you actually put here. :as -> if :output is set to :documents, determines the form the results take (:clojure, :json, or :mongo) (has no effect if :output is set to :collection; that is always returned as a Clojure keyword).
Performs a map-reduce job on the server. Mandatory arguments collection -> the collection to run the job on mapfn -> a JavaScript map function, as a String. Should take no arguments. reducefn -> a JavaScript reduce function, as a String. Should take two arguments: a key, and a corresponding array of values out -> output descriptor With MongoDB 1.8, there are many options: a collection name (String or Keyword): output is saved in the named collection, removing any data that previously existed there. Or, a configuration map: {:replace collection-name}: same as above {:merge collection-name}: incorporates results of the MapReduce with any data already in the collection {:reduce collection-name}: further reduces with any data already in the collection {:inline 1}: creates no collection, and returns the results directly See for more information, as well as the test code in congomongo_test.clj. Optional Arguments :out-from -> indicates what form the out parameter is specified in (:clojure, :json, or :mongo). Defaults to :clojure. :query -> a query map against collection; if this is specified, the map-reduce job is run on the result of this query instead of on the collection as a whole. :query-from -> if query is supplied, specifies what form it is in (:clojure, :json, or :mongo). Defaults to :clojure. :sort -> if you want query sorted (for optimization), specify a map of sort clauses here. :sort-from -> if sort is supplied, specifies what form it is in (:clojure, :json, or :mongo). Defaults to :clojure. :limit -> the number of objects to return from a query collection (defaults to 0; that is, everything). This pertains to query, NOT the result of the overall map-reduce job! :finalize -> a finalizaton function (JavaScript, as a String). Should take two arguments: a key and a single value (not an array of values). :scope -> a scope object; variables in the object will be available in the global scope of map, reduce, and finalize functions. :scope-from -> if scope is supplied, specifies what form it is in (:clojure, :json, or :mongo). Defaults to :clojure. :output -> if you want the resulting documents from the map-reduce job, specify :documents; otherwise, if you want the name of the result collection as a keyword, specify :collection. Defaults to :documents. If the value of 'out' is {:inline 1}, you will get documents, regardless of what you actually put here. :as -> if :output is set to :documents, determines the form the results take (:clojure, :json, or :mongo) (has no effect if :output is set to :collection; that is always returned as a Clojure keyword).
(mongo-options & options)
Return MongoClientOptions, populated by any specified options. e.g., (mongo-options :auto-connect-retry true)
Return MongoClientOptions, populated by any specified options. e.g., (mongo-options :auto-connect-retry true)
(read-preference preference
{:first-tag "value" :second-tag "second-value"}
{:other-tag-set "other-value"})
Creates a ReadPreference from an alias and optional tag sets. Valid aliases are :nearest, :primary, :primary-preferred, :secondary and :secondary-preferred.
Creates a ReadPreference from an alias and optional tag sets. Valid aliases are :nearest, :primary, :primary-preferred, :secondary and :secondary-preferred.
(set-collection-read-preference! collection preference & opts)
Sets the read preference as default for a collection.
Sets the read preference as default for a collection.
(set-collection-write-concern! collection write-concern)
Sets this write concern as default for a collection.
Sets this write concern as default for a collection.
(set-connection! connection)
Makes the connection active. Takes a connection created by make-connection.
When with-mongo and set-connection! interact, last one wins
Makes the connection active. Takes a connection created by make-connection. When with-mongo and set-connection! interact, last one wins
(set-database! title)
atomically alters the current database
atomically alters the current database
(set-read-preference connection preference)
Sets the read preference on the connection (you may supply a ReadPreference or a valid alias).
Sets the read preference on the connection (you may supply a ReadPreference or a valid alias).
(set-write-concern connection setting)
Sets the write concern on the connection. Setting is a key in the write-concern-map above.
Sets the write concern on the connection. Setting is a key in the write-concern-map above.
(stream-from fs file)
Returns an InputStream from the GridFS file specified
Returns an InputStream from the GridFS file specified
(named s)
convenience for interchangeably handling keywords, symbols, and strings
convenience for interchangeably handling keywords, symbols, and strings
{:upsert true :multiple false :as :clojure :from :clojure :write-concern nil})
Alters/inserts a map in a collection. Overwrites existing objects. The shortcut forms need a map with valid :_id and :_ns fields or a collection and a map with a valid :_id field.
Alters/inserts a map in a collection. Overwrites existing objects. The shortcut forms need a map with valid :_id and :_ns fields or a collection and a map with a valid :_id field.
(with-db dbname & body)
Make dbname the active database in the enclosing scope.
When with-db and set-database! interact, last one wins.
Make dbname the active database in the enclosing scope. When with-db and set-database! interact, last one wins.
(with-mongo conn & body)
Makes conn the active connection in the enclosing scope.
When with-mongo and set-connection! interact, last one wins
Makes conn the active connection in the enclosing scope. When with-mongo and set-connection! interact, last one wins
(with-ref-fetching fetcher)
Returns a decorated fetcher fn which eagerly loads db-refs.
Returns a decorated fetcher fn which eagerly loads db-refs.
(write-file-to fs file out)
Writes the data stored for a file to the supplied output, which should be either an OutputStream, File, or the String path for a file.
Writes the data stored for a file to the supplied output, which should be either an OutputStream, File, or the String path for a file.
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