Devcards helpers for dumdom. dumdom.devcards/defcard is a drop-in replacement for devcards.core/defcard that supports dumdom components.
The macro and helper function were lifted from devcards, and lightly adjusted to allow for dumdom components to automatically be wrapped in React elements, allowing them to be seamlessly rendered by devcards.
Devcards helpers for dumdom. dumdom.devcards/defcard is a drop-in replacement for devcards.core/defcard that supports dumdom components. The macro and helper function were lifted from devcards, and lightly adjusted to allow for dumdom components to automatically be wrapped in React elements, allowing them to be seamlessly rendered by devcards.
(as-react-element component)
(card vname docu)
(card vname docu main-obj)
(card vname docu main-obj initial-data)
(card vname docu main-obj initial-data options)
(defcard & expr)
(reactify renderer)
(render this)
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