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Portable Text for Clojure

A Clojure library for rendering the PortableText rich text format content (used in Sanity) to hiccup or HTML.

Passes most of the official tests, except for some JavaScript library-specific features, and some image transforms (to be implemented).


With tools.deps:

cjohansen/portable-text-clj {:mvn/version "2020.06.09"}

With Leiningen:

[cjohansen/portable-text-clj "2020.06.09"]


(require '[portable-text.html :as pt])

(def content-blocks
  [{:_key "R5FvMrjo"
    :_type "block"
    [{:_key "cZUQGmh4"
      :_type "span"
      :marks []
      :text "Plain text."}]
    :markDefs []
    :style "normal"}])

(pt/render content-blocks)
;;=> "<p>Plain text.</p>"

(pt/to-hiccup content-blocks)
;;=> [:p {} ("Plain text.")]

You can optionally pass an options map to both to-hiccup and render to specify details about your Sanity installation, which is necessary to render images correctly:

 [{:_type "image",
   :_key "d234a4fa317a",
   {:_type "reference",
    :_ref "image-YiOKD0O6AdjKPaK24WtbOEv0-3456x2304-jpg"}}]
 {:sanity/project-id "3do82whm"
  :sanity/dataset "production"})

;;=> "<figure><img src=\"\"/></figure>"


Images are rendered from Sanity's CDN by default, but you can override it:

 [{:_type "image",
   :_key "d234a4fa317a",
   {:_type "reference",
    :_ref "image-yoda-3456x2304-jpg"}}]
 {:sanity/project-id "abcd"
  :sanity/dataset "prod"
  :cdn-url ""})

;;=> [:figure {}
;;    [:img
;;     {:src ""}]]

Image transforms such as crop and hotspot are not (yet) supported.


make test # ...or
make autotest


Copyright © 2020 Christian Johansen

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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