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(consumer-group-active? zk-utils group)

Checks to see if a provided consumer group name is active.

If the group does not exist, throws a Zookeeper ZkNoNodeException internally.

Checks to see if a provided consumer group name is active.

If the group does not exist, throws a Zookeeper ZkNoNodeException internally.
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(consumer-groups zk-utils)

Returns all consumer groups in in the scope of the current connection.

Returns all consumer groups in in the scope of the current connection.
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(consumer-groups-by-topic zk-utils topic)


(consumer-partition-owner-path zk-utils group topic partition)

Returns the path in Zookeeper for a consumer group name, topic, and partition.

Returns the path in Zookeeper for a consumer group name, topic, and partition.
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(consumers-groups-per-topic zk-utils group exclude-internal-topics?)

Returns all the consumers for each topic that are part of a given consumer group, optionally excluding internal topics.

Returns all the consumers for each topic that are part of a given consumer group,
optionally excluding internal topics.
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(consumers-in-group zk-utils group)

Returns a list of consumers in a group.

If the group does not exist in Zookeeper, a ZkNoNodeException will be thrown internally, but caught.

Returns a list of consumers in a group.

If the group does not exist in Zookeeper, a ZkNoNodeException will be thrown internally, but caught.
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(delete-consumer-group! zk-utils group)

Deletes the whole directory of the given consumer group in Zookeeper if the group is inactive.

Returns true if succeeded.

Deletes the whole directory of the given consumer group in Zookeeper if the group is inactive.

Returns true if succeeded.
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(delete-consumer-groups-for-topic! zk-utils topic)
(delete-consumer-groups-for-topic! zk-utils topic group)

Deletes consumer groups for a topic in Zookeeper if the group is inactive. If the group is provided, only the given group will be deleted, otherwise all groups are deleted.

Throws a NoNodeException if the consumer group does not exist in Zookeeper.

Deletes consumer groups for a topic in Zookeeper if the group is inactive.
If the group is provided, only the given group will be deleted, otherwise
all groups are deleted.

Throws a NoNodeException if the consumer group does not exist in Zookeeper.
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