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Clojars Project

CleanCSS - ClojureScript tool that removes unused CSS


  1. Add a dependency:
cleancss/cleancss {:mvn/version "0.6.0"}
  1. Create the cleancss.edn configuration file in the root directory of the project:
{;; project sources
 :watch-dirs ["src"]
 {;; If not specified, the value will be `cleancss.cljs.env/functions`
  ;; :functions #{":lang" ...}

  ;; If not specified, the value will be `cleancss.cljs.env/pseudos`
  ;; :pseudos #{":hover" ...}

  ;; If not specified, the value will be `cleancss.cljs.env/types`
  ;; :types #{"*", "div" ...}

  ;; If you do not specify a value, the data will be taken from the application
  ;; :identifiers #{"id"}
  ;; :classes     #{"name"}
  ;; :attributes  #{["hidden"] ["hreflang" "en"]}

 {;; Path to the source css file
  :import {:input-files ["resources/public/css/tailwind.min.css"]}

  ;; The path to the file where the final result will be stored
  :export {:output-file "resources/public/css/cleancss.css"}}}

  1. Add a call to cleancss.cljs.hooks/reset before building the project and cleancss.cljs.hooks/build after building.For example, in figwheel-main, this is configured as follows:
  :css-dirs         ["resources/public/css"]
  :pre-build-hooks  [cleancss.cljs.hooks/reset]
  :post-build-hooks [cleancss.cljs.hooks/build]
  1. Wrap all the styles you use in a macro
(ns app.core
   [cleancss.cljs.state :refer [c i a]))

(defn component
  ;; classes
  [:nav {:class (c "shadow-md" "rounded-lg")}

   ;; identifiers
   [:button {:id (i "id")}

   ;; attributes, classes, identifiers
   [:button (a {:id "send" :class ["save"] :type "button"})



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