Data structures and functions to handle HGVS mutations.
Data structures and functions to handle HGVS mutations.
(->long-amino-acid s)
Converts a single-letter amino acid into a three-letter one. s must be String or Character. Returns nil if s is not present in amino acid list.
Converts a single-letter amino acid into a three-letter one. s must be String or Character. Returns nil if s is not present in amino acid list.
(->short-amino-acid s)
Converts a three-letter amino acid into a single-letter one. s must be String or Character. Returns nil if s is not present in amino acid list.
Converts a three-letter amino acid into a single-letter one. s must be String or Character. Returns nil if s is not present in amino acid list.
(dna-conversion coord-start coord-end alt)
Constructor of DNAConversion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of DNAConversion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(dna-deletion coord-start coord-end)
(dna-deletion coord-start coord-end ref)
Constructor of DNADeletion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of DNADeletion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(dna-duplication coord-start coord-end)
(dna-duplication coord-start coord-end ref)
Constructor of DNADuplication. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of DNADuplication. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(dna-indel coord-start coord-end ref alt)
Constructor of DNAIndel. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of DNAIndel. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(dna-insertion coord-start coord-end alt)
Constructor of DNAInsertion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of DNAInsertion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(dna-inversion coord-start coord-end)
Constructor of DNAInversion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of DNAInversion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(dna-repeated-seqs coord-start coord-end ref ncopy)
Constructor of DNARepeatedSeqs. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of DNARepeatedSeqs. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(dna-substitution coord ref typ)
(dna-substitution coord ref typ alt)
Constructor of DNASubstitution. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of DNASubstitution. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
A list of three-letter amino acids.
A list of three-letter amino acids.
(format this)
(format this opts)
Returns a string representing the given mutation. The second argument is an optional map to specify style. See document of clj-hgvs.core/format for details of the option.
Returns a string representing the given mutation. The second argument is an optional map to specify style. See document of clj-hgvs.core/format for details of the option.
(plain this)
Returns a plain map representing the given mutation.
Returns a plain map representing the given mutation.
(parse-dna s kind)
Parses a DNA mutation string s, returning a record implementing Mutation protocol. kind must be selected from :genome, :mitochondria, :coding-dna, or :non-coding-dna.
Parses a DNA mutation string s, returning a record implementing Mutation protocol. kind must be selected from :genome, :mitochondria, :coding-dna, or :non-coding-dna.
(parse-protein s)
Parses a protein mutation string s, returning a record implementing Mutation protocol.
Parses a protein mutation string s, returning a record implementing Mutation protocol.
(parse-rna s)
Parses a RNA mutation string s, returning a record implementing Mutation protocol.
Parses a RNA mutation string s, returning a record implementing Mutation protocol.
(protein-deletion ref-start coord-start)
(protein-deletion ref-start coord-start ref-end coord-end)
Constructor of ProteinDeletion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of ProteinDeletion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(protein-duplication ref-start coord-start)
(protein-duplication ref-start coord-start ref-end coord-end)
Constructor of ProteinDuplication. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of ProteinDuplication. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(protein-extension ref coord alt region new-site)
Constructor of ProteinExtension. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of ProteinExtension. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(protein-frame-shift ref coord alt new-ter-site)
Constructor of ProteinFrameShift. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of ProteinFrameShift. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(protein-indel ref-start coord-start ref-end coord-end alts)
Constructor of ProteinIndel. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of ProteinIndel. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(protein-insertion ref-start coord-start ref-end coord-end alts)
Constructor of ProteinInsertion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of ProteinInsertion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(protein-repeated-seqs ref-start coord-start ref-end coord-end ncopy)
Constructor of ProteinRepeatedSeqs. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of ProteinRepeatedSeqs. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(protein-substitution ref coord alt)
Constructor of ProteinSubstitution. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of ProteinSubstitution. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(restore m)
Restores a plain map to a suitable mutation record.
Restores a plain map to a suitable mutation record.
(rna-conversion coord-start coord-end alt)
Constructor of RNAConversion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of RNAConversion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(rna-deletion coord-start coord-end)
(rna-deletion coord-start coord-end ref)
Constructor of DNAdeletion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of DNAdeletion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(rna-duplication coord-start coord-end)
(rna-duplication coord-start coord-end ref)
Constructor of RNADuplication. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of RNADuplication. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(rna-indel coord-start coord-end ref alt)
Constructor of RNAIndel. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of RNAIndel. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(rna-insertion coord-start coord-end alt)
Constructor of RNAInsertion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of RNAInsertion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(rna-inversion coord-start coord-end)
Constructor of RNAInversion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of RNAInversion. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(rna-repeated-seqs coord-start coord-end ref ncopy)
Constructor of RNARepeatedSeqs. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of RNARepeatedSeqs. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(rna-substitution coord ref alt)
Constructor of RNASubstitution. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of RNASubstitution. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
(format-common this opts)
(format-unique this opts)
A list of single-letter amino acids.
A list of single-letter amino acids.
(uncertain-mutation mutation)
Constructor of UncertainMutation. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
Constructor of UncertainMutation. Throws an exception if any input is illegal.
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