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(analyze-request {:keys [analyzer async? field format index listener
                         operation-threaded? prefer-local? token-filters
                  :as params})
(analyze-request client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.analyze.AnalyzeRequest Params keys: :index => (required) String :analyzer => String :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :field => String :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :operation-threaded? => boolean :prefer-local? => boolean :token-filters => seq of Strings :tokenizer => String

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.analyze.AnalyzeRequest
Params keys:
  :index               => (required) String
  :analyzer            => String
  :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
  :field               => String
  :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
  :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
  :operation-threaded? => boolean
  :prefer-local?       => boolean
  :token-filters       => seq of Strings
  :tokenizer           => String
sourceraw docstring


(apply-mappers fns vs)


(atomic-update-from-source f opts)
(atomic-update-from-source f client opts)

atomically updates a document with an optimistic concurrency control policy. The provided function will receive the _source field of the doc as param, or nil if the doc id does not exist. If the function returns a map, it will become the new value, else nothing will happen. Any additional values you want to pass to the requests have to be set into the opts param.

atomically updates a document with an optimistic concurrency control policy.
The provided function will receive the _source field of the doc as param,
or nil if the doc id does not exist. If the function returns a map, it will
become the new value, else nothing will happen. Any additional values you
want to pass to the requests have to be set into the opts param.
sourceraw docstring




(build-document doc)

returns a string representation of a document suitable for indexing

returns a string representation of a document suitable for indexing
sourceraw docstring


(class-for-name class-name)


(clear-index-cache {:keys [async? bloom-cache? field-data-cache? fields
                           filter-cache? format id-cache? ignore-indices indices
                           listener operation-threading]
                    :as params})
(clear-index-cache client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.cache.clear.ClearIndicesCacheRequest Params keys: :indices => (required) seq of Strings :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :bloom-cache? => boolean :field-data-cache? => boolean :fields => seq of Strings :filter-cache? => boolean :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :id-cache? => boolean :ignore-indices => one of :default, :none or :missing :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard Response fields expected #{:shard-failures :headers :total-shards :successful-shards :failed-shards}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.cache.clear.ClearIndicesCacheRequest
  Params keys:
    :indices             => (required) seq of Strings
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :bloom-cache?        => boolean
    :field-data-cache?   => boolean
    :fields              => seq of Strings
    :filter-cache?       => boolean
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :id-cache?           => boolean
    :ignore-indices      => one of :default, :none or :missing
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard
Response fields expected #{:shard-failures :headers :total-shards :successful-shards :failed-shards}
sourceraw docstring





(close this)

closes this Elasticsearch client and any underlying infrastructure

closes this Elasticsearch client and any underlying infrastructure


(close-index {:keys [async? format index listener master-node-timeout timeout]
              :as params})
(close-index client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.close.CloseIndexRequest Params keys: :index => (required) String :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s")

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.close.CloseIndexRequest
Params keys:
  :index               => (required) String
  :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
  :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
  :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
  :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s")
  :timeout             => String time spec (ex: "5s")
sourceraw docstring


(cluster-health {:keys [async? format indices listener master-node-timeout
                        timeout wait-for-active-shards wait-for-nodes
                        wait-for-relocating-shards wait-for-status]
                 :as params})
(cluster-health client params)

Generated from Class Params keys: :indices => (required) seq of Strings :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :wait-for-active-shards => int :wait-for-nodes => String :wait-for-relocating-shards => int :wait-for-status => one of :green, :yellow or :red Response fields expected #{:cluster-name :active-shards :validation-failures :initializing-shards :timed-out? :active-primary-shards :headers :number-of-nodes :status :indices :all-validation-failures :unassigned-shards :number-of-data-nodes :relocating-shards}

Generated from Class
  Params keys:
    :indices                    => (required) seq of Strings
    :async?                     => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :format                     => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :listener                   => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :master-node-timeout        => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :timeout                    => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :wait-for-active-shards     => int
    :wait-for-nodes             => String
    :wait-for-relocating-shards => int
    :wait-for-status            => one of :green, :yellow or :red
Response fields expected #{:cluster-name :active-shards :validation-failures :initializing-shards :timed-out? :active-primary-shards :headers :number-of-nodes :status :indices :all-validation-failures :unassigned-shards :number-of-data-nodes :relocating-shards}
sourceraw docstring


(cluster-state {:keys [async? filter-blocks? filter-meta-data? filter-nodes?
                       filter-routing-table? filtered-index-templates
                       filtered-indices format listener local?
                :as params})
(cluster-state client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.state.ClusterStateRequest Params keys: :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :filter-blocks? => boolean :filter-meta-data? => boolean :filter-nodes? => boolean :filter-routing-table? => boolean :filtered-index-templates => seq of Strings :filtered-indices => seq of Strings :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :local? => boolean :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") Response fields expected #{:cluster-name :state :headers}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.state.ClusterStateRequest
  Params keys:
    :async?                   => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :filter-blocks?           => boolean
    :filter-meta-data?        => boolean
    :filter-nodes?            => boolean
    :filter-routing-table?    => boolean
    :filtered-index-templates => seq of Strings
    :filtered-indices         => seq of Strings
    :format                   => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :listener                 => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :local?                   => boolean
    :master-node-timeout      => String time spec (ex: "5s")
Response fields expected #{:cluster-name :state :headers}
sourceraw docstring


(collapse-tree m)





(compose this listener)

composes with the given listener, returning a new listener

composes with the given listener, returning a new listener


(getFailureHandler this)


(getFormat this)


(getResponseHandler this)


(convert response)
(convert response format)




(count-docs {:keys [async? format ignore-indices indices listener min-score
                    operation-threading query query-hint routing types]
             :as params})
(count-docs client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.count.CountRequest Params keys: :indices => (required) seq of Strings :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :ignore-indices => one of :default, :none or :missing :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :min-score => float :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard :query => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array :query-hint => String :routing => String or seq of Strings :types => seq of Strings Response fields expected #{:shard-failures :headers :total-shards :successful-shards :failed-shards :count}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.count.CountRequest
  Params keys:
    :indices             => (required) seq of Strings
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :ignore-indices      => one of :default, :none or :missing
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :min-score           => float
    :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard
    :query               => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array
    :query-hint          => String
    :routing             => String or seq of Strings
    :types               => seq of Strings
Response fields expected #{:shard-failures :headers :total-shards :successful-shards :failed-shards :count}
sourceraw docstring


(create-index {:keys [async? cause custom format index listener
                      master-node-timeout source timeout tings]
               :as params})
(create-index client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.create.CreateIndexRequest Params keys: :index => (required) String :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :cause => String :custom => IndexMetaData$Custom :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :source => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array :timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :tings => HashMap of Settings Response fields expected #{:acknowledged? :headers}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.create.CreateIndexRequest
  Params keys:
    :index               => (required) String
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :cause               => String
    :custom              => IndexMetaData$Custom
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :source              => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array
    :timeout             => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :tings               => HashMap of Settings
Response fields expected #{:acknowledged? :headers}
sourceraw docstring


(def-requests client-type & request-defs)


(delete-by-query {:keys [async? consistency-level format indices listener query
                         replication-type routing timeout types]
                  :as params})
(delete-by-query client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.deletebyquery.DeleteByQueryRequest Params keys: :query => (required) HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :consistency-level => one of :default, :one, :quorum or :all :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :indices => seq of Strings :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :replication-type => one of :sync, :async or :default :routing => String or seq of Strings :timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :types => seq of Strings Response fields expected #{:headers :indices}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.deletebyquery.DeleteByQueryRequest
  Params keys:
    :query             => (required) HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array
    :async?            => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :consistency-level => one of :default, :one, :quorum or :all
    :format            => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :indices           => seq of Strings
    :listener          => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :replication-type  => one of :sync, :async or :default
    :routing           => String or seq of Strings
    :timeout           => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :types             => seq of Strings
Response fields expected #{:headers :indices}
sourceraw docstring


(delete-doc {:keys [async? consistency-level format id index listener
                    operation-threaded? parent refresh? replication-type routing
                    timeout type version version-type]
             :as params})
(delete-doc client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteRequest Params keys: :id => (required) String :index => (required) String :type => (required) String :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :consistency-level => one of :default, :one, :quorum or :all :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :operation-threaded? => boolean :parent => String :refresh? => boolean :replication-type => one of :sync, :async or :default :routing => String :timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :version => long :version-type => one of :internal or :external Response fields expected #{:index :not-found? :type :headers :id :version}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteRequest
  Params keys:
    :id                  => (required) String
    :index               => (required) String
    :type                => (required) String
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :consistency-level   => one of :default, :one, :quorum or :all
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :operation-threaded? => boolean
    :parent              => String
    :refresh?            => boolean
    :replication-type    => one of :sync, :async or :default
    :routing             => String
    :timeout             => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :version             => long
    :version-type        => one of :internal or :external
Response fields expected #{:index :not-found? :type :headers :id :version}
sourceraw docstring


(delete-index {:keys [async? format indices listener master-node-timeout
               :as params})
(delete-index client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.delete.DeleteIndexRequest Params keys: :indices => (required) seq of Strings :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") Response fields expected #{:acknowledged? :headers}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.delete.DeleteIndexRequest
  Params keys:
    :indices             => (required) seq of Strings
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :timeout             => String time spec (ex: "5s")
Response fields expected #{:acknowledged? :headers}
sourceraw docstring


(delete-mapping {:keys [async? format indices listener master-node-timeout type]
                 :as params})
(delete-mapping client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.delete.DeleteMappingRequest Params keys: :indices => (required) seq of Strings :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :type => String Response fields expected #{:headers}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.delete.DeleteMappingRequest
  Params keys:
    :indices             => (required) seq of Strings
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :type                => String
Response fields expected #{:headers}
sourceraw docstring


(delete-template {:keys [async? format listener master-node-timeout timeout]
                  :as params})
(delete-template client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.template.delete.DeleteIndexTemplateRequest Params keys: :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") Response fields expected #{:acknowledged? :headers}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.template.delete.DeleteIndexTemplateRequest
  Params keys:
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :timeout             => String time spec (ex: "5s")
Response fields expected #{:acknowledged? :headers}
sourceraw docstring


(enum->kw enum)


(exists-index {:keys [async? format listener master-node-timeout] :as params})
(exists-index client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.exists.indices.IndicesExistsRequest Params keys: :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") Response fields expected #{:headers :exists?}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.exists.indices.IndicesExistsRequest
  Params keys:
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s")
Response fields expected #{:headers :exists?}
sourceraw docstring


(find-terminals spec)


(flush-index {:keys [async? force? format full? ignore-indices indices listener
                     operation-threading refresh?]
              :as params})
(flush-index client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.flush.FlushRequest Params keys: :indices => (required) seq of Strings :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :force? => boolean :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :full? => boolean :ignore-indices => one of :default, :none or :missing :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard :refresh? => boolean Response fields expected #{:shard-failures :headers :total-shards :successful-shards :failed-shards}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.flush.FlushRequest
  Params keys:
    :indices             => (required) seq of Strings
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :force?              => boolean
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :full?               => boolean
    :ignore-indices      => one of :default, :none or :missing
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard
    :refresh?            => boolean
Response fields expected #{:shard-failures :headers :total-shards :successful-shards :failed-shards}
sourceraw docstring



(convert-source this)

convert source to bytes

convert source to bytes


(gateway-snapshot {:keys [async? format ignore-indices indices listener
                   :as params})
(gateway-snapshot client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.gateway.snapshot.GatewaySnapshotRequest Params keys: :indices => (required) seq of Strings :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :ignore-indices => one of :default, :none or :missing :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard Response fields expected #{:shard-failures :headers :total-shards :successful-shards :failed-shards}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.gateway.snapshot.GatewaySnapshotRequest
  Params keys:
    :indices             => (required) seq of Strings
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :ignore-indices      => one of :default, :none or :missing
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard
Response fields expected #{:shard-failures :headers :total-shards :successful-shards :failed-shards}
sourceraw docstring


(get-doc {:keys [async? fields format id index listener operation-threaded?
                 parent preference realtime? refresh? routing type]
          :as params})
(get-doc client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetRequest Params keys: :id => (required) String :index => (required) String :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :fields => seq of Strings :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :operation-threaded? => boolean :parent => String :preference => String :realtime? => Boolean :refresh? => boolean :routing => String :type => String

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetRequest
Params keys:
  :id                  => (required) String
  :index               => (required) String
  :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
  :fields              => seq of Strings
  :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
  :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
  :operation-threaded? => boolean
  :parent              => String
  :preference          => String
  :realtime?           => Boolean
  :refresh?            => boolean
  :routing             => String
  :type                => String
sourceraw docstring


(get-empty-params class-name)


(get-mapping params)
(get-mapping client params)

Gets mappings from cluster. Wrapper over cluster-state Params keys: :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :indices => seq of Strings :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :types => seq of Strings

Gets mappings from cluster. Wrapper over cluster-state
Params keys:
  :async?   => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
  :indices  => seq of Strings
  :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async
  :types    => seq of Strings
sourceraw docstring


(index-doc {:keys [async? consistency-level content-type create? format id index
                   listener op-type operation-threaded? parent percolate
                   refresh? replication-type routing source timeout timestamp
                   ttl type version version-type]
            :as params})
(index-doc client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest Params keys: :index => (required) String :source => (required) HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array :type => (required) String :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :consistency-level => one of :default, :one, :quorum or :all :content-type => one of :json, :smile or :yaml :create? => boolean :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :id => String :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :op-type => one of :index or :create :operation-threaded? => boolean :parent => String :percolate => String :refresh? => boolean :replication-type => one of :sync, :async or :default :routing => String :timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :timestamp => String :ttl => Long :version => long :version-type => one of :internal or :external Response fields expected #{:index :type :matches :headers :id :version}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest
  Params keys:
    :index               => (required) String
    :source              => (required) HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array
    :type                => (required) String
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :consistency-level   => one of :default, :one, :quorum or :all
    :content-type        => one of :json, :smile or :yaml
    :create?             => boolean
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :id                  => String
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :op-type             => one of :index or :create
    :operation-threaded? => boolean
    :parent              => String
    :percolate           => String
    :refresh?            => boolean
    :replication-type    => one of :sync, :async or :default
    :routing             => String
    :timeout             => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :timestamp           => String
    :ttl                 => Long
    :version             => long
    :version-type        => one of :internal or :external
Response fields expected #{:index :type :matches :headers :id :version}
sourceraw docstring


(index-segments {:keys [async? format ignore-indices indices listener
                 :as params})
(index-segments client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.segments.IndicesSegmentsRequest Params keys: :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :ignore-indices => one of :default, :none or :missing :indices => seq of Strings :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.segments.IndicesSegmentsRequest
Params keys:
  :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
  :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
  :ignore-indices      => one of :default, :none or :missing
  :indices             => seq of Strings
  :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
  :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard
sourceraw docstring


(index-stats {:keys [async? docs? flush? format get? groups ignore-indices
                     indexing? indices listener merge? operation-threading
                     refresh? search? store? types warmer?]
              :as params})
(index-stats client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.stats.IndicesStatsRequest Params keys: :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :docs? => boolean :flush? => boolean :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :get? => boolean :groups => seq of Strings :ignore-indices => one of :default, :none or :missing :indexing? => boolean :indices => seq of Strings :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :merge? => boolean :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard :refresh? => boolean :search? => boolean :store? => boolean :types => seq of Strings :warmer? => boolean

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.stats.IndicesStatsRequest
Params keys:
  :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
  :docs?               => boolean
  :flush?              => boolean
  :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
  :get?                => boolean
  :groups              => seq of Strings
  :ignore-indices      => one of :default, :none or :missing
  :indexing?           => boolean
  :indices             => seq of Strings
  :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
  :merge?              => boolean
  :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard
  :refresh?            => boolean
  :search?             => boolean
  :store?              => boolean
  :types               => seq of Strings
  :warmer?             => boolean
sourceraw docstring


(index-status {:keys [async? format ignore-indices indices listener
                      operation-threading recovery? snapshot?]
               :as params})
(index-status client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.status.IndicesStatusRequest Params keys: :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :ignore-indices => one of :default, :none or :missing :indices => seq of Strings :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard :recovery? => boolean :snapshot? => boolean

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.status.IndicesStatusRequest
Params keys:
  :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
  :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
  :ignore-indices      => one of :default, :none or :missing
  :indices             => seq of Strings
  :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
  :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard
  :recovery?           => boolean
  :snapshot?           => boolean
sourceraw docstring


(kw->enum kw)


(make-client type spec)

creates a client of given type (:node or :transport) and spec

creates a client of given type (:node or :transport) and spec
sourceraw docstring


(make-constructor klass names)




(make-enum-tables* t)


(make-es-future action-future
                {:keys [format async-callback]
                 :or {async-callback identity format :clj}})


(make-listener {:keys [on-failure on-response format]
                :or {format :clj
                     on-failure (fn [e]
                                    (binding [*out* *err*]
                                             (println "Error in listener")
                                             (cst/print-cause-trace e)))}})

makes a listener suitable as a callback for requests

makes a listener suitable as a callback for requests
sourceraw docstring


  {:keys [local-mode client-mode load-config cluster-name settings hosts]
   :or {client-mode true load-config false local-mode false settings {}}
   :as args})

makes a new native elasticsearch node

makes a new native elasticsearch node
sourceraw docstring


(make-requester client-type request-class-name cst-args req-args)


(make-requester-wrapper requester
                        {:keys [on-params on-response argslist fn-doc]
                         :or {on-params identity
                              on-response identity
                              argslist [[(quote client) (quote params)]
                                        [(quote params)]]
                              fn-doc "Generated based on another requester."}})


(make-transport-client {:keys [load-config cluster-name settings hosts sniff]
                        :or {client-mode true
                             load-config false
                             local-mode false
                             settings {}
                             sniff true}
                        :as args})

creates a transport client

creates a transport client
sourceraw docstring


(make-wrapped-doc msg specs)


(more-like-this {:keys [async? boost-terms fields format id listener
                        listener-threaded? max-doc-freq max-query-terms
                        max-word-len min-doc-freq min-term-freq min-word-len
                        percent-terms-to-match search-from search-indices
                        search-query-hint search-scroll search-size
                        search-source search-type search-types stop-words type]
                 :as params})
(more-like-this client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.mlt.MoreLikeThisRequest Params keys: :id => (required) String :type => (required) String :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :boost-terms => float :fields => seq of Strings :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :listener-threaded? => boolean :max-doc-freq => int :max-query-terms => int :max-word-len => int :min-doc-freq => int :min-term-freq => int :min-word-len => int :percent-terms-to-match => float :search-from => int :search-indices => seq of Strings :search-query-hint => String :search-scroll => String time spec (ex: "5s") :search-size => int :search-source => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array :search-type => one of :dfs-query-then-fetch, :query-then-fetch, :dfs-query-and-fetch, :query-and-fetch, :scan or :count :search-types => seq of Strings :stop-words => seq of Strings

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.mlt.MoreLikeThisRequest
Params keys:
  :id                     => (required) String
  :type                   => (required) String
  :async?                 => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
  :boost-terms            => float
  :fields                 => seq of Strings
  :format                 => one of :clj, :json or :java
  :listener               => takes a listener object and makes the call async
  :listener-threaded?     => boolean
  :max-doc-freq           => int
  :max-query-terms        => int
  :max-word-len           => int
  :min-doc-freq           => int
  :min-term-freq          => int
  :min-word-len           => int
  :percent-terms-to-match => float
  :search-from            => int
  :search-indices         => seq of Strings
  :search-query-hint      => String
  :search-scroll          => String time spec (ex: "5s")
  :search-size            => int
  :search-source          => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array
  :search-type            => one of :dfs-query-then-fetch, :query-then-fetch, :dfs-query-and-fetch, :query-and-fetch, :scan or :count
  :search-types           => seq of Strings
  :stop-words             => seq of Strings
sourceraw docstring


(node-info {:keys [async? format http? jvm? listener network? nodes-ids os?
                   process? thread-pool? timeout tings? transport?]
            :as params})
(node-info client params)

Generated from Class Params keys: :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :http? => boolean :jvm? => boolean :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :network? => boolean :nodes-ids => seq of Strings :os? => boolean :process? => boolean :thread-pool? => boolean :timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :tings? => boolean :transport? => boolean Response fields expected #{:cluster-name :nodes-map :headers :nodes}

Generated from Class
  Params keys:
    :async?       => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :format       => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :http?        => boolean
    :jvm?         => boolean
    :listener     => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :network?     => boolean
    :nodes-ids    => seq of Strings
    :os?          => boolean
    :process?     => boolean
    :thread-pool? => boolean
    :timeout      => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :tings?       => boolean
    :transport?   => boolean
Response fields expected #{:cluster-name :nodes-map :headers :nodes}
sourceraw docstring


(node-restart {:keys [async? delay format listener nodes-ids timeout]
               :as params})
(node-restart client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.node.restart.NodesRestartRequest Params keys: :nodes-ids => (required) seq of Strings :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :delay => String time spec (ex: "5s") :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") Response fields expected #{:cluster-name :nodes-map :headers :nodes}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.node.restart.NodesRestartRequest
  Params keys:
    :nodes-ids => (required) seq of Strings
    :async?    => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :delay     => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :format    => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :listener  => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :timeout   => String time spec (ex: "5s")
Response fields expected #{:cluster-name :nodes-map :headers :nodes}
sourceraw docstring


(node-shutdown {:keys [async? delay exit? format listener master-node-timeout
                :as params})
(node-shutdown client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.node.shutdown.NodesShutdownRequest Params keys: :nodes-ids => (required) seq of Strings :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :delay => String time spec (ex: "5s") :exit? => boolean :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") Response fields expected #{:cluster-name :headers :nodes}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.node.shutdown.NodesShutdownRequest
  Params keys:
    :nodes-ids           => (required) seq of Strings
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :delay               => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :exit?               => boolean
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s")
Response fields expected #{:cluster-name :headers :nodes}
sourceraw docstring


(nodes-stats {:keys [async? format fs? http? indices? jvm? listener network?
                     nodes-ids os? process? thread-pool? timeout transport?]
              :as params})
(nodes-stats client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.node.stats.NodesStatsRequest Params keys: :nodes-ids => (required) seq of Strings :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :fs? => boolean :http? => boolean :indices? => boolean :jvm? => boolean :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :network? => boolean :os? => boolean :process? => boolean :thread-pool? => boolean :timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :transport? => boolean Response fields expected #{:cluster-name :nodes-map :headers :nodes}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.node.stats.NodesStatsRequest
  Params keys:
    :nodes-ids    => (required) seq of Strings
    :async?       => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :format       => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :fs?          => boolean
    :http?        => boolean
    :indices?     => boolean
    :jvm?         => boolean
    :listener     => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :network?     => boolean
    :os?          => boolean
    :process?     => boolean
    :thread-pool? => boolean
    :timeout      => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :transport?   => boolean
Response fields expected #{:cluster-name :nodes-map :headers :nodes}
sourceraw docstring


(optimize-index {:keys [async? flush? format ignore-indices indices listener
                        max-num-segments only-expunge-deletes?
                        operation-threading refresh? wait-for-merge?]
                 :as params})
(optimize-index client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.optimize.OptimizeRequest Params keys: :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :flush? => boolean :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :ignore-indices => one of :default, :none or :missing :indices => seq of Strings :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :max-num-segments => int :only-expunge-deletes? => boolean :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard :refresh? => boolean :wait-for-merge? => boolean Response fields expected #{:shard-failures :headers :total-shards :successful-shards :failed-shards}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.optimize.OptimizeRequest
  Params keys:
    :async?                => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :flush?                => boolean
    :format                => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :ignore-indices        => one of :default, :none or :missing
    :indices               => seq of Strings
    :listener              => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :max-num-segments      => int
    :only-expunge-deletes? => boolean
    :operation-threading   => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard
    :refresh?              => boolean
    :wait-for-merge?       => boolean
Response fields expected #{:shard-failures :headers :total-shards :successful-shards :failed-shards}
sourceraw docstring



(getClient this)

returns a Elasticsearch Client instance

returns a Elasticsearch Client instance


(percolate {:keys [async? format index listener operation-threaded?
                   prefer-local? source type]
            :as params})
(percolate client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.percolate.PercolateRequest Params keys: :index => (required) String :source => (required) HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array :type => (required) String :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :operation-threaded? => boolean :prefer-local? => boolean Response fields expected #{:headers}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.percolate.PercolateRequest
  Params keys:
    :index               => (required) String
    :source              => (required) HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array
    :type                => (required) String
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :operation-threaded? => boolean
    :prefer-local?       => boolean
Response fields expected #{:headers}
sourceraw docstring


(put-mapping {:keys [async? format ignore-conflicts? indices listener
                     master-node-timeout source timeout type]
              :as params})
(put-mapping client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.put.PutMappingRequest Params keys: :indices => (required) seq of Strings :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :ignore-conflicts? => boolean :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :source => HashMap or JSON String :timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :type => String Response fields expected #{:acknowledged? :headers}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.put.PutMappingRequest
  Params keys:
    :indices             => (required) seq of Strings
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :ignore-conflicts?   => boolean
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :source              => HashMap or JSON String
    :timeout             => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :type                => String
Response fields expected #{:acknowledged? :headers}
sourceraw docstring


(put-template {:keys [async? cause create? custom format listener
                      master-node-timeout name order source template timeout
               :as params})
(put-template client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.template.put.PutIndexTemplateRequest Params keys: :name => (required) String :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :cause => String :create? => boolean :custom => IndexMetaData$Custom :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :order => int :source => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array :template => String :timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :tings => HashMap of Settings Response fields expected #{:acknowledged? :headers}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.template.put.PutIndexTemplateRequest
  Params keys:
    :name                => (required) String
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :cause               => String
    :create?             => boolean
    :custom              => IndexMetaData$Custom
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :order               => int
    :source              => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array
    :template            => String
    :timeout             => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :tings               => HashMap of Settings
Response fields expected #{:acknowledged? :headers}
sourceraw docstring


(refresh-index {:keys [async? format ignore-indices indices listener
                       operation-threading wait-for-operations?]
                :as params})
(refresh-index client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.refresh.RefreshRequest Params keys: :indices => (required) seq of Strings :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :ignore-indices => one of :default, :none or :missing :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard :wait-for-operations? => boolean Response fields expected #{:shard-failures :headers :total-shards :successful-shards :failed-shards}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.refresh.RefreshRequest
  Params keys:
    :indices              => (required) seq of Strings
    :async?               => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :format               => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :ignore-indices       => one of :default, :none or :missing
    :listener             => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :operation-threading  => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard
    :wait-for-operations? => boolean
Response fields expected #{:shard-failures :headers :total-shards :successful-shards :failed-shards}
sourceraw docstring


(scroll {:keys [async? format listener listener-threaded? operation-threading
                scroll scroll-id]
         :as params})
(scroll client params)

Generated from Class Params keys: :scroll-id => (required) String :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :listener-threaded? => boolean :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard :scroll => String time spec (ex: "5s")

Generated from Class
Params keys:
  :scroll-id           => (required) String
  :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
  :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
  :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
  :listener-threaded?  => boolean
  :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard
  :scroll              => String time spec (ex: "5s")
sourceraw docstring

(search {:keys [async? extra-source format ignore-indices indices listener
                listener-threaded? operation-threading preference query-hint
                routing scroll search-type source types]
         :as params})
(search client params)

Generated from Class Params keys: :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :extra-source => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :ignore-indices => one of :default, :none or :missing :indices => seq of Strings :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :listener-threaded? => boolean :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard :preference => String :query-hint => String :routing => String or seq of Strings :scroll => String time spec (ex: "5s") :search-type => one of :dfs-query-then-fetch, :query-then-fetch, :dfs-query-and-fetch, :query-and-fetch, :scan or :count :source => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array :types => seq of Strings

Generated from Class
Params keys:
  :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
  :extra-source        => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array
  :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
  :ignore-indices      => one of :default, :none or :missing
  :indices             => seq of Strings
  :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
  :listener-threaded?  => boolean
  :operation-threading => one of :no-threads, :single-thread or :thread-per-shard
  :preference          => String
  :query-hint          => String
  :routing             => String or seq of Strings
  :scroll              => String time spec (ex: "5s")
  :search-type         => one of :dfs-query-then-fetch, :query-then-fetch, :dfs-query-and-fetch, :query-and-fetch, :scan or :count
  :source              => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array
  :types               => seq of Strings
sourceraw docstring


(select-vals h ks)


(str-conv _ o _)




(update-cluster-settings {:keys [async? format listener master-node-timeout
                                 persistent-settings transient-settings]
                          :as params})
(update-cluster-settings client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.settings.ClusterUpdateSettingsRequest Params keys: :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :persistent-settings => HashMap of Settings :transient-settings => HashMap of Settings Response fields expected #{:headers}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.settings.ClusterUpdateSettingsRequest
  Params keys:
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :persistent-settings => HashMap of Settings
    :transient-settings  => HashMap of Settings
Response fields expected #{:headers}
sourceraw docstring


(update-doc {:keys [async? consistency-level doc fields format id index listener
                    parent percolate refresh? replication-type retry-on-conflict
                    routing script script-lang script-params source timeout type
             :as params})
(update-doc client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest Params keys: :id => (required) String :index => (required) String :script => (required) String :type => (required) String :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :consistency-level => one of :default, :one, :quorum or :all :doc => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array :fields => seq of Strings :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :parent => String :percolate => String :refresh? => boolean :replication-type => one of :sync, :async or :default :retry-on-conflict => int :routing => String :script-lang => String :script-params => Map :source => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array :timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :upsert => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array Response fields expected #{:index :get-result :type :matches :headers :result :id :version}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest
  Params keys:
    :id                => (required) String
    :index             => (required) String
    :script            => (required) String
    :type              => (required) String
    :async?            => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :consistency-level => one of :default, :one, :quorum or :all
    :doc               => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array
    :fields            => seq of Strings
    :format            => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :listener          => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :parent            => String
    :percolate         => String
    :refresh?          => boolean
    :replication-type  => one of :sync, :async or :default
    :retry-on-conflict => int
    :routing           => String
    :script-lang       => String
    :script-params     => Map
    :source            => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array
    :timeout           => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :upsert            => HashMap or JSON String or SMILE bytes-array
Response fields expected #{:index :get-result :type :matches :headers :result :id :version}
sourceraw docstring


  {:keys [async? format indices listener master-node-timeout tings] :as params})
(update-index-settings client params)

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.settings.UpdateSettingsRequest Params keys: :indices => (required) seq of Strings :async? => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking :format => one of :clj, :json or :java :listener => takes a listener object and makes the call async :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s") :tings => HashMap of Settings Response fields expected #{:headers}

Generated from Class org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.settings.UpdateSettingsRequest
  Params keys:
    :indices             => (required) seq of Strings
    :async?              => if set to true, the call returns a Future instead of blocking
    :format              => one of :clj, :json or :java
    :listener            => takes a listener object and makes the call async
    :master-node-timeout => String time spec (ex: "5s")
    :tings               => HashMap of Settings
Response fields expected #{:headers}
sourceraw docstring


(update-settings-builder settings)
(update-settings-builder builder settings)

creates or updates a settingsBuilder with the given hash-map

creates or updates a settingsBuilder with the given hash-map
sourceraw docstring


(with-client client & body)

uses an existing client in the body, does not close it afterward

uses an existing client in the body, does not close it afterward
sourceraw docstring


(with-node-client server-spec & body)

opens a node client with given spec and executes the body before closing it

opens a node client with given spec and executes the body before closing it
sourceraw docstring


(with-transport-client server-spec & body)

opens a transport client with given spec and executes the body before closing it

opens a transport client with given spec and executes the body before closing it
sourceraw docstring

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