HGVS repair functions.
HGVS repair functions.
The built-in repair functions.
A repair fn must take a HGVS string and an inferred kind, and return a repaired HGVS string. e.g.
(defn lower-case-ext [s kind] (if (= kind :protein) (clojure.string/replace s #"EXT" "ext") s))
The built-in rules are based on frequent mistakes in popular public-domain databases such as dbSNP and ClinVar.
The built-in repair functions. A repair fn must take a HGVS string and an inferred kind, and return a repaired HGVS string. e.g. (defn lower-case-ext [s kind] (if (= kind :protein) (clojure.string/replace s #"EXT" "ext") s)) The built-in rules are based on frequent mistakes in popular public-domain databases such as dbSNP and ClinVar.
(infer-kind s)
Infers a kind from the provided string, returning the kind keyword.
Infers a kind from the provided string, returning the kind keyword.
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