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Functions to access the Amazon EC2 compute service.

Each function takes a map of credentials as its first argument. The credentials map should contain an :access-key key and a :secret-key key. It can also contain an optional :endpoint key if you wish to specify an API endpoint (i.e. region) other than us-east.

Functions to access the Amazon EC2 compute service.

Each function takes a map of credentials as its first argument. The
credentials map should contain an :access-key key and a :secret-key
key. It can also contain an optional :endpoint key if you wish to
specify an API endpoint (i.e. region) other than us-east.
raw docstring


(aws-filter name & values)

Returns a Filter that can be used in calls to AWS to limit the results returned.

E.g. (ec2/aws-filter "tag:Name" "my-instance")

Returns a Filter that can be used in calls to AWS to limit the results returned.

E.g. (ec2/aws-filter "tag:Name" "my-instance")
sourceraw docstring


(create-image cred params)

Creates an Amazon EBS-backed AMI from a running or stopped instance and returns the new image's id.

params is a map containing the instance id and name, and any other optional parameters.


(ec2/create-image cred { :instance-id "i-deadbabe" :name "web-snapshot" :description "Snapshot of web server" :block-device-mappings [{:device-name "/dev/sdh" :ebs {:delete-on-termination false :volume-size 120}}]})

Creates an Amazon EBS-backed AMI from a running or stopped instance and returns the
 new image's id.

params is a map containing the instance id and name, and any other optional parameters.


(ec2/create-image cred { :instance-id "i-deadbabe"
                         :name "web-snapshot"
                         :description "Snapshot of web server"
                         :block-device-mappings [{:device-name  "/dev/sdh"
                                                  :ebs {:delete-on-termination false
                                                        :volume-size 120}}]})
sourceraw docstring


(create-tag k v)

Create an AWS Tag object from a key/value pair.

Create an AWS Tag object from a key/value pair.
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(create-tags cred ids tags)

Adds or overwrites tags for the specified resources.

Takes a list of resource ids (e.g. instance ids, AMI ids, etc.) and a map of tags to add or overwrite for the specified resources. E.g.:

(ec2/create-tags cred ["id-deadcafe", "ami-9465dbfd"] {:name "web server" :owner "ops"})
Adds or overwrites tags for the specified resources.

Takes a list of resource ids (e.g. instance ids, AMI ids, etc.) and
a map of tags to add or overwrite for the specified resources. E.g.:

    (ec2/create-tags cred ["id-deadcafe", "ami-9465dbfd"] {:name "web server" :owner "ops"})
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(decode-exception exception)

Returns a Clojure containing the details of an AmazonServiceException

Returns a Clojure containing the details of an AmazonServiceException
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(delete-tags cred ids tags)

Deletes tags from the specified Amazon EC2 resources. E.g.:

Takes a list of resource ids (e.g. instance ids, AMI ids, etc.) and a map of tags to delete from the specified resources. E.g.:

(ec2/delete-tags cred ["id-deadcafe", "ami-9465dbfd"] {:name "web server" :owner "ops"})

To delete a tag without regard to its current value, use nil:

(ec2/delete-tags cred ["id-deadcafe"] {:owner nil})
Deletes tags from the specified Amazon EC2 resources. E.g.:

Takes a list of resource ids (e.g. instance ids, AMI ids, etc.) and
a map of tags to delete from the specified resources. E.g.:

    (ec2/delete-tags cred ["id-deadcafe", "ami-9465dbfd"] {:name "web server" :owner "ops"})

To delete a tag without regard to its current value, use `nil`:

    (ec2/delete-tags cred ["id-deadcafe"] {:owner nil})
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(deregister-image cred image-id)

Deregisters an AMI. Once deregistered, instances of the AMI can no longer be launched.


(ec2/deregister-image cred "ami-9465dbfd")

Deregisters an AMI. Once deregistered, instances of the AMI can no longer be launched.


(ec2/deregister-image cred "ami-9465dbfd")
sourceraw docstring


(describe-images cred)
(describe-images cred filter)

List all the EC2 images (AMIs), applying the optional filter if supplied.

You can specify filters to limit the number of AMIs returned to those with a specific owner, or to find a specific AMI by id. E.g.:

(ec2/describe-images cred (ec2/image-id-filter "ami-9465dbfd"))
(ec2/describe-images cred (ec2/image-owner-filter "self"))
List all the EC2 images (AMIs), applying the optional filter if supplied.

You can specify filters to limit the number of AMIs returned to
those with a specific owner, or to find a specific AMI by id. E.g.:

    (ec2/describe-images cred (ec2/image-id-filter "ami-9465dbfd"))
    (ec2/describe-images cred (ec2/image-owner-filter "self"))
sourceraw docstring


(describe-instances cred)
(describe-instances cred filter)

List all the EC2 instances for the supplied credentials, applying the optional filter if supplied.

Returns a list of Reservations, a data structure which contains the following keys: :instances - a list of Instances :groups - a list of security groups requested for the instances in this reservation :group-names - a list of security group names requested for the instances in this reservation

You can specify filters to limit the number of instances returned or to find a specific instance. E.g.:

(ec2/describe-instances cred (ec2/instance-id-filter "i-deadcafe"))
List all the EC2 instances for the supplied credentials, applying the optional filter if supplied.

Returns a list of Reservations, a data structure which contains the following keys:
  :instances   - a list of Instances
  :groups      - a list of security groups requested for the instances in this reservation
  :group-names - a list of security group names requested for the instances in this reservation

You can specify filters to limit the number of instances returned or
to find a specific instance. E.g.:

    (ec2/describe-instances cred (ec2/instance-id-filter "i-deadcafe"))
sourceraw docstring


(describe-tags cred filter)

Describes one or more of the tags for your EC2 resources.

You can specify filters to limit the response when describing tags. For example, you can use a filter to get only the tags for a specific resource. E.g.:

(ec2/describe-tags cred (ec2/tag-filter-by-resource-id "id-babecafe"))

You can also get all tags for a particular resource type:

(ec2/describe-tags cred (ec2/tag-filter-by-resource-type "image"))

Or specify your own filter:

(ec2/describe-tags cred (ec2/tag-filter (ec2/aws-filter "tag:Name" "*webserver*")))

See for more information about supported filters.

Describes one or more of the tags for your EC2 resources.

You can specify filters to limit the response when describing tags.
For example, you can use a filter to get only the tags for a
specific resource. E.g.:

    (ec2/describe-tags cred (ec2/tag-filter-by-resource-id "id-babecafe"))

You can also get all tags for a particular resource type:

    (ec2/describe-tags cred (ec2/tag-filter-by-resource-type "image"))

Or specify your own filter:

    (ec2/describe-tags cred (ec2/tag-filter (ec2/aws-filter "tag:Name" "*webserver*")))

for more information about supported filters.
sourceraw docstring


(describe-volumes cred)
(describe-volumes cred filter)

List EBS volumes, applying the optional filter if supplied.

You can specify filters to limit the number of volumes returned to find a specific AMI by id, or with a given status. E.g.:

(ec2/describe-volumes cred (ec2/volume-id-filter "vol-98765432"))
(ec2/describe-volumes cred (ec2/volume-snapshot-filter "snap-abcd1234"))
(ec2/describe-volumes cred (ec2/volume-status-filter :available)))

See for a description of available filters.

List EBS volumes, applying the optional filter if supplied.

You can specify filters to limit the number of volumes returned to
find a specific AMI by id, or with a given status. E.g.:

    (ec2/describe-volumes cred (ec2/volume-id-filter "vol-98765432"))
    (ec2/describe-volumes cred (ec2/volume-snapshot-filter "snap-abcd1234"))
    (ec2/describe-volumes cred (ec2/volume-status-filter :available)))
for a description of available filters.
sourceraw docstring


(image-filter & filters)

Returns a filter that can be used with ec2/describe-images. It should be passed a Filter created by ec2/aws-filter.

Returns a filter that can be used with ec2/describe-images. It
should be passed a Filter created by ec2/aws-filter.
sourceraw docstring


(image-id-filter id)

Returns an image filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-images to describe a single image.

Returns an image filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-images to describe a single image.
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(image-owner-filter owner)

Returns an image filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-images to describe a images owned by a user (e.g. "self" for the current user).

Returns an image filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-images
to describe a images owned by a user (e.g. "self" for the current
sourceraw docstring


(instance-filter & filters)

Returns a filter that can be used with ec2/describe-instances. It should be passed a Filter created by ec2/aws-filter.

Returns a filter that can be used with ec2/describe-instances. It
should be passed a Filter created by ec2/aws-filter.
sourceraw docstring


(instance-id-filter id)

Returns an instance filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-instances to describe a single instance.

Returns an instance filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-instances to describe a single instance.
sourceraw docstring


(mapper-> type)

Creates a function that invokes set-fields on a new object of type with mapped parameters.

Creates a function that invokes set-fields on a new object of type
with mapped parameters.
sourceraw docstring


(run-instances cred params)

Launch EC2 instances.

params is a map containing the parameters to send to AWS. E.g.:

(ec2/run-instances cred { :min-count 1 :max-count 1 :image-id "ami-9465dbfd" :instance-type "t1.micro" :key-name "my-key" })

There are many parameters available to control how instances are configured. E.g.:

(ec2/run-instances cred { :min-count 1 :max-count 1 :image-id "ami-9465dbfd" :instance-type "t1.micro" :key-name "my-key" :placement { :availability-zone "ap-southeast-2"} :block-device-mappings [{:device-name "/dev/sdh" :ebs {:delete-on-termination false :volume-size 120}}] :network-interfaces [{:subnet-id "subject-f00fbaaa" :device-index 0 :private-ip-addresses [{:private-ip-address "" :primary true}]}] })

See for a complete list of available parameters.

Launch EC2 instances.

params is a map containing the parameters to send to AWS. E.g.:

(ec2/run-instances cred { :min-count 1
                          :max-count 1
                          :image-id "ami-9465dbfd"
                          :instance-type "t1.micro"
                          :key-name "my-key" })

There are many parameters available to control how instances are
configured. E.g.:

(ec2/run-instances cred { :min-count 1
                          :max-count 1
                          :image-id "ami-9465dbfd"
                          :instance-type "t1.micro"
                          :key-name "my-key"
                          :placement { :availability-zone "ap-southeast-2"}
                          :block-device-mappings [{:device-name  "/dev/sdh"
                                                   :ebs {:delete-on-termination false
                                                         :volume-size 120}}]
                          :network-interfaces [{:subnet-id "subject-f00fbaaa"
                                                :device-index 0
                                                :private-ip-addresses [{:private-ip-address ""
                                                                        :primary true}]}]

for a complete list of available parameters.
sourceraw docstring


(set-fields obj params)

Use a map of params to call setters on a Java object

Use a map of params to call setters on a Java object
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(start-instances cred & instance-ids)

Start instance(s) that use Amazon EBS volumes as their root device.

Any number of instance ids may be specified. E.g.:

(ec2/start-instances cred "i-beefcafe" "i-deadbabe")

Starting an already-running instance will have no effect.

Start instance(s) that use Amazon EBS volumes as their root device.

Any number of instance ids may be specified. E.g.:

    (ec2/start-instances cred "i-beefcafe" "i-deadbabe")

Starting an already-running instance will have no effect.
sourceraw docstring


(stop-instances cred & instance-ids)

Stop instance(s) that use Amazon EBS volumes as their root device.

Any number of instance ids may be specified. E.g.:

(ec2/stop-instances cred "i-beefcafe" "i-deadbabe")

Stopping an already-stopped instance will have no effect.

Stop instance(s) that use Amazon EBS volumes as their root device.

Any number of instance ids may be specified. E.g.:

    (ec2/stop-instances cred "i-beefcafe" "i-deadbabe")

Stopping an already-stopped instance will have no effect.
sourceraw docstring


(tag-filter & filters)

Returns a filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-tags to limit the results returned. It should be passed a Filter created by ec2/aws-filter.

Returns a filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-tags to limit the results returned. It
should be passed a Filter created by ec2/aws-filter.
sourceraw docstring


(tag-filter-by-resource-id resource-id)

Returns a filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-tags to get all tags for a resource.

Returns a filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-tags to get all tags for a resource.
sourceraw docstring


(tag-filter-by-resource-type resource-type)

Returns a filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-tags to get all tags for a type of resource.

Returns a filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-tags to get all tags for a type of resource.
sourceraw docstring


(terminate-instances cred & instance-ids)

Terminate instance(s).

Any number of instance ids may be specified. E.g.:

(ec2/terminate-instances cred "i-beefcafe" "i-deadbabe")
Terminate instance(s).

Any number of instance ids may be specified. E.g.:

    (ec2/terminate-instances cred "i-beefcafe" "i-deadbabe")
sourceraw docstring


(volume-filter & filters)

Returns a filter that can be used with ec2/describe-volumes. It should be passed a Filter created by ec2/aws-filter.

Returns a filter that can be used with ec2/describe-volumes. It
should be passed a Filter created by ec2/aws-filter.
sourceraw docstring


(volume-id-filter id)

Returns a volume filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-volumes to describe a single volume.

Returns a volume filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-volumes to describe a single volume.
sourceraw docstring


(volume-snapshot-filter snapshot-id)

Returns a volume filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-volumes to describe volumes created from the specified snapshot.

Returns a volume filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-volumes to describe volumes created from the specified snapshot.
sourceraw docstring


(volume-status-filter status)

Returns a volume filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-volumes to describe volumes with the specified status (e.g. :in-use).

Returns a volume filter that can be passed to ec2/describe-volumes to describe volumes with the specified status (e.g. :in-use).
sourceraw docstring

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