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Core of clj-github. This namespace is used by the API files. Only thing useful it provides to users is the with-auth convenience function.

Core of clj-github. This namespace is used by the API files. Only thing useful
it provides to users is the with-auth convenience function.
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(create-url rest gist? & {special :special})


(extract-auth auth)


(handle data)
(handle data sifter)

Checks for an error, and if one has happened, returns the message. Otherwise, spits out results.

Checks for an error, and if one has happened, returns the message.
Otherwise, spits out results.
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(make-request path
              {:keys [type data sift raw? gist? special]
               :or {type :get data {} raw? false gist? false}})

Constructs a basic authentication request. Path is either aseq of URL segments that will be joined together with slashes, or a full string depicting a path that will be used directly. The path should never start with a forward slash. It's added automatically.

Constructs a basic authentication request. Path is either aseq of URL segments that will
be joined together with slashes, or a full string depicting a path that will be used directly.
The path should never start with a forward slash. It's added automatically.
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(slash-join & args)

Returns a string of its arguments separated by forward slashes.

Returns a string of its arguments separated by forward slashes.
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(t-to-n n)

Returns 1 for true and 0 for false

Returns 1 for true and 0 for false
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(with-auth auth & body)

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