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Brew (MacOS and Linux)

On MacOS you can use brew. On Linux you can use Linuxbrew.

To install with brew:

brew install borkdude/brew/clj-kondo

To upgrade:

brew upgrade clj-kondo

Snap (Linux)

To install:

sudo snap install clj-kondo

To give clj-kondo access to your home directory:

sudo snap connect clj-kondo:home

To upgrade:

sudo snap refresh clj-kondo

Arch Linux

clj-kondo is available in the Arch User Repository. It can be installed using your favorite AUR helper such as yay, yaourt, apacman and pacaur. Here is an example using yay:

yay -S clj-kondo-bin

Installation script (MacOS and Linux)

Ths installation script works for linux and MacOS and can be used for quickly installing or upgrading to the newest clj-kondo without a package manager, e.g. in CI. It will install to /usr/local/bin by default, but you can override this location with the --dir option.

To download and execute the script:

curl -sO
chmod +x install-clj-kondo


./install-clj-kondo --dir /tmp

To upgrade, just run the script again.

Scoop (Windows)

Note: clj-kondo on Windows is considered experimental. Until we sort out this issue, the scoop package will not be updated. You can try the latest binary from Github.

To install clj-kondo on Windows you can use scoop:

 scoop bucket add borkdude
 scoop install clj-kondo

To upgrade:

scoop update clj-kondo

Manual install

Pre-built binaries are available for linux, MacOS and Windows on the releases page.

Running on the JVM

Running with Docker

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Michiel Borkent & David Harrigan
Edit on GitHub

cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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